April 12 – 13, 2014
Laser Fleet 24 Indianapolis Sailing Club
1. RULES This regatta will be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2013-2016 and prescriptions of the US Sailing Association as modified in this Notice of Race (NOR).
1.1 RRS 32.1 SHORTENING OR ABANDONING AFTER THE START is changed (appended) by the addition of paragraph (f) as follows: (f) When Code Flag S is flown over Code Flag Q, with two (2) sounds at a mark or gate, the next leg of the race is the last leg of the race and will end at the Finish Line between the RC Boat and the adjacent yellow Finish Mark. This change shall be signaled before the first competitor begins this changed new last leg.
1.2 Race Signals On the water, the lowering of Code Flags AP, First Substitute, N, and/or L will be accompanied with four sounds, one minute before display of the Warning Signal. This changes RRS Race Signals.
2. ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY Competitors who pay the entry fee are eligible to compete in this Invitational Regatta.
3. FEES The entry fee is $30.00 US with a $5.00 discount for members of U.S. Sailing who present a current US Sailing Membership card. Meals may be purchased in addition to the Entry Fee. A meal package of 2 lunches, 1 dinner, and 1 breakfast may be purchased at registration for $20.00. Additional meal packages may also be purchased.
Saturday, April 12 10:00 – 12:00 Registration
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Competitor’s Meeting
1:00 First Race of the Day
Subsequent Races to follow
7:00 Dinner
Sunday, April 13 7:00 - 8:00 Breakfast
9:30 First Race of the Day
Subsequent Races to follow
12:30 Lunch and Trophy Presentation
5. SAIL NUMBERS Competitors must use sails with at least 2 numbers affixed to the sail.
6. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS (SI) SI will be available at registration and on the Indianapolis Sailing Club website www.indianapolissailing.org
7. VENUE Laser Fleet 24 is located at the Indianapolis Sailing Club, 11325 Fall Creek Road Indianapolis, IN 46256 (corner of Brooks School Road and Fall Creek Road) and sails on Geist Reservoir. Geist Reservoir is located in the far northeast corner of the greater Indianapolis area. The Club House phone is 317 849-0021. ISC has an encrypted Wi-Fi in the Club House that is available for use. The encryption key is posted in the Club House
8. COURSES Race courses will be Windward Leeward Modified and/or Triangular Modified (start finish lines within the windward leg), if possible. Other courses may be used depending on wind speed and direction and will be explained at the Competitor’s Meeting. Lake maps will be available at Registration.
9. SAIL PLAN Competitors may use any legal sail plan and may change the sail plan during the regatta, as desired.
10. PENALTY SYSTEM Taking a penalty by doing turns, RRS 44.1 and 44.2 apply. All decisions of the protest committee will be final as provided in RRS 70.4
11. SCORING Scoring will be in accordance with RRS Appendix A, Low Point system. If the Regatta completes more than 5 races, the worst race score for each competitor will not be counted towards the competitor’s final score. Scoring for each age group will be determined from the scoring for all competitors.
12. SUPPORT BOATS Support and rescue boats will be marked as ISC Safety.
13. TROPHIES 2 trophies will be awarded to the Junior age group, not yet 19 on April 13, 2014. 4 trophies will be awarded to the group of all other competitors.
14. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS rule 4. Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
15. AMENDMENTS TO THIS NOTICE The organizing authorities for this event reserve the right to amend this Notice of Race (NOR). Any amendments of this NOR will be posted on the ISC web site.
Paul Gush 630-544-7251 or email to
No pets.
No smoking in the ISC Clubhouse.
Please email to: , or mail the entry form attached to this NOR to paul Gush 310 W Michigan St Apt 222 Indianapolis, IN 46202. Phone 630-544-7251. Mailed forms should contain a check made payable to Laser Fleet 24. Email pre-registrations with all of the entry information will be confirmed by email.
Bring your tent and sleeping bag for camping on the ISC Club grounds. Motor homes are welcome but must park in the parking lot area. There are no electrical facilities for motor homes. Adequate hot showers are located in the ISC Club House.
20. Local Motels
Ramada Inn Holliday Inn Express Comfort Suits Studio 6
9791 N by NW Blvd 9790 N by NW Blvd 9760 Crosspoint Blvd 8520 N by NW Blvd
Fishers, IN 46038 Fishers, IN 46038 Indianapolis, IN 46256 Fishers, IN 46038
317-558-4100 317-578-2000 317-578-1200 317-913-1920
January 22, 2014
Fleet 24 Spring Laser Regatta
April 12 – 13, 2014
Skipper Name ______
Address ______
City, ST ______
Home Phone ______Email ______
Sail Number ______
Age Group: Junior (18 and under) ______
All other competitors ______
Entry Fee - $30.00 $ 30.00
Less $5 if current member of US Sailing $______
US Sailing #______
Meal Package:
1 - Lunch Saturday
1 - Dinner Saturday
1 - Breakfast Sunday
1 - Lunch Sunday $ 20.00
Additional meal packages at $20.00 each $______
TOTAL $______
I will pay at registration. Enter Yes or attach personal check ______