Simon Balle School – Traded Services Policy
Issue: April 2016
Review:March 2019
Committee Responsible: Finance, Assets & Resources (FAR)
Policy Review
Our vision is to be seen as part of the wider learning community; learning takes place at all times and in a variety of places. We are committed to using the school for ‘out of hours’ learning for our own students, other schools and the wider community. The buildings and facilities therefore should be available outside of the ‘normal’ timetabled hours as a community asset and we will make every reasonable effort to enable them to be used as much as possible.
However, the overriding aim of the Governing Body is to support the school in providing the best possible education for its students, the promotion of equality of opportunity and the community cohesion of the local area. Any lettings of the premises to outside organisations will be considered with this in mind.
Traded Services
The school provides the following services:
- Indoor swimming pool hire
- All-weather pitch hire
- Gymnasium hire
- Hall hire
- ICT outreach services for primary schools
- Music tuition to pupils
- Music outreach services to primary schools
Other facilities, such as classrooms, are available on request.
The Governing Body is responsible for setting charges for traded services. These are set out in Appendix 1.
The scale of charges will be reviewed annually by the Finance, Assets and Resources Committee.
The minimum hire period for school lettings will be one hour. The school reserves the right to require a deposit over and above the hiring charge as a surety against damage to the premises (including any equipment) or the premises being left in an unacceptable condition resulting in additional costs for cleaning, caretaking or other expenses.
In the event of the hirer cancelling a booking, a credit/refund will only be given if 7 days’ notice in writing is given to the Booking Officer.
Full terms and conditions for all hirers are attached at Appendix 2. For hirers using the swimming pool and all-weather pitch there are additional terms and conditions found in Appendix 3 and 4 respectively.
Charges for ICT outreach services are reviewed and set annually, the aim of these charges are to ensure costs are covered rather than to maximise revenue.
Charges for all traded services are subject to VAT. Some customers may be eligible for a specific VAT exemption for lettings of sports facilities. See Appendix G for when this may apply. VAT invoices will be issued by the Finance Office.
Letting times
Facilities are available for hire from 3.30 pm to 10.00 pm weekdays except the all-weather pitch which is available from 6pm to 10pm on weekdays and 9am to 5pm atweekends. During the school day, certain facilities may be available for hire by other schools or external providers subject to the agreement of the Headteacher.
Conduct of users (lettings only)
This is set out in the Terms and Conditions attached in Appendix 2.
Security (lettings only)
The Headteacher has delegated authority to determine the security risk for each letting and will be responsible for allocating a continuous security presence or other control measure.
Management of lettings
The Governing Body has delegated day-to-day responsibility for lettings to the Headteacher. Where appropriate, the Headteacher may delegate all or part of this responsibility, such as security, insurance arrangements, child protection to other members of staff, whilst still retaining overall responsibility for the lettings process.
If the Headteacher has any concern about whether a particular request for a letting is appropriate or not, she will consult with the Chair of Governors.
The Business Managerwill provide analysis of traded services activity to the FAR Committee to inform the review of charges and policy annually.
Lettings Procedure
Lettings Principles
We will ensure that the facilities are safe and pleasant to use. All hirers will receive a copy of our terms, conditions and guidance form (Appendix 2).
Pool Hirers
In addition to Appendix 2, pool hirers will receive a copy of Appendix 3 – Conditions for the Hire of School Pools.
All-weather Pitch Hirers
In addition to Appendix 2, all-weather pitch hirers will receive a copy of Appendix 4 - Conditions of hire for use of all-weather pitch.
Musical performance and electrical apparatus
- No copyright, dramatic or musical work shall be performed or sung without the licence of the owner of the copyright and all such licences shall be produced on request. The hirer will indemnify the school against the infringement of copyright which may occur during the hiring.
- Any electrical apparatus must be connected via circuit breakers to current British Standards Institute specifications and must be in sound condition in compliance with Portable Appliance testing.
Music Lessons at Simon Balle School
The school provides musical instrument and singing lessons to students. A charge is made for students having instrumental and vocal tuition, which takes place during the school day, subject to the parent/guardian requesting the tuition. See Appendix 6 for music lesson and Rock School request forms.
Parents/guardians must pay for sheet music and instrument consumables such as strings, resin and reeds.
The school will invoice parents at the start of the term. Failure to pay the fees within half a term will result in the termination of lessons. Parents wishing to cancel music lessons are required to provide written notice at least 11 lessons in advance. A termly charge may be made for the hire of school instruments.
Where a student is eligible for remission of music fees (which cover most of the cost of providing music lessons), this is paid for by HCC and processed on their website as with free school meals. The school may choose to subsidise students who are on ‘Pupil Premium’ if deemed to have an impact on achievement.
No charge will be made for rehearsal groups and ensembles, but students will be expected to attend regularly and take part in public performances.
Primary Music Outreach Services
The school provides music tuition to local primary schools and charges for this service are made termly in advance.
The customer agrees to provide the following:
- Provide suitable accommodation and equipment for teaching, ensuring that vision panels are in all doors and rooms are well ventilated and heated.
- Ensure that Simon Balle teachers are made aware of and abide by all relevant school policies and procedures e.g. health and safety, behaviour management protocols, dress code etc.
- Ensure that Simon Balle teachers are given information about their pupils that might influence teaching methods e.g. dyslexia, SEN and home circumstances. The teacher will treat this information in confidence.
- Facilitate a reasonable break for the teacher as appropriate.
- Undertake appropriate administrative arrangements including the organisation of the timetable as necessary.
ICT Outreach service
The school provides ICT support services to a number of local primary schools at a fixed hourly rate. This service includes installation of ICT equipment, training, general network support, software solutions and procurement. It may also include training pupils directly in ICT matters.
See Appendix 7 for the general service agreement for ICT outreach service.
Appendix 1
Where VAT is applicable it will be added to the prices below:
- Lettings Charges (except all-weather pitch)
Facility / Hourly Rate / Per Event
Indoor Swimming Pool / £50.00
Lifeguard (if not supplying own) / £10.00
Gymnasium / £25.00
Hall and equipment (not including use of the PA system) / £35.00
Basic PA System / £70.00
PA System with Operator / £100.00
Charge per hour / Peak / Off-peak
Per 1/3 pitch / £23.00 / £20.00
Whole pitch / £57.00 / £47.00
- All-weather pitch hire charges (from September 2016):
- Music lesson and primary school outreach charges
Lesson Type / 20 minute lesson / 30 minute lesson / 45 minute lesson / 60 minute lesson
Music/ Vocal Tuition / £12.82 / £18.55 / £27.75 / £37.00
Rock School / - / - / - / £5.30
Primary school outreach / - / - / - / £36
- ICT outreach charges
ICT outreach services are charged at £21 per hour.
Appendix 2
Terms, Conditions and Guidance for the Booking and Use of School Facilities
All users of school premises MUSTread this document before completing a booking application form to ensure they are aware of the conditions that apply to the usage of school facilities.
A: Applying for a Letting - Regular Hirers
1.All regular users of school facilities will receive a letter in May each year inviting them to apply for lettings for the forthcoming academic year. Applications will need to be returned before the closing date stated in our letter. Any applications received after the deadline will not be considered until all other applications have been dealt with.
2.Providing the application is returned by the deadline, all invoices during the previous season have been settled within 30 days, and all booking conditions complied with, the hirer will be entitled to retain the slots held during the previous academic year, if the hirer has indicated on their application that these are still required.
3.Failure in the previous academic year by a hirer to meet payment deadlines will result in that hirer not retaining their previously held slots, where another regular hirer who has met payment deadlines, has applied for additional slots and/or change of day/time.
4.The hirer must return the completed booking form(s) and supporting documentation (refer to Sections D and E below) to the Booking Officer by the deadline notified with the application pack.
5.Hirers must ensure that the start time and end time stated on the booking form take account of set up and clearing up time. Arrival before the start time and vacation of the facility after the end time is not allowed. If this should occur, you will be required to pay for the additional time (minimum charge of one hour) at double the hourly rate for the facility hired.
6.With the exception of the all-weather pitch, a separate form must be completed for each school term. Forms received that include dates spanning more than one term will be rejected. The all-weather pitch is let for whole seasons.
B: Applying for a Letting - Ad-hoc Hirers
1.All applications must be made on the application form, and returned to the Booking Officer at least 7 days prior to the requested start date (or 21 days in advance if application for a Temporary Event Notice for a public entertainment event is required).
- See A4 above.
- See A5 above.
C: General Terms and Conditions of Hire
1.Use of the school premises must not interfere with educational use or cause annoyance either within the school or to our neighbours.
2.Hirers will only have access to the facility they have hired. No access shall be granted to other areas of the school site.
3.You may only use the facility for the purpose, length of time and for the organisation specified at the time of booking.
4.The hirer will not sublet the facilities or any part thereof and should he do so or attempt to do so the school shall be entitled to cancel the hiring.
5.The main named contact on the booking form is responsible for the supervision of their members and so must be present from the start time to the end time of each session booked; or the main contact must let the Booking Officer know the name and contact details of any person to whom responsibility for a specific session has been delegated. Please ensure that no one enters the premises until the named responsible/qualified person is present.
6.You must not have more people in the facility than are allowed under the licensing or fire regulations. Capacity limits are available from the Site Manager.
7.Hire of the facility does not include equipment or materials. You may request to use school equipment and/or materials by completing the appropriate section of the booking form. If approved, an additional charge may be applied.
8.Should you require removal or reorganisation of any furniture or equipment, this must be agreed in advance with the Booking Officer who will provide an estimate of the cost for your approval in advance of the booking being confirmed.If any furniture or equipment is moved by the hirer, this must be replaced as it was found.
9.Only equipment and materials approved by the Site Manager (acting on behalf of the Headteacher) may be brought onto the school premises and any portable electrical appliances need to have been PA tested before they are brought on site.
10.Delivery of approved equipment and/or materials to the school in advance of your booking must be arranged in advance with the Site Manager.
11.No pets (other than guide dogs) are allowed anywhere on the school site.
12.You must leave the facility clean and tidy after each session, otherwise you will be charged for an additional cleaning fee.
13.Any damage to the premises, furniture or equipment during the hire (other than ordinary wear and tear), must be reported immediately to the duty caretaker. Any cost incurred in repairing damage caused or replacing items will be charged to your organisation.
14.You or your members must not harass, abuse or threaten any person in or about the premises in any way.
15.During your period of hire you must take all reasonable steps to maintain order and ensure there are no activities undertaken which are against the law or contrary to the conditions contained in this document.
16.The school reserves the right to cancel any booking(s) without notice if:
a)any of the terms and conditions of the hire are broken
b)there is a conflict with educational priorities of the school
c)wear and tear of premises, furniture or fittings is deemed excessive.
17.If you have any problems or difficulties please find the duty caretaker who will be somewhere on the school site.
D: Insurance
1.Your organisation must have third party public liability insurance to cover liabilities (minimum of £5 million). A copy of a valid insurance policy must be attached to your completed booking application form. Your application will be refused if you do not have valid insurance. Employer’s liability, professional indemnity or personal accident/injury insurance held by individual players or instructors are not sufficient.
2.If you do not have the above cover this can be provided through the school. If you require this, you must indicate this on your booking form and an additional 5% of the booking charge will be levied.
3.We will not under any circumstances accept responsibility or pay for any goods or equipment brought onto or left on the premises which are damaged, lost or stolen.
4.In completing and signing a booking form, you agree to indemnify the school against any claims made as a result of loss, damage, injury or death resulting from your booking.
E: Child Protection
- All organisations that involve children under the age of 18 years must have a child protection policy in place. A copy of this policy must be attached to the application form when it is submitted and will form part of your hire agreement.
- The policy must confirm that DBS (previously CRB) checks are carried out on all staff and volunteers.
- The policy must be reviewed at least every three years.
- If you do not supply a copy of your child protection policy or if the information contained in your policy does not provide assurances that staff and volunteers are DBS checked, your application to hire the premises will be refused.
F: Health and Safety
1.All hirers must take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of any other person who may be affected by their acts.
2.All hirers must familiarise themselves with notices related to health, safety and fire precautions wherever displayed. For specific advice, contact the Site Manager.
3.Simon Balle School is a no smoking environment. Smoking or vaping anywhere on site (indoors or outdoors) is strictly prohibited.
4.Car parking is provided on school premisesat the owners’ risk. The hirer must ensure that entrance roads are kept free of traffic to allow vehicles to pass in an emergency.
- Cycles must be parked outside and not brought into the buildings.
- Children must be supervised by an adult at all times and in all areas.
- Members of your organisation must not access areas of the premises that you have not booked.
- Please do not leave litter anywhere on the school site.Use the litter bins provided.
9.The main contact named on the booking form is personally responsible for ensuring that all children/members of their group comply with the conditions of this agreement.