English I - EOC 2016-2017 Syllabus

Mr. Hrncir – Rm. 420

Welcome to high school and English I. I am delighted to have you in my classroom this school year. In this class, you will have the opportunity to concentrate on developing your skills in writing, analysis, literary and expository selections, vocabulary, grammar, oral language, and research. You will be reading a variety of literary and expository selections. This class will be very challenging, but I hope you find it rewarding. The skills and knowledge gained in this class must be retained, and your performance will be tested at the end of the year on the STAAR test. Success on this assessment is a requirement for your high school graduation.

Course Description:

English I focuses on giving students a foundation for the rigors of upper level courses. Students will explore literature from many cultures and traditions, both fiction and nonfiction, that encompass a wide variety of literary genres, purposes, and styles. Students will engage in close relationships with the texts we read while utilizing critical thinking. Writing assignments will also demand the use of critical thinking skills. Students will reflect on his/her own learning processes through independent and group projects, formal and informal assessments, and small group and class discussions. Each student is responsible for his/her own work and completion of all assignments.

Grade Weight:

English I-EOC 37.5% daily/category 1 and 62.5% major/category 2.

Pre-AP English I-EOC 32.5% daily/category 1 and 67.5% major/category 2

Classroom Expectations/Rules:

Be Polite

Show courtesy and respect for each member of our classroom
Listen to the teacher and one another
Be honest, helpful, and positive

Keep workspace clean and maintain assigned desktop computer (do not tamper with equipment)

No food, drinks or candy allowed in class

Be Prompt

Arrive on time and be in seat completing warm-up as 2nd bell rings

Complete assignments on time and in keeping with school make-up work policy

Be Prepared

Bring supplies including a binder, writing utensils and paper to class each day

Bring homework to class

Plan for anticipated absences by following class calendar and seeking work in advance

Keep all assignments either in binder or in computer h://drive folder

Be a Participator
Follow directions

Contribute to class discussion, paired work, or group work

Complete assignments with care

Do not simply complete work just to “get it done.” Always attempt to produce your best work

Do original work. DO NOT plagiarize. Plagiarized work will result in a ZERO (alternate work may be given)


Failure to follow Classroom Expectations/Rules will result in:

1.  Ticket infraction/verbal warning

2.  Student/teacher conference

3.  Parent contact

4.  Office referral

5.  Severe disruptions - Any action deemed severe by the teacher will result in an immediate office referral.

Materials Needed:

·  Texas Treasures, Glenco (Blue Literature Book)

·  Two blue or black ink pens

·  Two #2 pencils

·  One 1” or 2” binder (three ringed) with pockets

·  Notebook paper

·  Dividers, Highlighters (optional)

·  Flash Drive

Absence Make-up Policy:

For each absence, the student will be given one full day to complete and turn in the missing make-up work. However, assignments, tests, or quizzes known in advance of the absence will be taken or passed in upon the day of the student's return. Students are responsible to obtain the make-up work from the teacher and to set up a make-up time and date with the teacher (if needed). Refer to student handbook for school policy.

Ex: One Absence – One day to complete make-up work

Two Absences – Two days to complete make-up work

Three or more – Three days to complete make-up work

Late Assignments:

Late assignments will be accepted as follows:

1 day for daily work with a maximum grade of 70

All major assignment/projects will be due on the date requested by the teacher. No late grades will be given on major assignments.

The 9th grade teaching team will determine daily work versus major assignments. An alternative assignment may also be given.

Incentive Tickets:

Each quarter students will be given a HRNCIR TICKET. This ticket provides students with the opportunity to have up to 5 bonus points added to their major grade average each quarter. Upon receiving the tickets, students are required to sign the back as a commitment to maintaining positive classroom behavior. At the end of the quarter, tickets will be collected and points assigned.

Each instance of non-compliance with school or class policy and procedures results in the loss of 1 of the 5 bonus points. Some examples of how students might lose a bonus point include: class tardies, cell phone use, restroom or locker visits, lack of materials, class disruptions, tampering with computer keyboards or other equipment, or other infractions at the teacher’s discretion.

If the student does not have their ticket at the time of an infraction, this will result in the loss of two points.

Students are responsible for having their tickets in their possession at all times during class. Defaced tickets may be deemed invalid. Tickets will not be replaced. DO NOT ask for other bonus point opportunities when grades are due. Points will only be added at the end of the quarter (not at progress report periods). Any attempt to use a counterfeit ticket will result in ZERO bonus points being awarded.


·  Throughout the year, students will be required to keep a folder for each nine weeks of English I work and the contents will be graded on a nine weeks basis. Organizational skills are essential for success in English I. This binder will be useful throughout the year especially when preparing for semester assessments. DO NOT THROW AWAY ANYTHING ASSIGNED IN ENGLISH I.

·  Tutoring: 8:00-8:25 M, TU, TH, F (or in GCS after school)

·  Conference

o  Regular Bell: 3:07-4:00

o  Pep Rally : 2:30-3:20

o  Collaboration (Wednesdays): 3:10-4:00

·  Should you have any questions, Mr. Hrncir will be available via e-mail after school hours. Feel free to ask any questions that you may have. I usually stop checking this e-mail between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. daily.


English I - EOC, Mr. Hrncir

2016-17 Syllabus Signature Page

We have read and understand the English I - EOC 2014-2015 Syllabus with the requirements for this course. Should you need to contact me about my child’s performance in English I, I can be reached by:

Student Name (Printed):______

E-mail Address (for parent or guardian):


Phone (parent or guardian):

Home - ______

Work - ______

Mobile - ______


Parent or Guardian Signature


Parent or Guardian (Printed) Date


Student Signature Date


Teachers’ Signatures Date