Halton Safeguarding Children Board Membership & Attendance 2014-2015
Attendance Log / Meetings 2014-201508.07.2014 / 04.09.2014 / 16.09.2014 / 09.12.2014 / 31.03.2015
Independent and Overseeing Members / Richard Strachan, Independent Chair / / / / /
Cllr Ged Philbin, Lead Member Children & Young People (Participant Observer) / / D / D / D /
Lay Members / Marjorie Constantine, Lay Member / / / / /
Local Authority / Gerald Meehan, Strategic Director, Children & Enterprise / / / / /
Gill Bennett, Divisional Manager 0-19, Learning & Achievement / * / * / D* / * / R
Tracey Coffey, Operational Director, Children & Families / / / / /
Paula St Aubyn, Divisional Manager, Safeguarding Quality & Assurance, HBC / / R / R / /
Lindsay Smith, Divisional Manager, Mental Health, Communities Directorate / A / / / /
Eileen O’Meara, Director of Public Health / / D / / / R
Health / Suprio Bhattacharyya, Designated Doctor for Child Protection, Bridgewater Community Healthcare Trust / A / R / / / -
Kate Fallon, CEO, Bridgewater Community Healthcare Trust / / A / / R / R
Lisa Cooper, Deputy Director, Quality & Safeguarding,NHS England North (Cheshire & Merseyside) / * / A* / A* / A* / A
Gary O’Hare, Clinical Lead Children’s Safeguarding, Halton CCG / / D / / A /
Ann Dunne, Designated Nurse, Safeguarding Children, Halton CCG / / / R / R / R
Jan Snoddon, Chief Nurse, Halton CCG / / A / D / /
Police / Martin Cleworth, Superintendent Northern BCU, Cheshire Police / / A / R / / A
Nigel Wenham,Detective Superintendent, Cheshire Police / A / / / /
Justice Services / Donna Yates, Assistant Chief Executive, Cheshire & Greater Manchester Community Rehabilitation Company / / A / / A / R
Chris Gwenlan, Risk and Practice Development Manager,, Probation NPS / - / D* / * / * / A
Gareth Jones, Head of Service, CWHW YOS / A / / / /
CAFCASS / Tom Cheadle, Service Manager / / D / / /
Schools and Colleges / Dee Denton, Head Teacher, Lunts Heath Primary, Primary Headteacher Rep / / A / / /
Andrew Keeley, Headteacher, St Chad’s, Secondary Headteacher Representative / / A / R / / -
Joanne Tringham, Halton Association Governors Rep / / A / / - / -
Paula Mitchell, Programme Manager, RiversideCollege / / A / / /
VCF Sector / Donna Wells,Service Manager Young Addaction, Voluntary Sector Rep / * / A* / A* / * /
HSCB / Tracey Holyhead, Manager / / / / /
*Denotes attendance of previous Board Member in this role
Main Board Meeting
Held on Tuesday 31stMarch 2015 at 1.00 pm – 16.00 pm,
KaraliusSuite, Halton Stadium, Widnes
Present: -
Richard Strachan / Independent Chair / RTSTracey Holyhead / Manager, HSCB / TH
Paula St Aubyn / Divisional Manager, Safeguarding Quality & Review, HBC / PStA
Simon Bell / Public Health, HBC / SB
Ged Philbin / Lead Member Children & Young People (Participant Observer) / GP
Paula Mitchell / Programme Manager, RiversideCollege / PM
Emma Davies / Senior Probation Officer, Cheshire & Greater Manchester CRC / ED
Jan Snoddon / Chief Nurse, NHS Halton CCG / JS
Trish Drew / Designated Nurse, Halton CCG / TD
Caroline Williams / General Manager, Children Services, Bridgewater CHT / CW
Gerald Meehan / Strategic Director – Children & Enterprise, HBC / GM
Tracey Coffey / Operational Director, Children & Families, HBC / TC
Lindsay Smith / Divisional Manager, Mental Health, Communities Directorate, HBC / LS
Dr Gary O’Hare / Clinical Lead Children’s Safeguarding, Halton CCG / GOH
Paul Beauchamp / Chief Inspector, Cheshire Police / PB
Marj Constantine / Lay Member, HSCB / MJ
Donna Wells / Service Manager, Young Addaction – Voluntary Sector Rep / DW
Dee Denton / Head Teacher, Lunts Heath Primary – Primary Headteacher Rep / DD
Tom Cheadle / Service Manager, Cafcass / TC
Nigel Wenham / Detective Superintendent, Cheshire Police / NW
Gill Bennett / Divisional Manager 0-19, Learning & Achievement, HBC / GB
Kimberley Moore / Senior Administration Officer, HBC / KM
Also in attendance:
Item 4.3 / David Holman, HSCB Quality Assurance Officer (DH)
1.0 /Introductions & Apologies
Lisa Cooper –Deputy Director, Quality & Safeguarding, NHS England North (Cheshire & Merseyside) (LC)Eileen O’Meara –Director of Public Health, HBC(EOM)
Martin Cleworth – Superintendent Northern BCU, Cheshire Police(MC)
Donna Yates – Assistant Chief Executive, Cheshire & Greater Manchester Community Rehabilitation Company(DY)
Chris Gwenlan – Risk and Practice Development Manager, National Probation Service(CG)
2.0 / Minutes and Matters Arising – 09.12.14 & 27.01.15
Minutes agreed as accurate record.
RTS apologised to members for the lateness of the agenda and papers being circulated. HSCB Support Team are looking to improve Board administration processes as part of its improvement plan. In particular, work is being undertaken to ensure that the action plan is up-dated in advance of meetings. This will include delegation to sub groups to progress in a timely manner.
LS queried action 12/14 A1.0. Board agreed to close action as LS has met with Divisional Manager, Children in Need; a quality requirement has been added to Adult mental Health provider commission to identify and escalate any children at risk; and a clear pathway is in place regarding mental health and children.
CSE, Missing & Trafficked Children Sub Group met this morning. Board requested formal update on operation of the CSE Team pilot to July’s Main Board.
- Report from CSE, Missing & Trafficked Children Sub Group to July’s Main Board on the work of the Halton CSE Team.
3.0 / Executive Summary Up-date Report
Executive has agreed to establish a Managing Risky Adolescents Task & Finish Group for a 6 month period comprising of representatives from Community Safety Team, commissioned Youth Provision, Children’s Social Care and Education. Board members were asked to identify representatives and confirm nominations with TC. The task and finish group will meet in April, complete its work in June and report to September’s Main Board.
MC reported that yesterday’s school governors’ conference looked at vulnerable young people and resilience, including a presentation on the effects of foetal alcohol syndrome on the developing brain and how this impacts on decision making. SB reported that a Public Health campaign has been launched in Halton advocating no alcohol during pregnancy. There are mixed messages regarding drinking during pregnancy. SB will circulate campaign materials to Board members.
Sub Group reports tothe Executive Boardidentify some attendance issues which are being addressed. The Executive recommended changes to presentation of Work Plans and more regular reporting to the Executive by Sub Group chairs. It was also agreed that the Executive would be clearer in terms of delegating work to Sub Groups.
Learning & Development Sub Group
RTS noted the lack of progress in delivering the Neglect/Graded Care Profile Training. TH reported that the HSCB Learning & Development Officer has a plan of delivery in place to progress. Train the trainers will take place at the end of April with multi-agency training for frontline staff taking placeup until the end of July.
Scrutiny & Performance Sub Group
DD reported that Chairs of Governors are often unable to attend Safer Recruitment training during the daydue to their work commitments, and had requested that consideration be given to delivering evening sessions. TH will discuss with Nicola Noon, SCIE Officer who leads course delivery to consider twilight or weekend training sessions. The national e-learning package should also be available.
- Board Members to confirm who will attend Risky Adolescents Task & Finish group on behalf of their agencies (Community Safety Team, Commissioned Youth Service, YOS, Children Social Care, Police & Education)
- Circulate details of Halton Public Health campaign on no alcohol in pregnancy to the Board.
- Consider changes to delivery of Safer Recruitment training outside office hours to accommodate attendance by Chairs of Governors many of whom struggle to access training during the day.
Simon Bell
4.0 / HSCB Performance Reports:
4.1 / For Information
Q3 Journey of the Child Report
The Journey of the Child Report is a lengthy and extensive report. The Board recognised that the increase in the number of Child Protection Plans would be impacting across partners, and that the Board needs to understand what the impact is on capacity across partners and how partners are addressing. Following discussion it was agreed that a thematic Board meeting should be held in June to consider capacity within the system across all partners in response to changes in demand profile. The Board agreed to invite practitioners to present on their daily experience of being on the frontline.
It was also agreed that a task and finish group of Board members should audit a sample of cases where children have been subject to Child Protection Plans for a longer period in order to identify what could have made a difference. PStA to lead.
Thematic meeting in June to triangulate outcome of audit of Child Protection Plans; performance information in comparison to statistical neighbours; and experiences of frontline staff in order for the Board to have a better understanding as to where Halton stands and to be assured that partner agencies are not struggling to meet the needs of children and young people.
Reports to be presented from each key agency regarding capacity issues and how they are being addressed. JS asked for this also to be linked to Public Health and their commissioning of the School Health and Health Visiting services. JS will contact Bridgewater for a capacity report. SB reported that Bridgewater CHT has secured theSchool Health Service contact for the next 3 years from 1st June onwards.
- Thematic Board meeting in June to consider capacity within the system across all partners; frontline staff to be invited to present.
- Task & finish group of Main Board members to look at a sample of Child Protection Plans still in place at 18 months in order to consider what would have made a difference in these cases.
4.2 / Q3 Safeguarding Unit Report
PStA presented the key issues as:
Child Protection
Progress on previous recommendations –
- Discussion regarding multi-agency child protection practice standards took place at Executive. The view was that the standards were process rather than outcome focussed. It was agreed in principle to develop operational standards. A multi-agency workshop will take place in May to begin development and ensure the partnership understand the expectations and process.
- There has been a significant increase in Child Protection Conferences, particularly in relation to Domestic Abuse. Concern regarding delays in receipt of information from the commissioned servicehas been highlighted to commissioners.
- Core Group expectations have beenincorporated into operational standards.
- Advocacy is an ongoing issue. The commissioned service has been asked to approach all young people as an opt out service. Work is ongoing to address.
- Capacity issues have impacted on Child Protection notes going out in a timely manner. The current detailed summary report will be replaced by a less detailed summary. It is also being proposed that the Core Group recommending that the Child Protection Plan ends will receive reports from partners that will make up the report to the Review Conference.
- There has been a slight decrease in Children in Care to 79 per 10,000 population; nationally the level is 60 per 10,000 population. Halton is still lower than statistical neighbours.
- Admin support continues to be an issue as this is a very process driven service.
- The provision of health and education reports has increased to 66%, but this to improve further. The Safeguarding Unit also intends to report on the quality of reports in future.
- 100% of Care Plans have been endorsed by the Independent Reviewing Managers. However, only 80% were presented at Review.
- All children should have some Life Work provision. However, due to capacity the focus is upon those to be adopted.
- Safeguarding Children in Education Officer work is detailed within the report.
DD asked whether children in care were attending schools in Halton or out of borough; PStA informed that it is a mix. DD asked for information on which schools are not submitting reports in order to challenge. PStA will ask if this information can be broken down. In addition TC reported that Personal Education Plans (PEPs) were being looked at to see how they can be updated to form the report.
PM raised the issue of Prevent and the LSCB overseeing. 14-19yrs Head Teacher group has had a Prevent presentation. Board also considered vulnerabilities of children in care. There is a nominated police officer. However the LSCB needs to look at how work is collated for reporting. It was agreed that Board members had a responsibility for raising their own awareness. It was also agreed that the Pan-Cheshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Procedures needed to include radicalisation.
- Health Sub Group to look at GP Practice processes in order to ensure GPs know when reports are due for review conferences.
4.3 / Q3 HSCB Performance Scorecard
David Holman, HSCB Quality Assurance Officer unable to circulate the Q3 HSCB Performance Scorecard prior to meeting. Board agreed to defer to April’s Executive meeting.
4.4 / Annual Audit Report 2014
DH unable to present written report to Board as awaiting additional information to include on recommendations regarding training. DH assured the Board that a full report would be available tomorrow. During 2014 a total of 153 audits were undertaken: 69 cases were audited in the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) audits; 49 cases were audited by Children’s Social Care and 38 cases were audited under the Multi-Agency Audits. A planned audit by Children’s Social Care was cancelled in November due to Ofsted inspection.
TC reported that the Ofsted inspection was specific regarding audit recommendations, stating that: we did not always know what a “good” case looked like; why specific gradings had been given to cases; and what was needed to be done to improve. CAF audits have worked well due to the consistent group of auditors. Children’s Social Care is to replicate process with all Principal Managers undertaking monthly audits. There is a planned training session for the Multi-Agency auditors on the audit tool and how it can be used by different agencies.
- Annual Audit Report 2014 to be presented to April’s Executive.
5.0 / HSCB Business Plan
The process of drafting the HSCB Annual Report 2014-15 has begun, from which the Board will review its priorities and revise the Business Plan. There are a number of amber areas on the Business Plan due to specific parts of an action not being fully completed. TH recommended that these be re-worded to reflect this and go forward as priority areas for 2015-16. TH highlighted the following:
1.5 – LSCB needs to be assured that CiC & Care Leavers receive effective, safe servicesshould be kept as a priority under review with detailed reporting to Scrutiny & Performance Sub Group.
2.3 – Scrutiny of Domestic Abuse services for children and families to evaluate impact wasdiscussed at December’s Main Board. It was recommended that the Board consider more detailed reporting going forward and link to Halton Domestic Abuse Forum.
4.8 –HSCB & SAB to develop engagement with the Faith Sector. This is included within the Ofsted inspection report and HSCB Action Plan. A meeting was arranged to take place in March but had to be cancelled due to a number of apologies from the Faith Sector. RTS had dialogue with invitees who feel it will be a good idea to meet as a Halton group. Another meeting with the Faith Sector Leads will be arranged in April.
6.0 / Budget and Staffing Report
The report provided an initial review of the joint staffing arrangements in place between Halton and Cheshire West and Chester LSCBs. The joint staffing arrangements are in place until March 2016. The following recommendations were made:
- To continue the current proportionate staffing levels for the Learning & Development Officer and Training Administrator post for a further 6 months whilst establishing an electronic training management system and developing the training pools for both Boards.
- To continue to share the Quality Assurance Officer post with a view to making the post permanent in future.
- Halton LSCB to increase its administration capacity by employing a full time Administrator with additional tasks to undertake coordination of the Board’s communication activity.
Main Board asked for detailed budget report to be presented to April’s Executive as this would include end of 2014-15 outturn.
RTS reported that some of the carry forward was spent on projects throughout the year. These include: Crucial Crew, Risking It All andCSECampaign.
PM asked if consideration has been given to using an apprentice for the business support post. This may not be appropriate as we need someone who has the necessary skills already to take on this role. However this will also be explored.
- Detailed budget report to be presented to April’s Executive to consider future partner financial contributions to the Board
7.0 / Chair’s Report
The Ofsted inspection report incorporating the judgement regarding the effectiveness of Halton LSCB was published on 3rd February and will be submitted to Ofsted within 70 working days of publication of the inspection report. An action plan has been developed and was presented to Executive. The Local Authority plan will be presented to MainBoard.
The HSCB Team held a development session on the 5th March to identify changes to internal processes which will support the Ofsted action plan and effectiveness of the Board’s business processes. A number of actions were identified from the development session. The Team have met with IT to help re-design the HSCB website. HSCB have launched a Twitter account @haltonscb.