Foreign Language Supervision Procedures




  • Supervisors will conduct 4 visits in the Fall with both PYs and MATs (3 onsite and 1 in the practicum/internship course)
  • MENTOR teachers are required to conduct 1 observation a week on MAT students in the FALL and SPRING
  • COOP teachers are required to conduct 1 observation a week in the SPRING for PYS
  • Supervisors are not required to videotape MATs and PYS, however may decide to use video as a helpful tool
  • Students will be videotaping mini lessons for their practicum/internship courses

MAT internship/PY student teaching expectations:

  • MATs are in the schools for 20 hours a week in the FALL and 30 hours a week in the SPRING
  • MATS will follow a phase in procedure…observe, teach mini-lessons, and co-teach in September, take over 1 class in October, and take over 2 classes in November
  • PYS are in the schools for 8 hours a week (2 4 hour half days consisting of a morning and an afternoon OR 1 full 8 hour day from arrival to dismissal)
  • PYS may observe, co-teach, and teach mini-lessons in the FALL
  • A note will be sent to COOP teachers asking for support in allowing PYs and MATs to teach mini lessons for their coursework at Pitt
  • PYs will follow existing phase in procedure in the SPRING (in handbook)

Midterm and Final Pitt evaluations:

  • MATS: A formative evaluation will be conducted in December using the Foreign language midterm evaluation form, a midterm evaluation will be conducted again in Spring (at the end of Feb/beginning of March), and a final evaluation will be conducted at the end of the Spring and summer terms that will determine grade (HSU)
  • PYS: a midterm evaluation will be conducted in Spring (at the end of Feb/beginning of March), and a final evaluation will be conducted at the end of the Spring semester (HSU)

PDE 430

  • Training will be EARLY this year in the Myriam’s class
  • Students will receive their iwebfolio login from Fiona early in Myriam’s class
  • Students are required to start to collect a few pieces for their portfolios to upload in the Fall (see PDE timeline)
  • The portfolio must be done, evaluated, and approved by April for state certification
  • In the Fall, students are encouraged to go over the PDE 430 rubric to become familiar with portfolio requirements
  • As they become familiar with the PDE 430 rubric, they should keep their eye out for projects, lessons, materials that would fit into the categories
  • Supervisors can go over what students have uploaded and how they have followed the time line in December, however no formative evaluation of PDE needs to be submitted
  • PDE 430 submissions will be evaluated through the professionalism section of the midterm evaluation