First Call for Papers
7th International Symposium on Power-Line Communications and its Applications
/ ISPLC2003 / ANA Hotel Kyoto, Kyoto, JapanMarch 26-28, 2003 /
cosponsored by IEICE Technical Group on Spread Spectrum Technology
in cooperation with: IEEJ, SITA , IEEE Kansai Section
General Chairman
Yoshiteru Morihiro,
Kyoto University, Japan
Kenji Miyazato,
Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc, Japan
Daisuke Umehara,
Kyoto University, Japan
Shinji Tsuzuki, Ehime University, Japan
Invited Session Organizers (*)
Bahram Honary,University of Lancaster, UK
Gen Marubayashi,
Soka University, Japan
Han Vinck, Essen University, Germany
John Newbury, Open University, UK
Klaus Dostert,
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Masaaki Katayama,
Nagoya University, Japan
Mehmet Safak,
Hacettepe University, Turkey
Paul Brown, White Box Solutions, UK
Ryuji Kohno,
Yokohama National University, Japan
Yong Whan Lee,
Seoul National University, Korea
International Advisory Committee (*)
Han Vinck, Essen University, GermanyGen Marubayashi,
Soka University, Japan
Bahran Honary,
University of Lancaster, UK
Tom Coffey,
University of Limerick, Ireland
Hans Ottosson,
Enersearch Industrial Research Consortium, Sweden
Goran Lindel, Lund University, Sweden
F-N Pavilidou,
Aristotle University of Tessaloniki, Greece
Petros Dokopoulos,
Aristotle University of Tessaloniki, Greece
(*) partly tentative / Following the last symposium held in the ancient city of Athens, the next symposium, ISPLC'2003 will be hosted in Kyoto, which was the capital of Japan and the heart of culture and politics for over 1,000 years. The conference venue, the ANA Hotel Kyoto, is located opposite one of the Kyoto's most historic landmarks, Nijo Castle. The last week of March is the best tourist season to visit Japan. You will be able to enjoy 360 cherry trees blossoming inside the castle ground.
The objective of the symposium is to stimulate research and applications and contribute to the formulation and solution of technical issues in this field. An interesting exhibition will be organized in parallel with the technical sessions with many outstanding lectures on market solutions and trends.
The ISPLC2003 organization committee is soliciting papers describing original, previously unpublished, completed or on-going research, on topics including, but not limited to, the following:
Measurements and Channel Characterization
Modulation, Error-Control Coding and Synchronization
Experimental Systems
LSI Design
OFDM Techniques
Spread Spectrum Techniques
Signal Processing: Algorithms and Devices
System Architectures
Power-line Communication Networks and Protocols
Power-line Communication Services
Multiple-access Techniques
Developing Standards
Related topics
Papers should neither have been published elsewhere nor currently under review by another conference or journal. For paper submission, please follow the submission instructions at:
All papers will be reviewed by the organization committee members.
Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by ISPLC2003 organization committee.
Extended abstract due: November 20, 2002
Notification: December 10, 2002
Camera Ready due: January 31, 2003
Please note that all papers included in the proceedings must be presented at the symposium, and all presenting authors must register for ISPLC2003.
Web site:
Last modified: 2002/07/16 18:48 by S.TSUZUKI