NAME __Your First and Last Name___ Micro. Section #_70 or 71 Clinical Case # _1, 2, or 3
Your first paragraph should cover the BACKGROUND for your paper. In this section, you should introduce the patient and describe his or her symptoms and the course of the illness. Make sure that you include information that pertains to the disease. Indicate if the patient has any risk factors (age, gender, history etc.) or if the patient’s profession puts him at risk for your disease, be sure to include that. You can also add information or symptoms that do not necessarily relate to the disease; for example, you might add that Mary B. suffers from alopecia, even if this ultimately has nothing to do with the case at hand. You should use this template for your clinical write-ups. This page has a 12-point font. The font is Calibri, but you may use New Times Roman, if you prefer. The margins of this page are exactly 1 inch on all sides.
Your second paragraph will be dedicated to PHYSICAL AND LABORATORY8 FINDINGS. In this section, include the patient’s weight, blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate, chest sounds, abdominal sounds, or whatever seems to apply to the disease. In this section, you will also include any tests results such as an EKG or blood work, etc. You must include the Microbiology laboratory findings – this is critical! If it is a bacterial infection, Gram Stain and culture characteristics must be included. If it is a parasitic infestation, you must include the morphology of the parasite that was found in the lab testing. You will have this information available from your research of the disease – for example, if the disease you have selected is characterized by diarrhea, make sure that your patient is dehydrated. If anemia is a symptom, make sure the laboratory results for the hemoglobin and hematocrit are appropriate.
Your third paragraph will be dedicated the DIAGNOSIS AND DISCUSSION. Were there other possible diagnoses that had to be ruled out (i.e. was the diagnosis differential)? Explain how the diagnosis was determined – from laboratory findings, symptoms, patient history, and other parameters. Give a brief summary of the disease, now that it has been named. For example, if your “patient” has Listeriosis, include a description of this disease, the prevalence in the United States, etc.
Your fourth and final paragraph will outline the treatment. You may wish to explain how the treatment combats the illness. Explain the course of treatment. Make sure you select appropriate antimicrobials, surgical procedures,, or whatever fits for your disease. For example: The patient was put on a course of XXXX drug for 30 days, and was instructed to alter his cooking habits to include XXXXX.
You will not need a references section for this paper. However, make this activity fun and interesting and pull information from any credible source. Your page should definitely be no less than 500 words. In fact, at this point of this template, I have just now reached 516 words! Pretty cool huh? As a guide, you should expect that an excellent paper that would be deserving of an ‘A’, may be as long as 3 pages long and 1500 words. You are not restricted to any maximum length for this assignment.