between Finland and Russia
Name of the Mobility Project:Coordinating HEI
The qualitative report is based on the Activity Plan. The qualitative report is drawn up in English and it should reflect the project activities within April 2016 – August 2017.
1. Background of co-operation and description of the partners
1.1Co-ordination of the participating institutions/organisations. Possible changes in the partner composition.
1.2How did the activities relate to the internationalisation strategies of the higher education institutions involved (both in Finland and Russia)?
1.3How the Russian partners participated in the activities? Was there any incoming student mobility(from Russia to Finland) implemented with the institutions’ own funding?
2. Project aims
2.1Were the key aims of the cooperation met? Analyse the realisation of the mobility flows.
2.2What was the added value of the mobility activities for the participating organisations?
2.3Was the desired impact of the activities reached on an individual, organisational, local, regional and/or national levels?
3. Practical arrangements and co-operation
3.1 Please, elaborate the practical arrangements of student mobility:
-selection of outgoing mobilities (including selection criteria);
-language of studies;
-content of studies;
-recognition of studies;
-provision and monitoring of recognition of studies;
-if applicable: information on arrangements concerning practical training (host organisation, visa issues, recognition etc.).
3.2. In case of short-term mobility: please provide more detailed information about the content of the study/training/research programme.
3.3 Measures supporting mobility:
-measures for ensuring the implementation of the mobility flows (e.g. information activities for students, commitment of students);
-pre-departure/post-return orientation students;
- accommodation arrangements;
- grant payments;
-support provided by the host institution(s);
-if applicable: above mentioned arrangements for practical training.
4. Summary
ACTIVITY TYPE / REPORTEDNo. of students / Grant (€)
Short-term mobilities
Long-term mobilities
5. Contact information
Person in charge of the activities (coordinator)E-mail address of the coordinator
6. Signature(legal representative of higher education institution)
Name / PositionHigher education institution
Signature (legal representative of higher education institution)
The final report includes the following:
- Statistical and financial report template (Excel): The statistical and financial report on student mobility will be drawn up in Excel (see the templates on the CIMOs webpage).The final report should also include any student mobility respecting the programme rules which has taken place without a Russia Pilot programme grant.
- Accounting report, with total sums tallying with those in the statistical and financial report.
- Qualitative report (this document): a qualitative summing-up report of project implementation.
The reports are sent to CIMO both electronically () and as a printed and signed document. The signed final reports with all attachments must be send to by November 13th 2017to address: