- YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS OF THIS FORM, however, do not complete Section 3 if your request to change schools is because you have recently moved address and your child can no longer attend their present/previous school.
- You may also find of use the guidance notes in the booklet ‘Summary guide to admission arrangements September 2013 onwards’ before filling in this form. This booklet can be viewed at
- You must return your completed application to the address at the end of this form. You will receive an acknowledgement letter. If you do not hear within 10 days it is likely that we did not receive it so please contact us on 0115 9286326. It is your responsibility to follow this up – proof of postage is not proof of receipt.
- You should be aware that the school will require you to provide the necessary documents as evidence of proof of residence to support your application.
1. About your child
Child’s first name:
Child’s last name:Gender: Male Female Date of birth: Day Month Year
Language spoken at home:Is your child currently living in the UK? Yes / No
If no, please provide the date went your child will arrive in the UK:
Child’s address:
Post Code:
Date your child moved to this address: Day Month Year
If you have moved address within the last 2 months, please give previous address:
Post Code:
Name of present school or previous school:
Date last attended: / Area of the UK or Country:2. Support and information
In order to process your application quickly and arrange the right support for your child, please answer
ALL of the following questions, as this may give your child higher priority in the admission procedure:
1 Is your child a ‘looked after’ or ‘previously looked after’ chid? Yes No
If yes, please say which local authority
If your child was previously ‘looked after’ but is no longer looked after because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) you must provide a copy of the adoption order*, residence order* or special guardianship order* with your application.
*An adoption order is an order under section 46 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002. A ‘residence order’ is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians).
2 / Does your child/family have support from a social worker or family support worker? / Yes / No If yes, name and contact details of Social Worker/Family Support Worker
3 / Does your child have a statement of special educational needs? / Yes / No
4 / Does your child require extra support for behaviour in school? / Yes / No
5 / Does your child have any physical/mobility issues? / Yes / No
If yes, please give details:
6 / Is your child attending a Learning Centre or Pupil Referral Unit? / Yes / No
7 / Is your child at risk of being permanently excluded from school? / Yes / No
8 / Have you withdrawn your child from school because of exclusion or possible threat of exclusion? / Yes / No
9 / Has your child been attending normal school lesssons in the last month?
If no, please provide details: / Yes / No
10 / Does your child have a history of attendance difficulties? / Yes / No
11 / Is your child currently attending school?
If no, please provide the date last attended school: / Yes / No
12 / Is your child currently being home educated? / Yes / No
13 / Is your child involved with the police or any other support agencies?
If yes, please provide details of which agencies: / Yes / No
14 / Is your child returning from the criminal justice system? / Yes / No
15 / Are your family refugees or asylum seekers? / Yes / No
16 / Do you consider yourself to be a traveller family? / Yes / No
17 / Is your child a carer? / Yes / No
18 / Is your application due to your family fleeing domestic violence? / Yes / No
19 / Are you employed as a Crown Servant or UK service personnel? / Yes / No
3 Transfer requests (child has not changed address recently)
Do not complete this section if your request is because of a recent change of address
(within the last 6 weeks)
Why do you want your child to move to this school?Please provide as much detail as you can to support your application (you can add more pages if required)
Please inform us of who you have contacted at your child’s present/previous school to resolve the issue.
Name: / Positionat school / Date
Name: / Position
at school / Date
If you have not discussed your issues with your child’s current school, we will refer you back to the school before taking any further action on your application.
4 Parent/carer details
Title:Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Other
First name:Last name:
Relationship to child:Mother Father Other
Your address (if different to the child’s address)Post code:
Please provide telephone numbers and email address in case we need to contact you about your application. This will help us to contact you quickly if we have a question about your application. By providing your e-mail address you consent to us contacting you electronically, including possible notification of decisions.
Mobile phone number:Other number:
Email address:
I confirm that:
- I wish to make an application to the school
- I give consent to my address being verified against Council Tax records where necessary and information on this form being shared with other relevant agencies.
- I confirm that I am the person with parental responsibility for the child named in Section 1 and the information given is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
- I understand that my child’s place may be withdrawn if it is proven to have been obtained on the basis of fraudulent or misleading information.
Signed : Date:
How this information about you will be used
We may pass the information you give on this form to schools/academies inside of Nottingham City or to other local education authorities as part of the admissions procedure. We will pass the information to the school/academy the child is offered a place at, where it wil form part of the pupil database that the school maintains. It will also be held on computer by Nottingham City Council
and will be subject to the Data Protection Act 1998. If we need to contact you about your application we will do so either by post, phone, email or SMS using the details you have given on this form.
Returning your form after completing ALL relevant sections: You should complete and return this from to the school by Email: or post to The Fernwood School, Goodwood Road, Wollaton, Nottingham. NG8 2FT