Thursday, December 1, 2016 – 12 Noon – 12:20 PM (ET)

Facilitator: Darcy Burbage, ONS Community Advisory Panel

Participants: See Attached List

  1. Welcome and Introductory Remarks
  • Darcy Burbage, ONS Communities Advisory Panel, thanked those leaders who could participate in the call.
  • The purpose of the call is to provide an opportunity for leaders to be given an update on progress towards launching the new collaboration platform.
  • This call is being recorded and will be posted, along with the notes, on the leader’s Virtual Community page for later access.
  1. Update on Community Implementation Process
  1. Kristin Walsh, Program Manager, Education, has been working with Higher Logic getting the platform ready. The items that have been completed and technical testing will begin for quality assurance:

a)Data integration - completed

b)Single Sign On - completed

c)Migration content and seed questions have been gathered and migration of that content is in progress.

  1. Training internally: D. Scheuring and K. Walsh attended the 2016 Higher Logic Super Forum in Virginia. There is much more functionality available in this system.
  2. The beta testers have been testing out the site for ease of navigating through the platform. They were given a list of tasks to perform and email any issues they identified/suggestions to D. Scheuring and S. Eisenberg to help to fine tune the site. Additional testers will be added soon. The general announcement to the entire ONS membership will not be done until next year. S. Eisenberg reported that he has been receiving very positive comments – P. Jakel said it was very easy to post something on the site – D. Burbage stated she did a search and it was successful, even showing postings and discussions (who authored the post and if any attachments). There are a couple of items that have been identified to correct (i.e. not able to change your profile setting, etc.). D. Scheuring stated that currently there are gaps with what the profile is reporting to the database, which is why ONS is also working on getting a new AMS next year to also have the additional functionally available with the new site.
  3. Marketing team working on the final look & feel of the site, along with messaging.
  4. IT continues to work with the integration – content and technical side.
  1. Questions

P. Kelly requested a copy of the previous notes from the calls.

S. Eisenberg asked if you will have the ability to do sticky’s? D. Scheuring will investigate.

  1. Adjournment

Darcy Burbage thanked those who took time to participate in the call. The call was adjourned at 12:20 PM (ET). The next ONS Community Leaders Conference Call is scheduled for Thursday, January 5, 2017 @ 12 Noon (ET).


Chip Bailey, Jr., ONS Director-at-Large

Darcy Burbage, Community Advisory Panel

Cynthia Chernecky, CCS Community Leader

Seth Eisenberg, CHE VC Administrator

Patricia Jakel, CHE Leader

Patricia Kelly, CAG Community Editor

Diane Scheuring, Manager of Member Relations

Kristin Walsh, Project Manager, Education

Liana Wheatley, PNI Community Leader

Barbara Wilson, NTP Community

C:\Users\cdemarco\Community Leadership Conf Call Notes 12 1 16 FINAL.docx