Minutes of Conformance SIG - May 23 - 24, 2000
Committee: Conformance SIG
CoChair: Kathy Blyler, Jack Harrington
Author: Jack Harrington
Conformance Meeting AM
Joe Lenahan / Superior /Mary Ann Juurlink / Killdara /
Ioana Singureanu / Eversolve /
Greg Cook / Cerner /
Carlos Sanroman / Kaiser Permanente /
Greg Thomas / Kaiser Permanente /
Phil Taggert / McKesson HBOC /
Ken Ruben / EDS /
Serafina Versaggi / Care Science /
Jack Harrington / Agilent /
Kathy Blyler / SMS /
MnM Joint Meeting PM
Mary Ann Juurlink / Killdara /Ioana Singureanu / Eversolve /
Carlos Sanroman / Kaiser Permanente /
Greg Thomas / Kaiser Permanente /
Serafina Versaggi / Care Science /
Jack Harrington / Agilent /
Kathy Blyler / SMS /
Jack Harrington / Agilent /
Kathy Blyler / SMS /
Jane Curry / Alberta Health and Wellness /
Ted Klein / Cmore Medical /
Woody Beeler / Mayo /
Discussion Items
The Conformance SIG met Tuesday morning alone, then held a joint meeting with Modeling & Methodology in the afternoon. At the request of the IMSIG a joint session was held on Wednesday afternoon. The following documents the discussion of those meetings. The attendance for the joint session with the IMSIG is included in the minutes from that group.
§ Kathy Blyler presented the revised mission and scope that was approved at the Monday night Technical Steering Committee meeting.
§ The "Specification for Message Profile Content" document was approved as a recommendation. The group reviewed and resolved the editorial corrections based on the comments and suggestions resulting from the ballot.
§ Jack Harrington presented a mock-up of the profiling tool to motivate the discussion of the specification for the tool. The mock-up is posted on the Conformance Sig Web site.
§ The group spent the majority of the morning session developing the use case models for the specification required to implement the profile tool.
§ Mary Ann Juurlink presented a template for an XML based profile. After some discussion, the group decided that there were two uses for XML, first as an interchange format for communication of profile specifications conforming to the "Specification for Message Profile Content" and next as a mechanism for representation of a message which is based on a profile. Interchange of profile specifications is an appropriate topic for the Conformance Sig while representation of messages based on profiles is the focus of the XML Technical Committee.
§ After break, the Conformance SIG met jointly with the Modeling and Methodology TC. The intent of this meeting was to review the proposal for aligning the HL7 V2 profiling and HL7 V3 Message Development Framework Conformance Chapter. After some discussion, Woody Beeler recommended that we align the coding used in V2 Conformance with the coding used in V3 Conformance. Using the approach recommended by the Vocabulary TC, the group defined a vocabulary code set for the V2 and V3 Conformance realm. The group noted that a vendor conformance statement in V3 which is registered with HL7 is equivalent to a V2 Profile as defined by the Conformance Sig. There was a general agreement that the use of profiles will assist in clarification of the support needed to make the transition from V2 messages to V3 messages.
§ On Wednesday afternoon the Conformance Sig met with the IMSIG for a joint tutorial on Conformance.
Action Items
· Kathy Blyler will update the Mission Charter statement with the appropriate relationships to other committees.
· Kathy Blyer will update the ballot comments from the Specification for Message Profile content.
· Jack Harrington will update the Specification for Message Profile Content document to reflect the editorial resolutions
· Kathy Blyler will schedule the monthly conference calls via HL7 HQ. The calls will be held on 29 June, 27 July, and 31 August from 12:00 - 13:00 EDT.
· Jack Harrington and Kathy Blyler will define a scope statement for the editing of the Version 3.0 Conformance Chapter.
· Kathy Blyer will propose a joint meeting with Control Query to discuss alignment of V2 Conformance based Message Profiles and V2.4 Conformance based queries and mechanisms for user defined extensions in V3.
· Jack Harrington will prepare a proposal for how to include V2 "Z" segments in V2 message profiles
· Complete the specification for implementation of a profiling tool and develop a prototype implementation for the Fall meeting.
Proposed Agenda for September 2000
· Review the profiling tool specification and prototype
· Review status of V3 HDF Conformance Chapter and develop work plan
· Joint Meeting with Control Query
· Joint Meeting with Modeling & Methodology