Document title January 27, 2004
Date 9 Mar 2004
Version x.x1.1
Tevatron BPM Consolidated Crate Specification (Draft)Memorandum of Understanding
Bob Forster<Authors>
Tevatron BPM Project DocDB <#>Between
University of California at San Diego, and the
US CMS Software and Computing Project
At Fermilab
final date to be assigned
Table of Contents
Memorandum of Understanding...... 1
1.Introduction...... 2
2.Personnel...... 3
2.1 List of Scientific Personnel...... 3
2.2. List of Technical Personnel...... 3
3.Software Project Management Responsibilities...... 4
3.1. WBS Items at L2, Estimated Cost and Deliverable...... 4
3.1.1. Release, Deployment & Documentation...... 4
3.1.2. Testing, Installation and Commissioning...... 4
3.2. Coordination and Reporting...... 4
3.3. Procurement Authorization...... 5
3.4. Reporting to USCMSSC Project Management...... 5
3.5. Collaboration with Other Groups and Institutions...... 5
4.Contribution of the UCSD, Physics Department (as host institution)...... 6
4.1. Effort...... 6
4.2. Services...... 6
4.3. Facilities and Equipment...... 6
4.4. Operating Costs...... 6
5.Costs and Funding...... 6
5.1. Expected Sources of Funding...... 6
5.2. Allocation of Funds...... 7
5.3. Method of Funding Transfers...... 7
6.General Considerations...... 7
6.1. Software Engineering Practices...... 7
6.2. Software Design and Implementation Guidelines...... 7
6.3. Operations...... 8
7.Schedules and Milestones...... 8
8.Summary of Work Done at UCSD, Physics Department...... 8
9.References...... 8
10.Change Log of USCMSSC and UCSD MOU...... 9
11.Makers and Concurrence...... 10
The following is to be considered the minimum specification to be applied to each "BPM Project VME Crate". This is a controlled document.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) describes the collaboration between the University of California at San Diego ( UCSD), Physics Department, and the United States Compact Muon Solenoid Software and Computing (USCMSSC) project to conduct high-energy physics research using the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. On behalf of USCMSSC, UCSD will establish and maintain a USCMSSC prototype Tier-2 User Facility (UF) at UCSD. This center, referred as prototype Tier-2 center in the rest of the document, will operate as an essential component of USCMS User Facility. The main purpose of this collaboration is the design and operation of the prototype Tier-2 regional computing facility for deployment and integration of grid-enabled software needed by the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. This collaboration may also cover other aspects of USCMSSC tasks as prescribed in the annual Statements of Work (SOW). The detector is described in the CMS Technical Proposal, December 15, 1994, the Technical Design Reports, and subsequent technical documents elaborating that design. Requirements for software and computing, including the USCMSSC work plan for prototyping the Tier-2 regional computing facilities, are described in the USCMS Software and Computing Project Plan [2] and associated Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The contribution of the USCMSSC collaboration to the CMS Project is defined by the scope of work determined by these documents.
USCMSSC plans to use the UCSD prototype Tier-2 center as part of the CMS production scale, grid enabled distributed environment in which CMS grid-based software can be prototyped, developed, refined, and evaluated, and optimized to simulate and produce data and conduct physics analysis at Tier-1, Tier-2, and possibly Tier-3 centers. This concept is partially described in the NSF proposal for iVDGL [1]. This work will be performed as part of the USCMSSC UF subproject, as explained in the USCMS Software and Computing Project Management Plan [2]. USCMS is collaborating with the CERN LHC Computing Grid (LCG) project [3] and LHC regional centers around the world to deliver the distributed Grid-based computing environment for LHC physics research. The work by UCSD of providing a robust grid enabled environment for USCMSSC forms the basis of this MOU. This MOU, along with financial and technical obligations associated with it, expires with the expiration of the prototype Tier-2 center and selection of permanent Tier-2 centers. This Memorandum of Understanding will be modified as necessary at the retirement of the prototype Tier-2 center.
The USCMSSC project management infrastructure and the project office reside at Fermilab. The USCMSSC project manager (PM) is responsible for USCMSSC project management and reports to the USCMSSC Project Management Group (PMG).
This MOU describes contributions of UCSD, Physics Department, to achieve objectives for computing infrastructure, including prototype Tier-2 centers. USCMSSC has chosen the sites hosting prototype Tier-2 centers for CMS in the US following a bidding procedure as agreed to by the US CMS collaboration and project oversight at Fermilab.
Activities to be performed at University of California at San Diego are specified in the USCMSSC WBS document. Upon the approval of this MOU, USCMSSC WBS will be modified to reflect any additional tasks to be performed by the University. It is understood that these tasks may later be modified or that additional responsibilities may be added. The USCMSSC project finishes at the end of FY2007.
This MOU also describes the contribution of the USCMSSC project to global CMS experiment by executing production and testing tasks at UCSD, Physics Department, together with other participants of newly envisioned seamless grid environment. Any additional activities need to be agreed with the USCMSSC PM who will take into account both the work plans of UCSD, Physics Department as a prototype Tier-2 center and the work plans of USCMSSC.
The MOU is a single document for each USCMSSC Institution. Additionally, an annual SOW will detail the contributions of the UCSD, Physics Department as the existing requirements for software and computing project are implemented and will contain the specific activities, deliverables and funding required. The normal period of performance will be the US fiscal year (October 1 - September 30). If the UCSD, Physics Department enters into a separate subcontract with the lead NSF university for the USCMSSC project, associated SOWs and their changes related to scope, cost and invoicing mechanism must be pre-approved by the USCMSSC PM. Such a SOW must be within the scope of the USCMSSC SOW.
The following is to be considered the minimum specification to be applied to each “BPM Project VME Crate” :
Each is a 19” rack mount VME64x powered enclosure with :
- 2" (+/-1") recessed 21-slot card cage (see 02 below),
6U by 160 mm front vertical orientation card cage with top and bottom front inject/eject extrusions.
- 12-Slot monolothic standard VME64x J1/J2 (no J0) backplane with
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Document title January 27, 2004
- 5 row, 160 pin DIN connectors with 5 mm pin lengths with no rear P1
shrouds in all 12 J1 slots, - 5 row, 160 pin DIN connectors with 17 mm pin lengths with rear P2
shrouds in all 12 J2 slots, - On-Board Termination, automatic Bus Grant/IACK jumpering.
- The backplane is mounted left-justified in the chassis when viewed from the front, so the open slots are towards the right of the chassis.
- When viewed from the front, the leftmost non-backplane slot may be used for the installation of an air-flow control panel, if considered advantageous, leaving 8 useable non-backplane slots.Other air-flow control panels should be installed as required or advantageous for user safety and/or air flow control.
- Install top and bottom transition card guides mating with the rear of the
12 backplane slots. A full chassis width card guide is acceptable if considered advantageous, for instance if an extruded transition card guide is used.
- 12-Slot backplane stiffener.
A full 21-slot width backplane stiffener is acceptable if considered advantageous.
- 12-Slot +3.3V/+5V/Ground backplane power busbar set.
- Real-time monitoring and remote control (over ethernet) of system power, system cooling and automatic individual fan speed control in the event of a fan failure. To control system power, the status monitor/control system must be independently powered.
Must have password protected user programming of default alarms and limits parameters through the ethernet port.
- A front panel chassis mounted alpha-numeric LED display must be provided as a local visual system status monitor interface.
- Must use +12V DC fans with tachometer outputs, arranged to provide a bottom front input to top rear output air path as follows:
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Document title January 27, 2004
- Solid bottom and top chassis panels allow placement of immediately
adjacent hardware without affecting airflow patterns. - Fan(s) suck ambient room air in thru a filter near the bottom of the front panel of the chassis.
- Fan(s) push air up, bottom to top, across the inserted modules in a fairly laminar airflow pattern.
- (Other) Fan(s) exhaust air from the top of the back panel of the chassis, achieving a push/pull effect, bottom/front to top/rear.
- Each fan speed is monitored and controlled by a system status monitor (see 05 above).
- At least three Temperature Sensors. Given the minimum set of three, they shall be placed as follows:
- Two mounted in the frame above the card cage, and
- One mounted in the exhaust air path,
all connected to, and report through the system status monitor (see 05 above).
- Autoranging Power Supply, providing at least 60A of +3.3V, 120A of +5V,
10A of +12V, and 4A of -12V, powered by 110VAC.
- Front panel mounted Main Power and System Reset switches, with front panel main power ON indicator LED.
- Chassis mounted metal carrying handles.
- Fully assembled, wired, tested, with power cord and ready to use.
The following is to be considered the minimum specification to be
applied to each "BPM Project VME Crate" :
Each is a 19" rackmount VME64x powered enclosure with
01) 2" (+/-1") recessed 21-slot card cage (see 02 below),
6U by 160mm front vertical orientation card cage
with top and bottom front inject/eject extrusions.
02) 12-Slot Monolothic standard VME64x J1/J2 (no J0) backplane with
5 row, 160 pin DIN connectors with 5 mm pin lengths with no rear P1
shrouds in all 12 J1 slots,
5 row, 160 pin DIN connectors with 17 mm pin lengths with rear P2
shrouds in all 12 J2 slots,
On-Board Termination, automatic Bus Grant/IACK jumpering.
The backplane is mounted left-justified in the chassis when viewed from the front, so the open
slots are towards the right of the chassis.
The leftmost non-backplane slot may be used for the installation of
an air-flow control panel, if considered advantageous, leaving 8
useable non-backplane slots. Install other air-flow control panels as
required for user safety or air flow control.
Also install top and bottom transition card guides mating with the rear of the
backplane 12-P2 slots. A full chassis width card guide is acceptable
if considered advantageous, for instance if an extruded transition
card guide is used.
03) 12-Slot backplane stiffener.
A full 21-slot width backplane stiffener is acceptable if considered
04) 12-Slot +3.3V/+5V/Ground backplane power busbar set.
05) real-time monitoring and remote control (over ethernet) of system
power, system cooling and automatic individual fan speed control in
the event of a fan failure. To control system power, the status
monitor/control system must be independently powered.
Must have password protected user programming of default alarms and
limits parameters through the ethernet port.
06) Front panel chassis mounted alpha-numeric LED display as a local
visual system status monitor interface.
07) Must use +12V DC fans with tachometer outputs, arranged to provide
a bottom front input to top rear output air path as follows:
-> Solid bottom and top chassis panels allow placement of immediately
adjacent hardware without affecting airflow patterns.
-> Fan(s) suck ambient room air in thru a filter near the bottom of
the front panel of the chassis.
-> Fan(s) push air up, bottom to top, across the inserted modules in
a fairly laminar airflow pattern
-> (other) Fan(s) exhaust air from the top of the back panel of the
chassis, achieving a push/pull effect, bottom/front to top/rear.
Each fan speed is monitored and controlled by a system status
monitor (see 05 above).
08) Three Temperature Sensors,
Two mounted in the frame above the card cage, and
One mounted in the exhaust air path,
are connected to, and report through the system status monitor
(see 05 above).
09) Autoranging Power Supply, providing at least 60A of +3.3V,
120A of +5V, 10A of +12V, 4A of -12V, powered by 110VAC.
10) Front panel mounted main power and SysReset switches,
with front panel main power ON indicator LED.
11) Chassis mounted metal carrying handles.
12) Fully assembled, wired, tested and ready to use.
2.1 List of Scientific Personnel
Participating scientists committed to USCMSSC over the full project period are listed below. No support for these individuals comes from project funds. The USCMSSC fraction refers to the fraction of research time committed to USCMSSC.
Name / CMS Fraction / Other Research Commitments/Comments?%
2.2. List of Technical Personnel
Participating technical personnel with the anticipated fraction of their time committed to USCMSSC and their source(s) of support are indicated below. The possible sources are DSS = DOE, U.S. CMS Software and Computing, NSS = NSF, US. CMS Software and Computing; DBG = DOE base grant; NBG = NSF base grant, UID = university infrastructure, DOE-supported group; and UIN = university infrastructure, NSF-supported group, DCG=Other DOE Grant, NCG=Other NSF Grant, as shown in the WBS. The level of work assumed for the USCMSSC project (1 FTE = 250 days) by physicists, engineers and technicians at UCSD, Physics Department, throughout the life of the project is given below. The cost related to the USCMSSC project will be assigned algorithmically in the case of a grant supplement. The support for the software engineer is given below:
Software Engineers
Name / CMS Fraction (%) / Source of SupportJames Letts / % / NSS
The total number of crates to ordered is 31.
Delivery Schedule
Acceptance Criteria
Delivered crates must meet manufacturer minimum specifications. Crates will be tested for (what by whomwhom … by PREP? )
3.Software Project Management Responsibilities
3.1. WBS Items at L2, Estimated Cost and Deliverable
The USCMSSC WBS contains a detailed cost estimate of the items needed to complete the USCMSSC project. By this MOU, UCSD, Physics Department, agrees to make a best effort to provide items assigned at a cost not to exceed the WBS base cost estimate. Procedures to be followed in the event of a necessary variation of cost from the base cost are described in section 3.3 below. The current description of tasks to be performed by the University, possibly with other institutions, is given in the summary. Yearly SOWs will contain detailed definitions of the tasks and efforts.
3.1.1. Release, Deployment & Documentation
Unless specifically indicated otherwise here, all software products developed by UCSD, Physics Department, shall be released following standard CMS release mechanisms. The official release of the software shall be authorized by the USCMSSC project office in consultation with the L2 Manager. UCSD, Physics Department, shall be responsible for assuring acceptable deployment of the delivered software product within overall CMS software environment. The university shall be responsible for providing well-commented source code and associated design, and architecture documentation in adequate electronic formats. Delivery of the adequate documentation shall be a precondition of an official release.
3.1.2. Testing, Installation and Commissioning
The UCSD, Physics Department, shall participate in the testing, installation, commissioning, and associated problem resolution of their contributed items. Adequate test plans shall be used during commissioning. The university will participate in the demonstration of the software as necessary. The UCSD, Physics Department, will also participate in the maintenance and operation of these items. A software configuration management system, including a software repository that is compatible with the CMS software repository structure will be in place.
3.2. Coordination and Reporting
The USCMSSC L2 manager for UF subproject is a signatory to this MOU. The institution contact person for activities at UCSD, Physics Department, is James Branson. The task manager for USCMSSC activities carried out at UCSD, Physics Department, is also James Branson.
The technical progress of the design, implementation, and testing of these components will be reported by the above-named task manager on a monthly basis, by WBS element to the lowest level in detail, to the USCMSSC L2 manager, who in turn will report subsystem progress to the USCMSSC PM. The PM will, in turn, report to the Fermilab PMG.
Technical reporting to CMS project management shall be performed by the USCMSSC PM. Financial reporting to CMS will be made by the USCMSSC PM.
Any changes to the scope of the project defined in WBS structure and the associated cost must be documented in consultation with the L2 manger and pre-approved by USCMSSC PM using the change control mechanism established by the USCMSSC project office.
3.3. Procurement Authorization
The USCMSSC PM delegates obligation authority regarding the designated WBS items in the SOW to the authorized financial officer at UCSD, Physics Department, subject to the following requirements. The base cost of the WBS items is given in the SOW without contingency. The officer agrees that these cost ceilings cannot be exceeded without the authorization the PM and the relevant L2 manager. In addition, the officer agrees that item purchases exceeding the delegated limit (currently 10 k$) must be authorized by the USCMSSC L2 manager.
Major procurements (currently greater than or equal to 100 k$) must in addition have the written authorization of the USCMSSC PM.
3.4. Reporting to USCMSSC Project Management
UCSD, Physics Department, will report all USCMSSC related expenditures and labor charges together with associated technical progress in each item of work by WBS category (lowest level) covered in this Statement of Work regardless of the specific nature of the funding support. This detailed reporting will be done on a quarterly basis through the L2 Manager to the USCMSSC PM. Any request for variance from the base cost must be immediately reported to the L2 manager. Any significant variance in schedule from the base schedule must be immediately reported to the USCMSSC PM through L2 manager.