MI 211 (1989) Ford UTILITY TRUCK
© year on base: 1989 / 1992 (IC)scale: 1:83 (cast on base)
length: 77mm
MATCHBOX lettering on base: bold italic in frame
additional lettering on base: none / INTERCOM CITY
company on base: MATCHBOX INT'L LTD
number on base: none
cast license plate: none / plastic base
no interior
plastic wheels
extendable plastic boom & bucket
turnable plastic turret /
# / body / base / windows / wheels / hubs / deco / boom / turret /
bucket / sub-var / note / cate / area / Mack # / Mack date / date
p01 / gray / gray M / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / ENERGY INC. w/ orange cab front tampo / white / x / P / 1989
001 / gray / black M / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / ENERGY INC. w/ orange cab front tampo / white / x / #33 / 74 / 01 / 1989-11 / 1989
002 / gray / black M / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / no door tampo w/ orange cab front tampo / white / #33 / 74 / 02 / 1990
007 / gray / black C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / ENERGY INC. w/ orange cab front tampo / white / x / #33 / 74 / 07 / 1991-02 / 1991
fa0 / red / yellow M / blue / blue 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / yellow / 53, circle & bolt design tampo / yellow & lime /
blue / blue / LL / 1990
005 / red / yellow C / blue / blue 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / yellow / 53, circle & bolt design tampo / blue & yellow /
blue / lime / x / LL / 05 / 1990-11 / 1990
006 / red / yellow C / blue / blue 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / yellow / 53, circle & bolt design tampo / blue & lime /
yellow / blue / x / LL / 06 / 1991-02 / 1991
003 / red / yellow C / blue / blue 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / yellow / 53, circle & bolt design tampo / none / blue /
none / LL / USA / 03 / 1990-10 / 1990
004 / red / yellow C / blue / blue 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / yellow / 53, circle & bolt design tampo / none/ yellow /
none / LL / USA / 04 / 1990-10 / 1990
fa1 / red / yellow C / blue / blue 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / blue / 53, circle & bolt design tampo / lime & blue /
blue / blue / LL / 1992
f18 / red / black C / blue / blue 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / yellow / 53, circle & bolt design tampo / white / yellow /
white / x / CN / 1991
f19 / red / black C / blue / black 8 spconc 11x5.5mm / silver / 53, circle & bolt design tampo,no roof tampo / white / x / CN / 1991
008 / orange-yellow / black C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / ENERGY INC. w/ red cab front tampo / white / x / AP / USA / 08 / 1991-11 / 1991
009 / dk. yellow / black T / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TELEPHONE CO. UNIT 4 & black checkers
tampo / white / x / #33 / 74 / 09 / 1992-05 / 1992
012 / dk. yellow / black C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TELEPHONE CO. UNIT 4 & black checkers
tampo / white / x / #33 / 74 / 12 / 1995-05 / 1995
010 / green / black T (IC) / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / IC logo / SERVICE 4 w/ checkers tampo / white / x / IC / 10 / 1993-09 / 1993
011a / cream / green C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / lt. green TREE CARE 14 w/ tree design tampo / green / x / #33 / 74 / 11 / 1995-03 / 1995
011b / dk.cream / green C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / lt. green TREE CARE 14 w/ tree design tampo / green / x / #33 / 74 / 1995
013 / cream / green C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / dk. green TREE CARE 14 w/ tree design tampo / green / x / #33
I95 / USA / 13 / 1995-11 / 1995
014 / met. green / gray C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / white TREE CARE 14 w/ tree design tampo / white / x / #33 / 74 / 14 / 1996-10 / 1996
f17 / met. green / gray C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / white TREE CARE 14 w/ tree design tampo / green / x / CN / 1997
043 / met. green / black C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / white TREE CARE 14 w/ tree design tampo / maroon / x / CN / 43 / 2005-12 / 1997
015 / met. gold / black C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / none / black / x / #33 / 75C / USA / 15 / 1997-01 / 1996
016 / silver-gray / black C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / GLOBAL ELECTRIC tampo / red / City
Streets / 5P / 16 / 1997-04 / 1997
018 / silver-gray / black C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / GLOBAL ELECTRIC tampo / dk. red / x / City
Streets / 5P / USA / 18 / 1997-12 / 1997
019 / silver-gray / black C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / GLOBAL ELECTRIC tampo / maroon / x / City
Streets / 5P / USA / 19 / 1997-12 / 1997
017 / blue / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / yellow P&L CO. RESPONSE UNIT 20 tampo / yellow / x / #33 / 74
/ 9 / 17 / 1997-09 / 1997
020 / red / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / MB FIRE DEPT., white stripes tampo / white / x / Fire / 5P / 20 / 1998-03 / 1998
026 / red / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / MB FIRE DEPT., white stripes tampo / white / a / Fire / 5P / 26 / 1999-08 / 1999
021a / orange / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / brt. blue P&L CO. RESPONSE UNIT 20 tampo / white / x / #9 / 21 / 1998-05 / 1998
021b / dk.orange / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / brt. blue P&L CO. RESPONSE UNIT 20 tampo / white / x / #9 / 1998
021c / dk. orange / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / dull blue P&L CO. RESPONSE UNIT 20 tampo / white / x / #9 / 1998
022 / black / gray C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / HIGHWAY CREW / UNIT #45 tampo / green / x / Highway
Crew / 5P / 22 / 1998-11 / 1998
024 / silver-gray / black C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / IDEAL POWER / CLEAN SAFE POWER tampo / yellow / x / #15 / USA / 24 / 1999-02 / 1999
025 / silver-gray / black C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / IDEAL POWER / CLEAN SAFE POWER tampo / yellow / a / #15 / USA / 25 / 1999-05 / 1999
f01 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / none / white / x / ASAP / BLK / USA / 1998
f02 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / none / white / ASAP / BLK / USA / 1999
f26 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / none / gray / ASAP / BLK / USA / 2002
f06 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / none / white / ASAP / BLK / USA / 2003
# / body / base / windows / wheels / hubs / deco / boom / turret /bucket / donor # / sub-var / note / cate / area / Mack # / Mack date / date
f11 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / AMERICAN INT'L RECOVERY tampo
(black, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f54 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / ASUC / AMERICAN SAFETY tampo
(blue, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f40 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / AT&T tampo (dk. blue, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
028 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / BELL ATLANTIC tampo (blue & green, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA / 28 / 2000-02
f88 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / CILCO tampo (dk. blue & red, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f35 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / CINERGY tampo (purple, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f15 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / CIPCO tampo (purple, doors) / white / f01 / x / ASAP / USA
f94 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / circle with six stripes tampo (maroon, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f38 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / CON EDISON tampo (blue, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f45 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / CP / CORNHUSKER PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT
tampo(red, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f95 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / DELOITTE & TOUCHE tampo (dk. blue, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f51 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / DMSI tampo (black, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f52 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES OF ARKANSAS
tampo(black & green, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f81 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / FIRST ENERGY tampo (black, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f53 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / FLINT ENERGIES tampo(green & gold, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
044 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / FLORIDA POWER tampo (green, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA / 44 / 2006-01
f85 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / FLORIDA POWER tampo
(black, red & yellow, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f39 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / FREEPORT ELECTRIC / Y2K tampo
(blue & red, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
023 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / GI tampo (gray, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA / 23 / 1999-02
f93 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / GRAPHIC INSTALLATION SERVICES tampo
(dk. green, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA / 2002
f03 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / INTERGRAPH UTILITIES / circular logo tampo
(black & blue, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f91 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / KCPL tampo (blue, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f34 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / KGE with star design tampo(black & dk. blue, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f41 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / KUB tampo (blue, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f37 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / LADWP tampo (dark blue, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f36 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / LINEMAN'S RODEO tampo (red, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f87 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / lowercase A logo tampo (green, doors) / white / f01 / Alameda / ASAP / USA
027 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / MTI tampo (dk. blue, left door only) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA / 27 / 2000-01
f47 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / NEW ULM PUBLIC UTILITIES tampo (hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f50 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / NYSEG tampo (orange, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f44 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / PROGRESS ENERGY tampo(black, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f86 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / PWC tampo (blue, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f21 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / RISING SUN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES tampo
(blue, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f43 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MAGAZINE tampo
(blue, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f29 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / SANTEE COOPER tampo (green, doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f22 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / AIKEN ELECTRIC
tampo(black, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f32 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / LAMAR / EMC tampo
(black, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f82 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / MENARD tampo
(black, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f33 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / NUSHAGAK tampo
(black, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f31 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / PIONEER tampo
(black, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f90 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / POUDRE VALLEY
REA tampo (black, hood & doors) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f42 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TREE-LINE tampo (black, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f49 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / ULTIMATE SCANS AND DESIGN CONCEPT
tampo / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
f83 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / VERIZON tampo (black & red, hood) / white / f01 / ASAP / USA
048 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / ELC tampo (orange & blue, hood) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA / 48 / 2007-05
f04 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / FIRST ENERGY tampo (blue, doors) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA
035 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / GEORGIA POWER tampo (gray & red, doors) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA / 35 / 2001-07
036 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / GRAPHIC INSTALLATION SERVICES tampo
(dk. green, hood, sides & boom) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA / 36 / 2002-02
031 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / GULF POWER tampo (red & gray, doors) / white / f02 / a / ASAP / USA / 31 / 2000-12
037 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / KPL with star design tampo(black & dk. blue, doors) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA / 37 / 2002-10
029 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / LCEC tampo (dk. blue, doors) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA / 29 / 2000-04
f12 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / PAC. TEL tampo / white / f02 / ASAP / USA
f48 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / PEMTELCO tampo (dk. blue, hood) / white / f02 / a / ASAP / USA
f25 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / PUD / FIFTY YEARS tampo (green, doors) / white / f02 / a / ASAP / USA
f24 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / PUD tampo (green, doors) / white / f02 / a / ASAP / USA
030 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / quarter sun & angled lines tampo
(yellow & green, doors) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA / 30 / 2000-09
032 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / small bulb, RMLD tampo (yellow & black, doors) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA / 32 / 2001-06
f14 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / square design tampo (gold, left door only) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA
034 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / VERIZON tampo (black & red, doors) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA / 34 / 2001-06
f13 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / WESTERN STATES CO-OP tampo / white / f02 / ASAP / USA
033 / white / silver C # / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / XCEL ENERGY tampo
(gray & pink labels, sides & doors) / white / f02 / ASAP / USA / 33 / 2001-04
f58 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / AMTRAK BEAR, DE tampo
(dk. blue, left door only) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA
f27 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / CILCO tampo (dk. blue & red, doors) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA
f89 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / COVINGTON ELECTRIC tampo (black, doors) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA
f28 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / DUQUESNE LIGHT tampo (lime & black, doors) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA
f56 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / FRYE ELECTRIC tampo (blue, doors) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA
f55 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / JAMES VALLEY ELECTRIC CO-OP tampo
(black, doors) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA
f57 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / square design tampo (gold, left door only) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA
f80 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TEXAS ELECTRIC with star tampo
(red & blue, hood) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA
f23 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / EREC tampo
(black & green, hood & doors) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA
f92 / white / silver C / blue / black 8 sp conc 11x5.5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / WEST CENTR.ELEC.
CO-OP. / 60 YEARS tampo (black, hood & doors) / gray / f26 / ASAP / USA / 1999
f09 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / 20 YEARS PROJECT DESERVE / WESTAR
ENERGY tampo (black & blue, hood & doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f79 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / APG tampo (turquoise & purple, doors & buckets) / white / f06 / c / ASAP / USA
f78 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / APS / APS.COM tampo
(dk. blue & orange, doors & buckets) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f05 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / circular logo tampo (blue, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
039 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / COX COMMUNICATIONS tampo (blue, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA / 39 / 2004-11
f20 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / CTC tampo (blue, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f62 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / DUECO tampo (dark blue, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f97 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / EEI tampo (black, hood & doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f74 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / ENTERGY tampo (black & red, left door only) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f07 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / FIRST ENERGY tampo (black, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f70 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / GEORGIA POWER tampo / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f68 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / I'M CONNECTED / PLUMAS-SIERRA REC tampo
(green, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f99 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / INTERGRAPH / circular logo tampo
(black & blue, hood & doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f84 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / INTERGRAPH tampo (blue, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f60 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / IPL with lightning design tampo(brown, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f77 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / JACKSON EMC tampo(blue & yellow, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f46 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / JEA tampo (blue, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
041 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / lineman design tampo (black, left door only) / white / f06 / c / ASAP / USA / 41 / 2005-02
f71 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / lineman design tampo (blue, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f64 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / MA-COM tampo (dark blue, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f59 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / MARSH / MP & UP tampo (blue, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f61 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / MGE with flame design tampo(green, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f73 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / MISSISSIPPI POWER tampo (gray & red, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f69 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / NATIONAL GRID tampo (black, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f67 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / NYSRECA tampo (lime, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
046 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / PIONEERS tampo (black & blue, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA / 46 / 2006-10
f10 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / quarter sun & angled lines tampo
(yellow & green, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f66 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / RE SAFETY ACCREDITATION PROGRAM
tampo(black, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f76 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / SINGING RIVER ELECTRIC POWER ASSOC. /
ACRE tampo(green, hood & left door) / white / f06 / b / ASAP / USA
038 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON tampo
(black, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA / 38 / 2004-04
f75 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / SOUTHERN COMPANY tampo(gray & red, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f65 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / SRB tampo (dark blue, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f30 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / STEUBEN R.E.C. tampo (green, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f63 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / T&B tampo (dk. turquoise, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f72 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / TECO ENERGY tampo (black, doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
045 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / JOY tampo
(black & orange, hood & left door) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA / 45 / 2006-01
f98 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / SK / HECC tampo
(blue, hood & doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f16 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY / WHITE RIVER
VALLEY tampo (black, hood & doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
f96 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY COOPERATIVES /
circular logo tampo (black & green, hood & left door) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
042 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / TOUCHSTONE ENERGY tampo (black, hood) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA / 42 / 2005-04
f08 / white / silver C # / blue / black 7 sp sawbl 12x5mm / silver / XCEL ENERGY tampo (black & red, sides & doors) / white / f06 / ASAP / USA
USA codes: