DECEMBER 17, 2015
A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on December 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Item 1 – Roll call and Pledge of Allegiance. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees; Daniels, Isbell, Heaton, Moos, Rohn and Mayor Moser. Attorney Rocklin was also present. Trustee Ross appeared later in the meeting.
Item 2 - Review of the Minutes of the November 19th meeting. Trustee Moos moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Heaton. Motion carried 5-0.
Item 3 – Amended Trailer Parking Ordinance No. 574 – 2nd reading. Concluding the second reading and discussion Trustee Isbell moved to adopt Ordinance No. 574, seconded by Trustee Daniels. Roll call; Heaton-aye, Moos-aye, Rohn-aye, Isbell-aye and Daniels-aye. Motion carried 5-0.
Item 4 – Public Hearing on Proposed Zone Changes:
A) Celia Turner – 228 7th Street requests a change from C-2 (Commercial) to R-MU (Residential Mixed Use). The Planning Commission has recommended approval. Mayor Moser opened the public hearing for comments. No comments so hearing closed. Concluding the first reading and discussion, Trustee Moos moved to approve Ordinance No. 577: Approval of Residential Mixed-Use (R-MU) Zoning of the property known by street address as 228 7th Street, located in Section 31, Township 7 North, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M., in the Town of Eaton, County of Weld, State of Colorado, and containing approximately 0.475 acres as presented, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Roll call; Daniels-aye, Heaton-aye, Moos-aye, Rohn-aye and Isbell-aye. Motion carried 5-0.
B) Ordinance No. 575 establishing an I-2 Zone for the newly annexed Amalgamated Sugar Silos. Mayor Moser opened the public hearing for comments. No comments so hearing closed. Concluding the first reading and discussion, Trustee Isbell moved to adopt Ordinance No. 575: Approval of Industrial and Manufacturing District (I-2) Zoning of the property known as the Sugar Mill Annexation III located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 7 North, Range 65 West of the 6th P.M., in the County of Weld, State of Colorado, and containing approximately 1.281 acres as presented, seconded by Trustee Daniels. Roll call; Moos-aye, Rohn-aye, Isbell-aye, Daniels-aye and Heaton-aye. Motion carried 5-0.
C) Ordinance No. 576 establishing an R-1 Zone for the newly annexed Sander property at South Cheyenne Avenue and Collins Street. Mayor Moser opened the public hearing for comments. No comments so hearing closed. Concluding the first reading and discussion, Trustee Daniels moved to adopt Ordinance No. 576: Approval of Single-family Residential (R-1) Zoning of the property known as the Sander Annexation located in the Northeast quarter of Section 1, Township 6 North, Range 66 West of the 6th P.M., in the County of Weld, State of Colorado, and containing approximately 0.906 acres, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Roll call; Isbell-aye, Rohn-aye, Moos-aye, Heaton-aye, and Daniels-aye. Motion carried 5-0.
Item 5 – Aspen Meadows Schematic Plan Review: Section 7-3-13 of our code requires the Town Board to review the Schematic Plan for a PUD. The Planning Commission has recommended approval. Attorney Rocklin explained that this is not a public hearing but a preliminary review of the Aspen Meadows Schematic Plan for a PUD. There will be a public hearing for public comment at a later date. There will be a couple of comments allowed during this meeting. The public will be notified of the hearing by postings at Town Hall, the local paper and the Town website. Amy Antonmaria who resides at 1356 Plains Court expressed some concern regarding the legalities of the proposed schematic plan being presented and has seen no traffic study that has been completed. Chuck Johnson, residing at 1552 Carriage Drive, who is also the president of the Home Owners Association, expressed concerns about the proposed 67.9 acres of Aspen Meadows which is considered part of Governor’s Ranch and should be under the HOA’s control and wanted to know if the lots have been subdivided. Mr. Johnson believes there are some serious legal issues that need to be addressed before moving forward. Corie Baessler, the developer stated that he believes the proposed area in question is not in the Governor’s Ranch subdivision. There are 160 residential lots and sizes are approximately 7,500 square feet, and includes a church. The development will occur in four phases. Mike Ketterling, engineer for the town, stated that a traffic study had been completed in June of 2000. That particular study did not include the church or school. Keith Finn, residing at 1384 Colorado Parkway, expressed the need for an updated traffic study. Gary stated there is still a lot of work to be completed between the schematic stage and the final PUD stage. Concluding discussion and questions Trustee Moos moved to approve the Aspen Meadows
DECEMBER 17, 2016, page 2
Schematic Plan as presented, seconded by Trustee Ross. Roll call: Daniels-aye, Heaton-nay, Moos-aye, Rohn-aye, Ross-aye and Isbell-aye. Motion carried 5-1.
Item 6 – 2016 Budget Resolutions:
A) 2015-06 – Increase in Water Rates. This resolution will increase the water charges as follows: $30.22 for the first 4,000 gallons of water, and then an additional $4.50 for each 1,000 gallons used thereafter. The water rate for Bulk water at the Water Station or Hydrants will be $9.50 for each 1,000 gallons. The new rates will be effective January 1, 2016. Trustee Ross moved to adopt Resolution 2015-06, seconded by Trustee Isbell. Roll call; Heaton-aye, Moos-aye, Rohn-aye, Ross-aye, Isbell-aye and Daniels-aye. Motion carried 6-0.
B) 2015-07 – Summarizing Expenditures and Revenues. This is a resolution summarizing expenditures and revenues for each fund and adopting a budget for the town for the calendar year beginning the 1st day of January 2016 and ending on the last day of December, 2016. Trustee Ross moved to adopt Resolution 2015-07, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Roll call; Moos-nay, Rohn-aye, Ross-aye, Isbell-aye, Daniels-aye and Heaton-aye. Motion carried 5-1.
C) 2015-08 – 2016 Appropriations. This resolution makes appropriations for the fiscal year. Trustee Rohn moved to adopt Resolution 2015-08, seconded by Trustee Ross. Roll call; Isbell-aye, Ross-aye, Rohn-aye, Moos-nay, Heaton-aye and Daniels-aye. Motion carried 5-1.
Item 7 – Citizen comments/questions. None.
Item 8 - Reports.
Ø - Chief Mueller provided an update on activities in the police department.
Ø - Gary provided an update on the schedule for the Town Square Arbor project. Gary also supplied information on the new street sweeper and used 2013 loader to replace the existing 1978 John Deere.
Ø - Trustee Ross provided an update for the MPO. The new chair is Jerry Horac of Fort Collins, with Kevin. Ross as vice-chair. A letter of thanks has been received from the executive director, Terri Blackmore for the Town hosting the MPO Planning Council dinner and meeting.
Ø - Jeff provided an update on the traffic light status and grant application for water runoff project or other needs.
Ø - Attorney Rocklin provided information regarding the Governor’s Ranch subdivision issues.
Trustee Ross moved to adjourn to executive session at 8:30 p.m. for a conference with the Town Attorney for the purposes of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(b), seconded by Trustee Moos. Roll call; Daniels-aye, Heaton-aye, Moos-aye, Rohn-aye, Ross-aye and Isbell-aye. Motion carried 6-0.
Meeting reconvened at 8:40 p.m. with no decisions having been made.
Item 9 – Adjourn. Having no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk