Order of Service

Sunday, July 19, 2015

*Please rise in body or spirit

Please remember to turn off cell phones and pagers before the service.

Gathering MusicDavid Blazer, Director of Music

sounding the bell


call to worshipGodLangston Hughes

Opening Hymn* # 30 Over My Head

Welcome &Announcements Revs Wayne Arnason & Kathleen Rolenz

Lighting Of The Chalice

English Spanish

Love is the spirit of this church
And service is its law.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace
To seek the truth in love
And to help one another. / El amor es el espíritu de esta iglesia,
y el servicio su ley.
Éste es nuestro magnifico convenio:
Vivir juntos en paz,
buscar la verdad en el amor,
y ayudarnos los unos a los otros.

for all that is our life

Pastoral Prayer

Meditation in Body or Spirit

#128 For All That is Our Life

reading from an ancient sourceExodus 3: 11-14

reading from a modern source A History of God by Karen Armstrong

outreach Offering and offertory

Today’s Outreach Offering will be designated for the Emergency Response Fund of West Shore UU Church, used to assist church members and members of the larger community in need of immediate assistance.

SermonGod: An Autobiography Rev. Wayne Arnason

closing hymn#29 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

Benediction Extinguishing Of The Chalice

Leader: May you go forth from this place, knowing you are good and knowing that you are loved. May you go out from among your community blessed, and be a blessing to others.

Congregation: We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community or the fire of commitment. These we carry with us until we meet again.


Welcome To West Shore. We seek to be a spiritual home for people of free faith regardless of race, color, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age or national origin. As a recognized Welcoming Congregation, we welcome and affirm the participation of bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender and queer persons. We have declared our intention to be an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and multicultural institution.

If you have special needs. Large print text is available; ask a greeter. All restrooms are handicapped accessible. Wheelchairs are available in the Coat Room. Hearing-assist receivers are available in the church office. Family/Unisex bathrooms are available across from Rooms 8, 9 and 10. Remember West Shore strives to be a fragrance-free community.

Worshiping with a young child. Families with children are always welcome in the Sanctuary, but please note that some treatment of themes in our adult services may not be appropriate or engaging for young children. For that reason, and the possibility that your child may need a bit more space to move and talk freely, you are welcome to see/hear the service in the Rotunda Lounge and Fireside Room.

Notes on Today’s Music.

The flowers for today’s service are donated by. The floral arrangement was created by

Among the West Shore Family.

The Vision & Mission of West Shore Church

Connect * Grow * Serve

Our visionis to inspire more people to lead lives of meaning and purpose. We do this by connecting you with your highest values and with others who share them; helping you to growin wisdom and compassion; and providing you with opportunities to serveneeds greater than your own.

West Shore Staff & Leaders

Board of Trustees President...... Kelly Pinkas

Parish Co-Ministers...... Revs. Kathleen C. Rolenz & Wayne B. Arnason

Minister Emerita...... The Reverend Dr. Marjorie C. Skwire

Director of Lifespan Faith Development...... Layne Richard Hammock

Youth Ministry Coordinator...... Christa Champion

Director of Music...... David Blazer

Junior Choir Director...... Joe Schafer

Business Administrator...... Debbie Elliott

Finance Manager...... Suehana Kieres

Programs Assistant...... Cathy Ross

Membership & Development Coordinator...... Karen Kircher

Commissioned Lay Leaders...... Doris Matthey, Anne Osborne

Parish Nurse...... Martie Travis

West Shore Child Care Center...... Mary Jo Schwartz

Facilities Manager...... Rick Achtziger

Weekday & Weekend Custodian...... Sam Hughes

A Service offered by

The Reverend Dr. Wayne Arnason

The Reverend Kathleen C. Rolenz

Sunday, July 19, 2015

10:15 a.m.