Title / Lab Process ICE–Minutes of Tel / Web -Conference
Working Paper Number / WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-096
Date:26.10.2011 Tel / Web - Conference
Mr / Redmann / Stephan / BMVBS / GermanyMs / Lopez de Rodas / Béatrice / UTAC / France
Mr / Kolesa / Konrad / AUDI AG / Germany
Mr / Coleman / Bill / VW / Germany
Mr / Aoyama / Yuichi / JASIC / Japan
Mr / Baeuchle / Dirk / Daimler / Germany
Mr / Berg / Olle / Volvo / Sweden
Mr / Bergmann / Markus / AUDI AG / Germany
Ms / Bigi / Laura / PSA / France
Mr / Flottmann / Jürgen / GM Europe / Germany
Mr / Guenther / Mark / Ford / US
Mr / Johannsen / Tuev Nord / Germany
Ms / Favre / Cecile / AECC / Belgium
Mr / Mercier / Bertrand / PSA / France
Mr / Price / Phil / Ford / UK
Mr / Riemersma / Iddo / Sidekick / Netherlands
Ms / Saito / Shiho / Toyota / Japan
Mr / Sommer / Martin / Porsche / Germany
Mr / Strobl / Karsten / GM Europe / Germany
Mr / Behlau / Kai / Volkswagen / Germany
Mr / Welge / Jens / Volkswagen / Germany
- Welcome / Organisation
- Feedback from DTP7on LabProcICE issues
DTP LabProcICE chair gave a summary of the recent DTP7,
- Issues on DTP level (state of play):
After intense discussion the testroom and soak temperature for Validation Phase 2 (VP2) is 25°C with a target tolerance of +-2K. All relevant temperatures to be monitored. - Inertia classes & vehicle reference mass: A stepless approach was agreed to be tested in VP2. T&E (Iddo Riemersma) gave a presentation (LabProcICE-095)where the approach of test mass definition is described. Based on unladen mass, laden mass and options weight the reference mass is determined. The CO2 value is interpolated from highest and lowest mass vehicle test result in one g/km steps.
- Action:All parties are requested to check this proposal for feasibility in the lab and certification process and to give their views at the latest to DTP chair for DTP8.
- Method for subtraction of pollutant mass in intake air: No new information, OICA will gather data in VP2 and come back if necessary.
- Multimode gearboxes/GSI: Issue is still on DTP Level. Revised Proposal from Japan is announced to next f2f-meeting in Brussels.
- Vehicle selection for road load determination: 3 options were presented to DTP7: Worst case vehicle, representative vehicle based on sales criteria, or option on regional level. Discussion to be continued at DTP8.
- Mode construction for WLTC: Proposals from DTP7 and Counterproposal of OICA rep at VTF were explained. Further discussion on expert level at the end of November for preparation of DTP8 in January. Volvo recommended to add a module for dyno load setting and control (“quick check”).
- Other work in progress items will be discussed in November meeting
- Feedback from DHC10 and Validation Task Force Meeting in Brussels
- Due to ongoing DHC discussions the start of Validation Phase 2 will be delayed to January 2012. A revised roadmap will be developed by contracting parties at the end of November. Besides the shift of 3 months a separate validation for RLD procedures needs to be introduced.
- Comments to parameter setting were given via EU Com and DTP chair. They will be taken care of at November meeting of LabProcICE.
- Preparation of the next f2f-Meeting on the 22./23.11. 2011 in Brussels
4.1 Lab procedures: A small group draft meeting will take place at 4.11.2011
at UTAC.
4.2 Road Load Determination:
- Tyre selection criteria: Proposal of ACEA is announced for November meeting.
- Coast down mode: EV group will give their view to proposal of ICE in advance of next f2f meeting.
- Table of running resistances will be maintained and reformulated based on stepless or small step approach of inertia class definition. (ACEA)
4.3 Measurement Equipment: A small drafting group will continue to finalize the gtr draft.
EPA asks for comments on the new 1066 regulation. A comparison of the gtr and the proposed 1066 will be presented at the November meeting by ACEA. Markus Bergmann will convoke an expert team for preparation (among others with Volvo and PSA).
Stephan RedmannBeatrice LopezKonrad Kolesa