Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 22, 2016

The regular meeting of the PARK OF WOODSTREAM VILLAGE Board of Directors was called to order at 5:35 pm by John Todd, President, meeting in the Club House at 2770 South Elmira St. Denver, CO. 80231. The Directors were present or absent as indicated:

John Todd / Present / Lisa Parrett / Present
Martine Addison / Absent / Sharon Harris / Present
Thom Hanson / Absent

Homeowner Forum: 4 or more home owners were present. Also present as invited guest was Rich Johnston, attorney. Also present was John Young, Property Manager.


·  A quorum was achieved.


·  Correction: Lisa was not present at last month’s meeting. The Board then approved the minutes of October 27, 2016 unanimously.


·  The Board reviewed the financial reports for October 2016, along with the financials from MSI for the month of September. The Board unanimously approved the financials. The Board asked John whether Wester States Properties felt they had everything regarding financials from MSI, John said yes that Christan had weighed through their files and they are complete now.


·  John asked whether the Board sent out the approved budget, they said no. It will be given out at the Annual meeting for ratification.

·  John Todd and John Young met with CoCal, it was decided after the meeting that John would negotiate a settlement with them, he did removing $1,350.50 from the final bill.

·  The snow removal contract for the association was signed, John presented to the Board the contract for individual homeowners who may want to pay for clearing their driveway and walkway to front door. John will mail out the contract to all property owners and renters. Brief discussion, John said how about sending out a newsletter covering several items along with individual snow contract, he will talk with Sharon to make sure all items are mentioned and then have Rich Johnston, attorney review before mailing out.

·  The Board discussed the repairs going on with the inside stains and finishing off the wood below the skylight put in to raise the skylight 4”. Rich felt that as good practice just go ahead and paint the wood area while painting the ceiling for stains. John said that about 3 had been done.

·  John informed the Board that a repair was done to the downspout of Unit 12 and has been fixed.

·  John informed the Board about a call from unit 7 wanting the white rocks removed, wanted grass like everyone else, the rocks get on her driveway and has almost twisted her ankle. A discussion took place, the fix if she wants would be to put an edging material along the driveway if she wants or would that be a trip hazard also. If she does not want that done, she will have to wait till spring and the rocks will be removed and grass planted.

·  John informed the Board about the driveway and the bid for the $5,000+ charge and the difficulty of getting bids on concrete. Lisa said that concrete costs are high and they are very busy, but she is aware that the cost will be going up next year. The Board decided in consultation with Rich Johnston that they would replace the two panels and the owner can decide if they want to pay the other half of the cost so it looks all the same. John will inform the owner in writing and have Rich review the letter.

·  John explained the bill with his name on it was to replace two bulbs in the exit light and to purchase a fire extinguisher for the Club House per fire department requirement.


·  The Board discussed in general the violation log, John will now be able to follow up with other citations to the Declarations and has some back up from past Board meeting provided him by Sharon Harris.


·  Rich Johnston addressed the Board stated that The Park Woodstream is a condominium association and a non- profit. He addressed some of the concerns regarding the following: Driveway, walkways, rear patios and skylights are the owners responsibility, not the association, unless the association has not been diligent in repairs and leaks take place inside the units, then they would have to pay to fix the leak areas or possibly broken items caused by the association, due to lax maintenance. Rich explained the difference of Common element used by all vs. limited element used by the individual home owner, the above items fall into the limited element category as stated in Article 1 of the Declarations. This in turn brought up the driveway repair for #7, the Board unanimously decided with Rich’s approval that they would replace the two damaged panels of the driveway and John will inform the owners that they can pay for the other half if they want it to look the same. John will draft letter and Rich to review for potential legal reasons.

·  The Board discussed the architectural committee and the need to have a clear plan about what to do with the wood shingles on some of the properties and what would be the best way of replacing them with something better. John will work with committee and help them come up with a plan for replacement along with cost. Bob Johnston is the committee chair for the Architectural committee, John will meet with him, it was also decided to put in the newsletter to ask for volunteers for the committee.

·  John said that he is getting bids from Jay about painting the building units so the Board can decide how they want to proceed in the future with the ongoing painting of the block units exterior.

·  John also shared the roof repairs bid from Adams Roofing for units 2 and 4. The Board decided to get a bid from Leak Arrestors for the same units for comparison. They also agreed that they wanted to repair the roofs to code, not sure what that is, John will follow up with roofers.


·  The two violations was noted earlier. Board wanted to know about a unit that has not paid their violation fines, John to follow up with that unit.


·  No report at this time.


·  No report was given, brief discussion about wood shakes on side of units.


·  Unit 17 talked about not sure if leak has been fixed, the re-painting inside has been completed, John stated that he had Mike look at the roof but could not determine any area on the roof causing the leak, Mike will follow up. It was also discussed by unit 17 that unit 19 next door has issues dumping water toward her unit, John will send Mike out to check it out.

·  Homeowners from Unit 33 discussed two requests about 2nd floor deck roof repairs by Leak Arresters they need Architectural Committee approval, Lisa is going to follow up with Bob Johnston, Committee chair.


·  There being no further business to conduct; the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:34 pm. The next regular meeting will be November 22, 2016 5:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

John Young, Acting Secretary

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