Mrs.Barnhart’s Class
September 24, 2012
CRES phone 448- 4780
Friday special: Gym
Homework is in your child’s folder and is due on Friday!
A Look at Last Week:
Last week we read the story Julius. We discussed the characters and setting of the story and were introduced to nouns. Nouns are any person, place or object. We played a game on our Interwrite board together to help us classify nouns into categories.
We worked on learning to identify the letters and sounds for Ss and Ffand we began working on learning the words “to” and “a.”
In math we worked on writing numbers 0 -3 correctly. We also reviewed patterning, played a spin the number game, sequenced numbers to 10 and learned to play a game called “Top It.”
In Social Studies we began our unit on Geography. We each made a globe and learned a song about the continents.
A Peek at This Week:
We will be reading Dig, Dig, Digging. This book is different than other books we have been reading. This is a concept book about vehicles. We will be looking at the main idea and key details of a text. We will also be learning about John Chapman who is now known as Johnny Appleseed. We will be doing Johnny Appleseed day on Wednesday.
In math we will be working on identifying money. We are starting with the penny, nickel and dime. We will also be working on those “tricky teen” numbers. It is helpful if you practice these numbers at home as well. We will be listening for
the four in 14 and the six in 16 (etc.) to help us discriminate between these numbers.
In Social Studies we will be discussing more about maps and globes. We will be making a map and discussing North, South, East and West as well as talking about how people live in different areas of the world. We will discuss adaptations to our environment.
High Frequency Words List
These are the words we have learned so far this year. The words in bold are the ones we are working on this week.
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Leveled Readers:
The students are doing fantastic reading their leveled readers. Please remember to send them back to school. We put these into our “libraries” to read during silent reading as well as read to our book buddies. These books are part of their homework. Students must return their written homework and their leveled readers to earn a sticker on the homework chart.
Wrong Answer Analysis (WAA)
We completed the WAA on our first Science test last week. Your child re-worked the problems they missed. We did this with a green crayon so you could tell what they corrected. I was very impressed with how well they did!
Box Top Collection:
Box Top contest is this week! The class that turns in the most box tops wins an ice cream party! CRES is planning to use our Box Top money to purchase additional iPads for our school. Please put the Box Tops in a baggie with your child’s name and send to school in their green folder.
A special request from Mr. Maddy:
Please remember that students need to wear gym shoes on Wednesday. If your child really wants to wear different shoes that day to go with their outfit then please have them put gym shoes and socks in their backpack to change for gym.
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is also this week. If you would like for your child to purchase books put the book fair money in an envelope or baggie marked with your child’s name and the words “Book Fair.”
Our Book Fair day is Monday and it will be open Monday night during the Family Dinner and Game Night.
Things we could use
Below is a list of a few things I could use in the classroom. These are not mandatory items just things we use in the classroom that are almost gone.
- baby wipes
- quart sized zipper bags
- black yarn
- white yarn
- Elmer’s rubber cement
- cardstock (white or ivory)
Dates to Remember:
Sept. 24 Family Game Night – 6:00
Sept. 24 – 28BoxTops collection
Sept. 24 – 28Bookfair
Sept. 25SBDM, 5:30
Homework is in your child’s folder and is due on Friday!