Your Ref:
Our Ref: FOI/289941 APPEAL /
Mr Robert Paul Jameson
Email: / Date: 19 December 2013
Dear Mr Jameson
Freedom of Information request 289941 APPEAL
I am writing to you about your request for a review of a Freedom of Information 2000 (FOIA) response dated 18 December2013 and your original information request made on 25 September 2013
Your request has been assigned to me to investigate and review and the result of my review is contained in this letter.
I have investigated the Council’s response made to you on 18 December2013
The information you requested was as follows:
- A copy of the current Liverpool Airports Byelaws, and a map showing the land to which they apply; or
- A website or other online resource controlled by you or another public authority where this information has been published.
In response to points 1 and 2 we provided a copy of the relevant bye-law
For the purposes of clarity I will be conducting our internal review based on your email to the City Council on the 18 December which stated the following:
- In my initial request, I asked not only for a copy of the current byelaws, but also a map of the area to which they apply.
While you have provided me with the Byelaws, you have not specified where they apply to. Clearly the old "Speke" airport grounds do not overlap the current airport grounds, and as such I have no way of determining the area to which the byelaws apply now, or to which they applied when made.
In order to ensure completeness I have revisited our original response, contacted all parties previously involved in the information gathering process and also contacted any other relevant, or partly relevant, department of Liverpool City Council where information may be held. As a result I can confirm the following:
Our response provided a copy of the bye-law relevant to the terms of your request. However, we did not address the further element in relation to a copy of a map showing where the bye-laws apply
As such I have asked the relevant department to examine their records to determine if we hold the additional information. This process has been completed and I can confirm that the City Council does not hold a map showing the area covered by the bye-law referred to in our response.
Accordingly we are unable to provide any additional information in relation to the terms of your request.
In light of this I can confirm that the City Council upholds its decision to provide the response it did but acknowledges that our response was not adequate and did not meet the terms of your request. Please accept my apologies on behalf of the City Council for this issue and my assurances that measures have been drawn up to ensure this mistake does not occur in the future.
As I have now reviewed your original response, you have exhausted the Council’s appeals process for the purposes of this request. Accordingly, should you remain dissatisfied, please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office, via the following:
Website is and the postal address and telephone numbers are:-
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Wilmslow, Cheshire
Fax number 01625 524 510
Telephone 01625 545745
Email – (they advise that their email is not secure)
Yours sincerely
Mr Kevin Symm
Senior Information Officerÿ
Information Team, Legal Services Municipal Buildings Dale Street
Liverpool L2 2DH
Telephone 0151 225 3132 Fax 0151 225 2392