Name: ______Per. _____ Date: ______
Aristotle defined the tragic hero as a character who displays the following traits:
- Born into a lofty position or in a position of respect
- A fatal flaw (often this is hubris or excessive pride). The character’s flaw may also be a misstep—a bad decision, for example.
- The character is brought down by his flaw—his fortune is reversed
- The tragic hero is neither entirely good nor entirely evil—he is someone ordinary men can identify with
- In the end, the hero takes responsibility for his own actions
Using this information from Aristotle and the play The Crucible, you will be answering the following question in a four paragraph essay:
Do you believe John Proctor to be a tragic hero? Support your position using specific events/examples from the play that relate to Aristotle’s definition.
Begin by prewriting on the back of this sheet.Identify the position you will argue. Locate your specific examples. You must use fourdirect quotations in your essay.
Your essay should be four paragraphs: a short introduction, one body paragraph, one rebuttal paragraph, and a short conclusion.
- Your introduction should have a hook to interest your reader, a few sentences of general background information about the play and should end with your thesis statement. An example thesis statement might be: In Arthur Miller’s playThe Crucible. John Proctor fits Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero. This should be the final sentence of your introductory paragraph
- Your first body paragraph should explain how Proctor does or does not fit this definition. Be sure you address at least three of the five characteristics of the tragic hero. Use a direct quotation to support each of the traits you choose.This means you must have three direct quotations.
- Your nextparagraph is your rebuttal. Anticipate how someone might argue against your point and show how they are wrong. For example: Some might say that ______, but they are wrong because ______. Again, use a direct quotation from the play to prove your point here.
- Wrap up your ideas in a short concluding paragraph. Maybe revisit your hook, sum up main points, and restate your thesis. Maybe include a lesson for your reader/ a connection to current life.
You will have two full days in class to work on this essay. Turn this in on Google Classroom.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Topic sentence is clear and focused; conclusion restates topic sentence / Topic sentence is clear but lacks some focus, conclusion / Topic sentence present but weak; conclusion is present / Lacks topic sentence or topic sentence is unclear/unfocused
Concrete details (direct quotations) are relevant and well-chosen / Concrete details (direct quotations) are relevant / Some concrete details but could use more / Lacks concrete details
Commentary is thoughtful and shows insight / Commentary is present and clear / Commentary could be improved / Lacks commentary
Rebuttal anticipates opposing view and strongly counters with evidence / Rebuttal anticipates opposing view but counter could be stronger / Weak attempt at rebuttal / No rebuttal attempted
Conventions: few to no errors in punctuation, grammar, spelling / Conventions: some errors in punctuation, grammar, spelling / Conventions: many errors in punctuation, grammar, spelling / Convention errors interfered with reading for understanding