The Bowmanstown Borough Authority meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Jerry Hall, Chairman, Vice Chairman – Joseph Civitella, Treasurer – Mathew Behler, Secretary – John Krebs, member –Darren Thomas, Tara Takerer - clerk, Neil Ettinger – Solicitor and Mark Bahnick – Engineer were present . Water Plant Operator – Craig LaBarre was absent.


No visitors present.

 Approval for :

  • A motion was made by John Krebs, 2nd Joseph Civitella to approve the minutes of January 20, 2015, Motion carried.
  • A motion was made by Darren Thomas, 2nd John Krebs to approve the Water Treasurer’s report dated February 17, 2015, Motion carried.

 Solicitor –

  • Solicitor Ettinger sent Robert Frycklund, Esquire letter referencing Authority Acquisition of Tri-Valley Parcel Tax Claim Bureau.

 Engineer –

  • Nothing to report.

Property/Water Operations –

  1. Water leak occurred on January 28, at the corner of Forge & Ore Street. Borough Employee Stephen, Portland Contractors & Banko Excavating repaired a 6” water main break. One customer was without water and boil water went into effect. Boil Water was lifted on January 30th.
  1. Fireline Hotel will be sold in the near future. The potential buyer inquired about paving the parking lot area owned by the Authority. The Board will consider all options ref: renting or selling off the parking lot to the new owner if he approaches the Board with his request (based on new owner’s request to black top property). Engineer recommended that someone should inspect the parking lot to make sure nothing was damaged while Ken Huber owned Fireline Hotel.
  1. John Shupp, 140 Manor Drive, has been complaining of very low water pressure. Water Operator visited locations on February 6, and believe the problem is coming from his galvanized water service line, per engineer problem resolved.
  1. Lang’s Landscaping will begin clearing the trees on Towhee Drive once the weather improves.
  1. Lead and copper sampling will take place Wednesday, February 18, 2015.
  1. Craig, Portland Contractors, was contacted on Friday evening, February 13, by the homeowner at 699 Oak Street due to her not having water. Craig contacted Borough Employee Stephen to investigate, after a thorough investigation and it was determined that her water service line was frozen due to the cold temperatures. The Authority advised that Tara should proceed and bill the homeowner for Borough Employees time due to problem being on homeowner’s portion/responsibility.
  1. Craig, Portland Contractors, opened the valve and connected both systems (Tri-Valley & Bowmanstown Authority’s water system) on February 12, 2015.
  1. The locksmith rekeyed the main lock at Tri-Valley Water Building eliminating the need for. Greg Sanders to have access to the inside of that building when filling water.
  1. Verizon provided pump alarm information to the Authority for review. The pump alarm will allow you to receive messages on up to three mobile devices; this will allow you to power through outages so you receive updates when they’re needed most. Costs for unit is $199.00; system free for 1 year then every year thereafter $30.00. Craig is to review and advise the Authority Board if this is something to consider.

 Correspondence:

Subject: / Date: / Summary:
Statement of Financial Interest / 2/2015 / Board, Engineer, Attorney received Statement of Financial Interests, please REVIEW carefully, add Creditors over $6,500 if needed, Sign and return to office ASAP. / 2/11/2015 / Received information from Verizon in regards to Pump Alarm – information given to Craig for review & consideration; cost $199 for unit; free year free of service, after such $30 per year fee.
PMAA Board Training / March 2015 / Information on file in office if Board members are interested in attending.
Council Minutes / 1/6/2015
2/3/2015 / Minutes copied to Board for review

Adjournment: Time 7:18 PM

Pending List

  • Install subsurface flushing hydrants in Manor Drive Development
  • Repair/Replace fire hydrants that are not draining properly
  • PRV copper control lines need to be replaced behind chlor. Bldg.
  • Valve on Green & Mill St must be replaced
  • Tri-Valley Driveway to be stoned by Brendan Ahner
  • Towhee Water Connection Tie In
  • Water Inventory needed; almost all parts have been relocated


C:\Users\Tara\Documents\Minutes Authority\feb 2015 minutes.doc