Agenda and meeting papers

Enter date of dispatch

Direct Dial No : 01539 792637

Our Ref: DM/AJR

Your Ref:

Date: 21 December 2007

Dear Sir or Madam

There will be a meeting of the Employee Relations Committee in the Boardroom, National Park Office, Murley Moss, Kendal, on 7 January 2008 at 10.30 am.

Yours faithfully

Richard Leafe

Chief Executive


Mr W Barr / Mrs V M Darrall
Mr R Calvin / Mr J M Hayton
Mr A Clark / Mr B Metz
Mr J Collier

Also invited to attend:

Chairman of the Authority: Mr G D Thornton

Access to Information - Local Government Act 1972 (As amended)

Agenda and Reports

Anyone can have a copy of the agenda and non-confidential reports before the meeting. We will also make copies available for people to refer to at the meeting.

Background Papers

Anyone can make arrangements to see the list of background papers at Murley Moss between 9.00 am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. We cannot make background papers available for confidential papers.


Part One

1 Appointment of Chairman

To appoint a Chairman for the following year.

2 Minutes

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2007, (copy enclosed).

3 Chairman’s announcements

4 Deputy Chairman

To appoint a Deputy Chairman for the following year.

5 Declarations of Interest

Members should declare any personal or prejudicial interests. These are described in the Code of Conduct adopted by the Authority on 16 July 2007 and in the Authority Handbook.

The Standards Board for England advises that members should state the nature of any prejudicial interest (defined at paragraph 10 of the Code of Conduct) so it can be recorded in the minutes.

6 Questions

To answer any questions raised under Standing Order 14(2) relating to the business of the Authority.

7 Public Participation

There are no public questions, petitions or deputations relating to the business of the Authority for this meeting.

8 Apologies

To receive and record apologies from members of the Authority who cannot attend.

Reports are enclosed for the following items:

9 Joint Equality Scheme

10 Draft Report for Authority: Updating HR Policies
