Cedar Grove ElementarySchool
2826 E. 15th Street
Panama City, Florida 32405
Phillip Campbell Phillip Campbell,Principal
I want to make myself better today than I was yesterday.
My teacher cannot do this for me.
I must do it for myself.
In the way I look, the way I act, the way I work, I will be my best self
School office hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
NO STUDENT is to be on campus before 7:20 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 7:20 until 7:50 a.m.
Students report to waiting areas after eating breakfast and then class at 7:50 a.m.
Instructional hours are 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Dismissal is at 2:00 p.m.
21ST Century After-School Program runs 2:00-5:00 p.m.
- Students riding buses will be dropped off at the 14th St. bus ramp located in the rear of the campus. NO CARS are permitted in this area.
- Parents driving their children to school are to drop them off and pick them up on Everitt Avenue by the cafeteria.
- Day Care vans collect students on the Kraft Avenue side of the school. NO PARENTS MAY PICK UP THEIR CHILDREN IN THIS AREA—Day Care vans ONLY.
- Students walking to and from school should observe proper safety rules, cross the streets at the designated places, and observe directions of the school crossing guard or adults supervising them.
- Unless the teacher is notified IN WRITING by the parent, students will be required to follow their regular means of transportation at dismissal.
- Any parent needing to get their child for early pick-up must report to the front office to sign the child out. The office staff will call for the child to come to the front office. FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL CHILDREN, TEACHERS WILL NOT RELEASE STUDENTS TO PERSONS COMING TO THE CLASSROOM.
Terrific Tigers leave the following items at home:
chewing gumtoysradioselectronic devices
weaponstobacco productsmatches/lightersmedications
(as per School Board policy, cell phones must be off and not in use during school hours including lunch)
mascot is the Tiger
colors are blue and gold.
expectations are ROAR=Respectful, Optimistic, Ambitious, Responsible
uniform top colors: red, white and blue
All students are expected to behave in a manner that contributes to our positive school climate.
YOU are a TERRIFIC TIGER at all times!
We expect your proper behavior on the buses, in our classrooms, in our lunchroom, on our school grounds, and at all our school functions.
When you follow expectations, positive recognition is given.
When you do not behave, consequences will result for your misbehavior.
You will be provided a copy of the BayCounty student Code of Conduct that supports our goal for excellence at CedarGroveElementary School. Parents, please go over this Code very carefully with your child.
PBS (Positive Behavior Support)
Cedar Grove is one of hundreds of Florida schools designated a Positive Behavior Support school. The basis of PBS is to teach all students how they are expected to behave and to positively recognize those students who follow the school-wide expectations and demonstrate appropriate behavior. A number of positive reinforcements are given at both the classroom and school level. Those students who do not display the desired behaviors will be given opportunities to correct their behavior through a number of different consequences. The goal at Cedar Grove is to establish and maintain a consistent, caring community where all children can learn in a safe and nurturing environment.
Students are notpermitted to charge school meals. If a student does not have meal money, he will be provided an alternative meal (sandwich, white milk andfruit). At no time will a student not be fed! Prepayment of meals is encouraged.
All lost and found articles of clothing are stored in the old school cafeteria.
Due to the lack of storage space, however, any articles of clothing not claimed within thirty (30) days are given to a charitable organization for redistribution.
If your child is missing an article of clothing, please come by the school and check the lost and found items.
Parents are encouraged tomark the child’s name on coats, sweaters, gloves, backpacks, etc., to aid in returning lost and found articles.
Parents are encouraged to be actively involved with their child(ren)’s education and meet withhis/their teacher(s). All parent-teacher conferences are by appointment only. Parents should not attempt unscheduled conferences due to the fact that teachers have responsibilities for children and/or assigned duties that they are required to perform. A minimumof a 24-hour notice is needed for a classroom visit. Parents must sign-in and obtain a visitor’s badge in the school office before entering any classroom during school hours.
Parents wishing to secure make-up work for children who have been absent should notify the teacher far enough in advance to allow him/her adequate time to collect, prepare and organize the work. To receive credit the student should complete make-up work within five (5) school days in accordance with district policy 7.105.