Rob Barnes

Corporate Director

Communities, Partnerships & Housing

Please ask for:

Direct dial: 01827 709709


Date: 3 July 2017

High Rise Fire Safety

Dear Resident

Further to the letter you received on the 14 June 2017 about High Rise Fire Safety following the dreadful events in London, I would like to take this opportunity to update you on our response in Tamworth.

Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry

As you will have seen via the national media, it is likely to be some time before the public inquiry is concluded into the tragic events at Grenfell Tower in London.

We want to continue to reassure you that we are following those events closely and working with community leaders, partners and your elected councillors to ensure that our fire safety procedures comply with the highest standards and best practice to keep you safe.

Once any recommendations are announced, we will review these closely.

Tamworth Council and Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Services (SFARs)

The Council and SFARs have been in close contact over the last few weeks. I am therefore pleased to be able to confirm:-

·  Annual Fire Risk Assessments are in place for all blocks and the Fire Service have checked these with us to ensure we have complied with all fire regulations. They are due again over July and August 2017 and will be carried out routinely – the same as every other year.

·  We have reviewed and updated the High Rise Health & Safety Booklet with SFARs. Details remain on the Councils web-site. We are currently arranging for this to be re-printed and a hard copy will be hand delivered to you in the next few days.

·  SFARs have issued a fire safety leaflet, which is already displayed in your block. We have taken the opportunity to attach this leaflet so you

have your own personal copy so you can refresh your memory on fire safety practices.

·  You have already been notified of the annual exercise undertaken by SFARs to test their response in the event of an emergency and we would refer you to the letter they have already sent. The date of this exercise was Friday 30th June 2017.

Fitting of Sprinklers in our High Rise Blocks

I can confirm that Tamworth Council remains committed to the fitting of sprinkler systems and we are working hard to advance their installation. This does not mean that there is an increased risk in our blocks, however it is a priority of the Council and your ward Councillors.

This decision to fit Sprinklers was taken before events in London; and the tendering process is well under way.

We are aware that there has been historical concerns about the cost of the installation of sprinklers for leaseholders. I can confirm that Tamworth Council’s Cabinet Members and your ward Councillors are keen to support leaseholders with funding this work to ensure that there are no financial barriers to securing the safety of all residents.

We are currently reviewing arrangements to waive charges to leaseholders and hope to be able to confirm this through the usual decision making processes shortly. This includes formal approval by the Council’s Cabinet.

General Refurbishment Works

Additional refurbishment works are already planned for your lifts and balconies.

Our officers’ are working hard on putting together a timetable of works and hope to be able to confirm this with you shortly.

Once a timetable is available then the Council intends to hold regular sessions at the high rise social club to consult, inform and discuss these arrangements with you and your ward Councillors.

We will write to you again over the summer with ‘dates for your diary’.

Where can I get more information?

Over the last two weeks we have discussed recent events with tenant representatives within your blocks and they have suggested we take the opportunity to continue our conversations with you.

We are happy to do this and helpfully have arranged an informal drop in between 12 – 2pm on Tuesday 1st August 2017 at the High Rise Social Club. Council officers will be present along with some members of the landlord tenant consultative group so we can offer further reassurance and support.

As you know we also have a range of staff in and around the high rise blocks on a daily basis, including housing officers, cleaners, caretakers and other repairs contractors. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to report these to those personnel.

Alternatively, if you have any enquiries then please ring the Freephone number hosted by our Tenant Regulation & Involvement Team - 0800 183 0454. This is an automated service but we will respond to messages within the Councils usual timescales.

For routine repair enquiries please ring the usual Repairs Freephone number 0800 183 0044.

Yours faithfully,

Tina Mustafa

Head of Landlord Services

ENC: SFARs Fire Poster

High Rise Fire Safety Booklet will be delivered by 7th July 2017

C.C. Portfolio Holder for Housing – Councillor Thurgood

Ward Members: Councillor Claymore, Lunn and P Thurgood