MINUTES OF MEETING – 8th January 2009


Ian Anderson (Chair) IA
Jill Buchanan-Huck JB-H
Carolyn Gilfillan CG
Peter Gittins PG
Carolyn Kus CK
David Laws DL
Nicholas Smith NS
Paul Jackman (for Steve Lidbetter) PJ
Tony McGinty TMcG
Fiona Thompson FT
Richard Wood RW / Paul Herniman (for J Saunders) PH
Karen Rodgers KR
Allan Kitt AK
Denise Carr DCa
Joanne Mead JM
Ken Fairbairn KF
Moira Potter MP
Ruth Batt RB
Mandy Cooke MC
Lois Campbell LC
Apologies were received from: Andy Brookes, Cllr G Marsh, Justin Robinson, Mick Barnshaw, Shaun Lyons, Michelle Murton, Alan Dean, Colin Pitman, David Clarke, Helen Haw, Martin Wilson, Michelle Hurst, Nigel Sheriden
Item 4. Information Sharing
It was confirmed that the Prevention Specification has now been finalised and it will go out for procurement shortly.
Item 4. ESCR Update
PG confirmed that the CAF bid has been shortlisted by the Department of Health and a decision should be made by the end of January.
Accuracy Agreed.
JM summarised her report and confirmed that, in line with Government guidelines, some of the indicators will no longer be used. NS asked whether LCC could keep some of the indicators as a way of measuring to assist with performance monitoring. CK confirmed that targets will be produced within the next few weeks. IA asked if a system could be put in place whereby teams could share good practice. This will be put in place by the end of January.

JB-H summarised the Carers RAS Update paper produced by Sarah Oliver which reports a spend of just under £200 per person. IA asked whether a graph could be produced to reflect this spending and also that the good news stories should be publicised.
IA asked if our health colleagues had been included in this project and JB-H confirmed that they had, and CK confirmed she is meeting with AK tomorrow to discuss further. / CK
KF summarised his report and said the biggest issue to come out of the December Provider Workshop was the need for providers to have information. Rurality does affect delivery of service, but there are pluses and minuses. Providers may need to change their way of working. The Forums will continue. It was agreed that it would be helpful to invite Bob Marshall from Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust to the thematic meeting next week looking at transport issues.

CK confirmed CSCI have requested attendance at the Commissioning Conference with third sector providers on 19 January.
KF highlighted the amount of work involved when a care home closes. IA highlighted the need for joint commissioning across Health, Social Care and Supporting People to give maximum flexibility in delivering services. AK agreed. / KF
JB-H summarised the Risk Register to 2011. It was agreed that this should be a standing Agenda Item, and that only exceptions be reported. Senior Managers are meeting soon to focus on an action plan, after which the interim milestones should be put on the Register.

AK confirmed that joint risk management working is very helpful.
KR invited JB-H to attend the Reference Group Forum on 19 January to present this item. / JB-H
JB-H summarised the links between the different workstreams. IA asked that a column be added reflecting NWOW. JB-H to send out Diagnostic paper again requesting comments back to her by 21 January. The Workstream Briefs should be complete and signed off by March for presentation to the PPF Governance Board

It was agreed that an explanation and evidence should be provided where some of the recommendations from the 2007 diagnostic exercise are no longer included.
IA asked for Workstream Leads to provide a 250 word brief on what they are trying to do and timescales, which could then be included in the PPF Newsletter and also go on the web site. CG agreed to co-ordinate this piece of work.
PJ asked where the work on crisis is being included. JB-H confirmed that this should be in the Reablement Brief and she will ensure this is so, as well as co-ordinating any changes to the Briefs. / JB-H
NS summarised his report on the LARS project which is running to the end of March in Skegness, where all new referrals would be offered re-ablement. A phased approach to the rest of the county was agreed, and it was decided that the Reablement Board should decide on the next area to be targeted.
It was agreed that workshops will be organised with the independent sector, once the details of the next phase have been agreed.

PG confirmed that Unison have been involved with this project as it is a standing item on the JCC agenda.
NS presented Paper 3, and TMcG asked about financial implications. He was assured that figures would be available shortly. Discussion took place around funding and IA confirmed that any change to the Charging Policy would have to go to the Council’s Executive.
MP summarised the Action Learning Programme (ALP) which is taking place in Skegness. There will be an Operations Group meeting on 26 January. IA asked that someone from the North East be invited to attend this group in March to give their feedback.

JB-H confirmed she is in discussion with John Waters from In Control who is preparing a pro forma as an aid to identifying where changes may be needed and how to evidence why. / JB-H
CG confirmed that an article on carers’ personal budgets has been submitted to appear in the next edition of ‘Inside Lincolnshire’. It was agreed that it would be helpful if the PPF Bulletin could be circulated as widely as possible to external organisations, perhaps via their Communication Teams, and also information put on the LCC web site.
Information which is only relevant to Adult Social Care staff should be included on the ASC Bulletin as before.
10. / AOB
Appreciative Inquiry Update: PG confirmed that following the November and December events there is another one planned for 19 February in Woodhall Spa and invitations have gone out. Managers were asked to facilitate attendance from their staff members who may wish to attend.
Branding: PJ has been in discussion with JB-H about the possibility of using the ‘Web for Life’ logo, and it was agreed this would be a good idea. PJ would be asked to produce one for approval by this group and other health organisations.
Executive Team. IA confirmed that regular meetings with the ADs, JB-H, DL and FT have been set up as a means of obtaining a management steer quickly and as an aid to future planning.
JB-H confirmed that a new post will be advertised soon for additional project support.
CK confirmed that a diary will soon be produced showing the deadline for papers needed for the meetings.
KR confirmed that Ursula Chester has retired and she is now the representative for the Reference Group SE, and her deputy will be Audrey Maddison.
IA confirmed that there is to be another Supporting People Inspection which will take place in March. / PJ
Thursday 5th of March 2009, Committee Room 1

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