Loyal St. Anthony PCCW Minutes
January 2, 2017
- Secretary’s report from January 2nd, 2017 was read and approved.
- Treasurer’s ReportJanuarymonth-end checkbook balance: $6,863.10.
- Funerals-next circles to provide bars are:
- Sister Maria Goretti
- Saint Helen
- St. Theresa
Old Business:
- Valentines Cookie/Flower: Nobody came to help distribute cookies. Will have to have better commitment next year.
- Feb 4th Auction Basket: Auction went well.
- Donation to St. Anthony’s DayCare: The double stroller was not needed –someone else donated. Motion made/passed to purchase the sand/water table and the wire rack (diaper storage) for the day care instead. Lori Gregorich/Julie Poehnelt
- House of Mercy: Thank you received for the $150 we donated.
- Oven Mitts: Silicone mitts are now in kitchen.
New Business:
- Crush cans:All cans must be crushed. LuAnn Rueth will make sure the electric can open works well and will have it cleaned and new knife bought, if necessary.
- Project Milk: Envelopes in back of church. Continues all the way thru Lent
- Hannah House and Shirley’s House of Hope: Motion made/passed to donate $100 to Hannah House and $100 to Shirley’s House of Hope. Julie Poehnelt/Betty Loos.
- First Friday Mass Intentions for PCCW members: Motion made passed to have First Friday Mass intentions for 3 months. Lois Becker/Kerrie Schuette.
- Mayville Grocery closing: Since there was 25% off, a small stock of funeral groceries were purchased and will be billed back to future funerals thru Cuddie. An account will be set up with Gordy’s in Spencer or possibly Hanson’s in Neillsville.
- Low Sunday: weekend after Easter – DCCW collection will happen all 3 services.
- General Assembly April 20th: at St. Anthony’s. We volunteered to provide 8 dz buns, plates, refreshments and table decorations. We will also need to provide music.
- Alpha Meal: Kerri Schuette will help March 13th and Mary Kay will help March 27th. Mary Kay will provide a dessert for the 27th also.
- Women’s Retreat: Christine Center Saturday March 11th 1pm program; 4:30 mass; potluck will follow.
- Convocation: is scheduled for Sept 6th
- Change of PCCW meeting time: Motion made/passed to move meeting time to 6:30 pm by LuAnn Rueth/Lois Becker
- Reminder: Changes to circle roster: Please return your edited roster to Debbie Gries so changes can be made on the master spreadsheet.
- Next Meeting: Monday,April 3rd, 20176:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Debbie Gries, Secretary