Reproductive Exam Review Answers
*You must know all the functions of the male and female reproductive system that was on your quiz* No diagrams
1.What kind of exams could someone perform, at home, to detect testicular or breast cancer? Self- examinations
2.What kinds of tests (2) determine if a woman is pregnant? Hint-EPT
Urine Analysis or Blood Test checks for HCG. HCG cannot be detected until implantation which is 6-12 days after fertilization
3.What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder? A continuum of various permanent birth defects caused by the mother's consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. FASD includes fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), which is the most severe condition.
4.What are preventative health care strategies (3) for early detection of reproductive diseases?
HPV Vaccine, Pap Smear Test, self-examinations and blood tests.
5.What organ produces sperm? Matures the Egg? Testicles. Ovary.
6.What are the ranges of weeks in the first, second trimester, and third trimester?
Conception-12weeks, 13-26, 27-40 weeks
7.Where does implantation occur? In the uterus
8.Can sperm and urine be expelled from the urethra at the same time? Why or why not?
No, but not at the same time due to a valve. Valve prevents urine from contaminating semen.
9.How long (inches) is the baby in the first trimester? Second? Third?
0-3, 3-14, 14-22 inches
10. What is Abruption Placenta? Placenta pulls away from uterian wall. Medical emergency and Cesarean Section is performed.
11. What organ matures the sperm? Epididymis
12. What size is the uterus? The ovaries? A fist and almonds.
13. What structure carries nutrients to the fetus and connects to the placenta? Umbilical cord
14. What is ovulation? The release of a mature egg(s).
15. What is fertilization? When the sperm and the egg unite.
16. What is the fertilized egg called in the first trimester? Second and Third trimester?
Zygote, blastocyst, embryo and fetus. Fetus. Fetus.
17. What is a premature birth? When the baby is delivered before the due date or 27 weeks.
18. What position should the baby be in for a “normal” delivery? Head first, face down.
19. What trimester does the heart start beating in for the fetus? First
20. What are the two MAIN female hormones called? Estrogen and Progesterone
21. What is the male reproductive cell called? What is the female reproductive cell called?
Sperm and egg.
22. What trimester can you detect the gender of the fetus? Second trimester
23. What are the names of the glands that produce semen and what percentage of semen does each produce? 60% seminal vesicle, 35% prostate gland and 5% cowpers gland.
24. What is Placenta Previa? Placenta comes out before baby does. Medical emergency and Cesarean Section is performed.
25. Create a written explanation of ALL the structures associated with the path of the sperm in the male reproductive system for fertilization? (8). (8 pts) Sperm is produced in the Testicles, it matures in the Epididymis, and the Vas Deferens transports it to the Seminal Vesicle which gives it 60% semen, Prostate Gland gives it 35% more semen and the Cowpers Gland gives it 5% more semen, then the sperm and semen travel down the Urethra and Exit out the tip of the penis.
26. Explain an ectopic pregnancy and predict what the outcome will be? (8 pts)
Fertilized egg stays and grows in Fallopian tube or outside of the uterus. It can’t go full term otherwise death will occur to mother and fetus.
27. Formulate 2 SEVERE COMPLICATIONS a pregnant woman can experience and prove why the complication can be hazardous/life threatening? (8 pts) Example: heartburn is not severe!! (a complication can cause death to mom or baby)
Miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery, ectopic pregnancy, or gestational diabetes, abruption placenta, placenta previa, molar pregnancy etc. Outcome is death to the mother or child if not resolved.
28. Construct a plan to detect a positive pregnancy result and indicate diagnostic tools used? (8 pts)
Go to the doctor and get a blood test done to determine HCG hormone. Take home pregnancy test by urinating on stick using EPT test and if positive go to doctor immediately. HCG cannot be detected until implantation 6-12 days after fertilization. Get all information from a counselor to make an educated decision about your future. Tell your parents and get their input on the situation. It is your decision(females) what to do.
29. Compare the first trimester with the second trimester and draw 4 conclusions on MAJOR changes of the development of the BABY. (8 pts)
Length: 1st trimester 0-3 to 2nd trimester 3-14 inches in length.
1st Trimester heart beating and quickening- 2nd trimester kicking, punching, grasping and sucking.
1st trimester eyes black, fingers are buds-2nd trimester eyes move and fingers with fingernails grasp and stretch/fingerprints and footprints form.
1st trimester genitals start to grow, 2nd trimester genitals are identified.
1st trimester baby has no hair, and in 2nd trimester hair grows
1st trimester passageways for inner ear development, 2nd trimester hearing occurs.