All Saints School Association
President Mrs Tracey Brunton
facebook: assafleet
Minutes of the meeting held on
5th October 2016, 7.30 at All Saints Junior School
Richard Lewis (Deputy Head), Steve Brelsford (Chair), Jane Garratt (Vice Chair), Kim Cook (Treasurer), Renee Cleal, Dee Shepherd, Alison Smith, and Kathryn Thomas.
1. Apologies for Absence
Zoe France, Donna Sprules, Bernadette Hughes, Ursula Davidson (unable to attend Weds), Louisa Callaghan, Jo Dewing, Lindsey Neail (unable to attend meetings), Jo Kerr (Calthorpe new parent evening), Clare Burchett (unable to attend Weds), Natasha Logan (husband away no childcare) and Tracey Burchett (Minstead). Apologies if I've missed anyone's apologies.
2. Approval of Previous Minutes
The minutes of the AGM were accepted as a correct record by all present.
3. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
No matters arising.
4. Charity Commission Formalities
Jane provided ASSA forms for trustee registration on the Charity Commission account. Jane explained the reasons for completing these, principally the clarity required by the Charity Commission (recording of trustees) and the cover provided for registered trustees through the PTA insurance. Kim took the completed forms for input to the charities commission website. Jane will email the remaining members of the committee who were not present, and will ask for completed forms to be returned to the school office for collection by Kim. Lisa, Maggie, and Mrs Wyld will need to be removed.
Post meeting note: Lisa Rust (previous treasurer) agreed to enter the data onto the Charities Commission account, while she is completing the year end return. Paperwork will be returned to Kim as soon as completed.
5. Head Teacher’s Report
Richard advised that school have had a great start to the new school year with visits to the Isle of Wight, Minstead and Harvest Festival all going well. Richard stated that Mrs. Brunton is keen to support ASSA.
Richard briefed the meeting on the application of funds raised over the last year.
Mrs. Noble in the school office is working upon the plans for the new climbing frame to be constructed in school grounds near the copse. School are looking into a possibility of an additional £10k matched funding grant towards the new facility. Jane showed some illustrative designs.
6. Treasurer’s Report
Kim advised that she will receive the handover from Lisa at a planned meeting on 6th October. In the meantime Kim stated that she was unsure how the account that the school used for ASSA funds works, so as yet the money from the ASSA account had not yet been passed over. Kim suggested that she met with Tracey to discuss the procedure, as it could possibly be streamlined. Richard agreed this was a good idea, Kim will contact the school office to organise a meeting. Richard also stated that there was no rush in passing over the funds yet, as the plans and the grant for the climbing frame are yet to be confirmed.
Given that many people know Kim from association with Tavistock Infants, she asked that committee and helpers be reminded that no ASSA paperwork/money etc should be passed to her whilst at work.
Kim asked for confirmation of insured cash limits when held at individuals’ own homes, Steve/Jane to look at ASSA PTA insurance and let Kim know.
Steve asked Kim if she needed practical assistance in the Treasurer role, for instance a deputy treasurer. Kim stated that she would like someone to help her go to the bank, but a deputy was probably not needed. Both Jo Kerr and Zoe France have offered to help Kim.
7. Communications
Steve advised that we now have preset e-mail groups, which will help to achieve consistency for communications such as circulation of minutes, and avoid widespread circulation of individual e-mail addresses. It will be important that any additions or removals to/from these lists are made known to the Chair / Vice-Chair.
Lindsey Neail is undertaking to produce a termly newsletter for circulation to school families. Jane also showed all attendees a draft of ‘ASSA voice’, the new newsletter designed by Lindsey. Future newsletters to include ‘Aspirations from school’ and ‘Comments from the children’. To include detail on ASSA fund spending. Jane to email out to members for further comments on the newsletter, along with what last year’s money was spent on.
Jane briefed the committee on other channels of communication. She advised she is working with Natascha Logan on updating the ASSA website. This will most likely be a single page of information, with diary dates and contacts.
Parentmail is used routinely for announcements and reminders.
Facebook. Noting the number of “likes” attaching to information posted, it is apparent that Facebook is currently a very effective conduit for information and will continue to be used. Jane advised that she regularly posts on Facebook, both on ASSA and All Saints pages.
Tracey Stone has agreed to help as the school liaison contact and it was suggested she may be able to keep the notice board up to date with upcoming events.
The nominal list of Class Reps was found to be heavily out of date during the last year. With the support of Tracey Stone as the interface between ASSA and class teachers, the committee feel there is no immediate need to seek to re-establish a system of class reps.
8. Drinks for events
Richard clarified the school’s position with respect to the drinks served at events. He confirmed the school has no stipulations about the types of drinks offered, therefore it will be left to the committee and event organisers to apply experience and common sense to the choice of drinks and serving methods.
Tea and coffee for school events will no longer be provided by ASSA following the departure of Lisa and Maggie, who undertook a large proportion of this work. Consideration will be given to resuming this support if and when ASSA resources allow and school’s need for this becomes significant.
9. Inventory
Dee Shepherd has agreed to take on a new support task looking after our inventory of consumables, such as drinks, edibles and toys for prizes. We are looking to establish a whole year plan for drinks and other consumable resources, so that we can order amounts that should avoid running out at each event, and roll forward unused stock to the next event. Following a number of instances of leftover stock not suitable for subsequent events, hopefully Dee can establish our likely needs over the yearly cycle, monitor stock levels and advise event organisers. Dee and a helper will review the shed contents.
10. Events
Steve asked Richard if Mrs. Brunton has any preferences for future events. Richard advised that she is unlikely to want to change anything at the moment. The committee agreed that ASSA will continue the familiar schedule of events this year, so far as it is able. Jane to email the agenda of events out to ASSA members.
Film nights: Currently ASSA have two film nights in the schedule, but there may be a third later in the year, if needed. Richard advised that with less staff participation needed than for disco evenings, this may be an option. Jane also suggested the possibility to involve the children to vote on film choices in future rather than the school, allowing the children to be involved. Richard agreed this was a good idea, and would discuss with Tracey. Steve asked for special thanks to be mentioned to Bernie and Donna for their hard work in organising these events. Kim is in discussion with Bernie regarding the collection of money for the next film night.
Discos: Richard confirmed school’s preference for two discos this year, not three, to manage the burden of staff participation, which was accepted by the committee. Kathryn suggested we let parents know in advance the price of items, to help clarify the sums of spending money sent with children. Kathryn to work with Jane on the flyer.
Year 6 leavers disco: Tracey has asked that the year 6 children have their own event in July, rather than at the end of the summer disco. Tracey has suggested the theme could be a beach party. Jane suggested that ASSA pay for this in its entirety. To be discussed at a later date.
Christmas Fair:
Planned date is Saturday 3rd December. A planning team is in place with Jane running the event.
Steve asked if Mrs. Brunton might wish to adjust the content of the fair in favour of traditional church school values, specifically if the school choir could usefully be included. Richard advised that the choir leader is unlikely to be available at a weekend, and will ask a relevant member of staff if they could facilitate.
Jane asked the attendees for their comments on the gifts for the grotto. Kim to provide Jane with quantities and price of grotto gifts from last year.
Richard stated that Carmella Reece will not be available this year for the grotto. It was decided that it will be inside again, rather than in the roundhouse. Kim offered her gazebo if needed.
Kim suggested that it may be nice to celebrate the school a little more at the bigger events, maybe with displays of work, videos/photos of school events. Richard agreed to discuss idea with Mrs Brunton.
Mothers and Father's Day events: Mrs Brunton has asked Jane if it was possible to change the names of these events, due to some children's personal circumstances. Jane suggested they could be called ‘Secret present sale for the special lady/man in your life’. Steve noted that these events presently have no event organisers. To be discussed in more detail closer to the events.
Christmas Art Project: Kim said that the templates have been in class since the start of the term. They were due to be sent back on mid October. Kim to ask Tracey Stone if she could pop a note on the notice board in the staff room to remind teachers of the deadline.
Bags 2 school: Renee runs this event –next one is 16th November. It has been agreed that bags can be brought into school during school hours on Wednesday and until 8.30am on Thursday (collection day). Jane also suggested a mufti day to tie-in with this event, Richard discussed this with Mrs. Brunton who does not wish to do a school mufti. Renee to book rooms with the school. Renee to also do poster to advertise, copy in Dropbox.
11. Club 200
Maggie has confirmed that she has so far only had 3 subscriptions, and they are all connected to ASSA. Steve is to ask Maggie if she had had any further submissions since previous recent advice. If no further subscriptions were forthcoming, the committee decided that Club 200 will not continue this year.
12. Any Other Business
Jane confirmed that all items regarding ASSA should be left in the tray at the school office (unless there is money), there will be no need to make the ladies in the office aware, and they will deal with it as necessary. Only ASSA members who are planning events will need to go into the ASSA drawer, just to minimise office disturbance.
DBS: Steve mentioned the DBS offer a means of electronic registration for automatic renewal, which applies to new DBS applications. If anyone would like to know more about electronic individual registration, please ask Steve. Jane stated that the new ASSA badges had whether members were DBS checked or not and asked that we kindly wear them at ASSA events due to OFSTED regulations.
Light required in ASSA Shed – Steve to action
Photographer: Mrs Brunton was going to ask if a member of staff would take pictures at our events - first one being film night.
Fund matching: Jane mentioned that her contact for fund matching cannot attend the Christmas fair, but will possibly be available for the disco. Dee will also ask her husband as he works for Shell. Steve asked if Kim could check if his fund matching has arrived (£400) from mid August. Kim to let Steve know.
13. Forthcoming Meeting Dates:
Date of Next meeting: Wednesday 9th November at 7.30pm
Steve thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.
Registered Charity No. 1038424.