Spring 2010 - The Community has had the opportunity to visit the websites, to read emails and fliers, and to attend the MA meeting and ask questions of the board and their attorney. We now are collecting the Community Members votes for the proposed reorganization of Silver Springs.
To vote YES = initial between the brackets. To vote NO = cross out the entire sentence.

[ ] 1- I vote to recognize the Master Association as the Property Management Non-Profit Corporation recorded in the 1990 Articles of Incorporation, to be updated without Bylaws.

[ ] 2- I vote that my subdivision should resign from participation in the Master Association.

[ ] 3- I vote the Master Association should be restructured into three parts: Part 1- Condos/Townhomes (w/tennis court), Part 2- General Homeowners (w/park), and Part 3- Lake view property owners (w/lakes). Each Part shall be assessed only for the Common Areas under their jurisdiction, without conflicting with existing individual subdivisions’ Bylaws or CCRs.

[ ] 4- I vote the MA shall cease to bill the non-lake view owners for lake expenses. The MA is a property management entity only. I do not authorize the MA to raise the annual fees above $75 per year per lot without 66 2/3% General Member vote approval written in Article III. Section 5A.

[ ] 5- I vote all Boards’ Minutes and Budgets are the property of the property owners, are to be posted promptly, and should exhibit fiduciary duty and transparency of all issues.

[ ] 6- I vote that expenditures greater than $1000 must comply with the Article III. Section 5A
rule being approved by the vote of 66 2/3% of the property owners at the Annual Meeting.

[ ] 7- I vote my board shall re-write all existing HOA doc Sections that allow the board to act without 50% majority vote of property owners, whether present or by proxy. (Delete “any number of”)

[ ] 8- I vote my HOA board cannot sue or foreclose against any homeowner. An arbitrator or mediator shall handle disputes not resolved between the board and the homeowner. The maximum action against an owner shall be non-interest liens against title to be collected when the property is sold by the owner(s).

[ ] 9- I vote individual board members can consult an attorney at their own expense. Only in cases of 100% quorum of the MA board can an attorney be hired and only to perform extenuating legal requirements. Any other use of an attorney requires a 50% vote of General Members.

By signing this proxy petition I certify that I am a Silver Springs property owner in Summit County, Utah. I also certify that I am entitled to vote on issues presented on this ballot. I hereby grant my Proxy to the recipient of my emailed ballot, or to______.

Print Member Name:______Email: ______

Member Signature:______Address:______
Lot #: ______

This Ballot and information is being provided to you by the Silver Springs Community “Tea Party” group. We are seeking accountable and fair representation by our elected volunteers. These elected subdivision trustees are the same folks who represent us on the Master Association Board, therefore, they are the same folks who issued the 200% assessment increase without following our charter rules.

We appreciate our volunteers, we justifiably want to remind them that our charter rules are there for a reason and the homeowners who elected them require fiduciary duty and accountability.

Explanations of each of the above nine vote issues is available on the Homepage of the website at :

If you are receiving this Petition in hard copy, please provide your email address so that you can receive future Community updates, ballots, notices, and newsletters via email.

Use the keyword search on the website to find your subdivision or topic of interest.

Please write your comments on this page:


RETURN DELIVERY: Your completed signed Ballot can be returned
scanned via email to Silver Springs Community , or
Fax to 435-649-4668,
or mailed to P.O. Box 980111, Park City, UT 84098-0111.
We will accept non-signed Ballots only via email if you type in all the owner information and if the email address is verifiable as belonging to the submitter.
Please return your Ballot as soon as possible as the purpose of this vote is to obtain as many responses as possible so the majority voice (66 2/3%) is represented.