Harrison County Schools CDIP Page 7
Comprehensive District Improvement Plan
School Year 2007-2008
Updated: November, 2007
I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application is correct and complete and that the agency named in this application has authorized me, as its representative, to obligate this agency to conduct any ensuing program or activity in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws, regulations and specific program assurances contained in the Kentucky Comprehensive Improvement Planning Guidebook. It is understood that this application, once posted to our local district server for public access constitutes an offer, and if accepted by the Kentucky Department of Education or negotiated to acceptance, will form a binding agreement.
Superintendent: Dr. Roy Woodward Board Chairperson: Mr. Gary Lizer
FEDERAL GRANT PROGRAMS 2002-2003 / LOCAL CONTACT / LOCAL TELEPHONENCLB, Title I: Part A (Improving Basic Programs) / Mrs. Debra Fischer / 859.234.7110
NCLB, Title 1: Part B (Even Start / Mr. Brad Yearsley / 859.234.7160
NCLB, Title I: Part C (Education of Migratory Children) / Mrs. Debra Fischer / 859.234.7110
NCLB, Title I: Part D (Neglected and Delinquent) / Mrs. Debra Fischer / 859.234.7110
NCLB, Title II: Part A (High Quality Teachers and Principals) / Mrs. Debra Fischer / 859.234.7110
NCLB, Title II: Part D (Education Technology) / Mrs. Melissa Shepard / 859.234.7160
NCLB, Title IV: Part A (Safe and Drug Free Schools & Communities) / Mrs. Debra Fischer / 859.234.7110
NCLB, Title V: Part A (Innovative Programs) / Mrs. Debra Fischer / 859.234.7110
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Basic / Mr. Brad Yearsley / 859.234.7160
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Preschool / Mr. Brad Yearsley / 859.234.7160
McKinney -Vento Homeless Education Act (NCLB Title X Part B) / Not Applicable
Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act- Basic / Mr. Roger Hurst / 859.234.7117
Extended School Services / Mrs. Jenny Lynn Hatter
Mrs. Cindy Hill / 859.234.2395
Gifted and Talented Education / Mrs. Jenny Lynn Hatter / 859.234.2395
State Preschool Program / Mr. Brad Yearsley / 859.234.7160
Kentucky Education Technology System / Mrs. Melissa Shepard / 859.234.7160
Textbooks / Mrs. Jenny Lynn Hatter
Mrs. Cindy Hill / 859.234.2395
Professional Development / Mrs. Jenny Lynn Hatter
Mrs. Cindy Hill / 859.234.2395
Mission Statement
The mission of the Harrison County School System is to give students the opportunity to receive an education that will enable them to live productive lives. In order to do this, the system must maintain an environment that is conducive to learning and takes the abilities and potential of all students into consideration. Since any school system is a microcosm of the community itself, the cooperation of the total community is necessary to provide the best education possible.
Harrison County, like most school districts, has a population made up of different socioeconomic levels and cultural interests. To provide an education that will give students the tools to meet the challenge of the twenty first century will take the efforts of parents, school, and all segments of the community. The students themselves should not only be recipients of these efforts, but they should play an active and involved role in this learning process.
Comprehensive Improvement Planning Process
Harrison County Schools are professional learning communities that seek to improve student learning by creating the best possible learning environment through the collaborative process. Our Comprehensive district plan reflects this commitment. Planning and Needs Assessment teams were organized on both the school and district levels. Our administrative team met regularly, as well as with their individual schools, to target areas where student learning could be refined further. From these exchanges, three areas of concentration were determined for the CDIP.
1. Student Learning
2. Learning Environment – Technology
3. Professional Learning Community Development
Needs Assessment
The needs of the school district were determined by the careful analysis of the relevant data as outlined in the Needs Assessment process of the Comprehensive Improvement Planning Guidebook. This was done on both the school and district level. As a professional learning community, needs assessment was also examined through various groups of stakeholders and this process was conducted in relationship to student learning.
Internal Review Process
The internal review process took place through the input of the entire professional learning community. In 2006, the Comprehensive District Plan was completely revamped and the review process expanded. In 2006-2007, this review process continued to assess the implementation and impact of the current plan. In 2007-2008, the plan has been revised to reflect the implementation and impact checks of the 2006-2007 year plan. Program directors, principals, parents, students and staff members all took part in the review process. The Board of Education also annually reviews our Comprehensive School and District Plans.
Public Notice and Review Process
Harrison County Schools shares and seeks feedback on this process, from its stakeholders, through a variety of avenues:
· Posting of all comprehensive plans (school level and district) on our school website –www.harrison.k12.ky.us
· Providing feedback links, via the web, throughout the school year on all plans
· Instruction and Information on the process through our weekly cable TV program
· Instruction and Information on the process through our local radio programs (WCYN’s Coffee Break and “Live Chat”)
· Instruction and Information on the process through our local newspaper
· District information sessions (in the Spring and Fall) regarding new programs, directions and ideas of our schools
· SBDM, PTO, Rotary and Chamber of Commerce meetings
Action Component: Student Learning Draft XFinal
District Name Harrison County Component Manager Jenny Lynn Varner Hatter & Cindy Hill
Date Updated, October 2007 Public X Private/Non-Profit _____
Priority Need / Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)A. PAR surveys (staff, students, and parents), NCLB data and CATS data (student surveys and score measures) all indicate that economically disadvantaged students in our district need additional instructional time and support.
B. NCLB & KASC district gap analysis data indicates that our special needs students need additional time and support, especially in the area of Mathematics. / A. To better utilize and coordinate our resources (Title I, FRYSC, ESS) to support the success of this student population.
B. Through, community services, ESS, PD, IDEA provisions, provide the environment and time needed to better meet the needs of our exceptional students.
Causes and Contributing Factors Objectives with Measures of Success / Objectives with Measures of Success
A1. This subpopulation does not heavily participate in after-school tutoring and or enrichment programs in the summer.
A2. Faculty and staff do not have adequate schedule support to insert additional instruction time into the school day.
B1. Students in this subsection are often not given enough diagnostic testing data to provide adequate information to instructors.
B2. Adequate instruction in this area, for exceptional students, requires time and a low student to faculty ratio. / A1. By July 1, 2007 percentage of students who participate in ESS summer programs will increase by 20% in our identified gap area. For 2006-2007 this will be students with disabilities in the areas of reading and mathematics.
A2. By November 2006, the district will have all schools involved in the Daytime Waiver program through ESS. Title I and Community Services (FRYSC’s, Health Services, etc.) will also serve as liaisons in this process in order to better meet the needs of all students.
B1. GRADE Reading testing DIBELS, DRA, GMADE (where applicable), along with individual student performance analysis on CATS and CTBS tests will be placed in cumulative folders in 100% of this subpopulation, beginning with the 2005 school year and continue as a yearly process.
B2. The GMADE (Mathematics testing) will be administered to students in grades 6, 7 and 8. In the Summer of 2005 and 2006, 2007 reading skills and mathematics skills courses will be available to 100% of this gap group as well as after and in-school tutoring.
*For specific examples of how the Carl Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act and related programs are utilized in this component, please click on: http://www.harrison.k12.ky.us/district/comprehensiveimprovement/hchscip05.doc for further details.
Action Component: Student Learning Draft X Final
District Name Harrison County Component Manager Jenny Lynn Varner Hatter & Cindy Hill
Date October, 2007 Public X Private/Non-Profit _____
Objective Label / Strategy/Activity / Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success / Responsible Person / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs / Fund SourceA1 / Develop more after-school tutoring opportunities and transportation avenues for this group of students. (For example Summer Academies in Reading and Mathematics that target these populations.) / Increased numbers of successful participation in ESS. / Special Ed Coordinator, Director of Facilities, FRYSC, ESS School Coordinators, Title I Coordinator / October, 2005 / June, 2008 / $75,000 / IDEA, ESS, Title I
A2 / Apply and be accepted into the Daytime Waiver Program for ESS. / Faculty, staff and students will have time for additional instruction and support during the school day. / KDE ESS Consultants, ESS Coordinators, Supervisor of Instruction, Superintendent / September 2003 / November
2006 & Ongoing / *Reallocation/redirect / ESS funds – participating schools
B1. / Professional development along with required testing materials, in specified diagnostic testing, for resource staff at each school. / Each school will have a resource teacher trained to give diagnostic testing to this subpopulation as needed. / Supervisor of Instruction, Principals, Counselors and the staff members selected to serve as resource persons. / August 2006 / November
2007 / $5, 200 / PD, IDEA, Instructional Funds
B2 / Employ and or maintain faculty in academic areas at all schools to better serve this population along with all students.
Allocate full-time counselors at each elementary school in the district to better meet scheduling needs/psychological services for these student populations. / Reduce class size and give opportunities to take more academic courses.
To better meet scheduling needs for these student populations and their individual student growth plans. / PD coordinator, Textbook coordinator, Title I coordinator, Technology coordinator, principals, department heads
Administrative Teams, SBDM Councils
Central Office Team / May 2007
July, 2007 / July, 2008
July, 2008 / $60,000
(approximate) / Title II, Part A, Board Funds
Board Funds (SBDM Staffing Allocation)
Action Component: Student Learning Draft X Final
District Name Harrison County Component Manager Jenny Lynn Varner Hatter & Cindy Hill
Date Updated October, 2007 Public X Private/Non-Profit _____
Priority Need / Goal (Addresses the Priority Need)C. As evidenced in our PAR Surveys, Skills Standard Assessments, Needs Assessment and in district team meetings, our alignment and mapping pieces need to be followed with common curriculum documents and/or other strong assessment measures to check for student learning/understanding.
D. Harrison County met their AMAO (Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives) for Title III English Language Proficiency for the K-12 students with formal schooling and the cohort group of 2 years of instruction. Despite achieving all desired state and federal assessment goals the consortia of Bourbon and Harrison Counties did not make AYP, in the cohort group of 2 years of formal instruction, internal program monitoring indicates a need for continual LEP service enhancement and score monitoring with this subpopulation. / C. By January 2007, common curriculum/course guides will be utilized on every grade level in mathematics and reading
D. By March 2008, LEP service enhancements will include more tutoring for LEP students classified as immigrants and a test motivation plan for LEP high school students and students in the 2 year cohort group.
Causes and Contributing Factors / Objectives with Measures of Success
C1. Team meetings, teacher driven district committees and current local curriculum work indicate that this district is ready to examine the assessment aspect of student learning in a more rigorous fashion.
C2. Major curriculum changes take time to initiate.
C3. True assessment work can only occur after serious alignment work – from 2000-2006 our schools worked on alignment, mapping and refinement issues.
C4. Continuous refinement of curriculum must take place and supplement our current curriculum products.
D1. Repeated W-APT & ACCESS testing has contributed to lack of motivation by high school and middle school ELL students regarding their test performance.
D2. Instructors have indicated, through surveys, a need for more instructional materials in grammar for ELL students. / C1. By August 2006, District Curriculum Committees will have created curriculum maps in Mathematics and Reading (along with all other primary Core Content areas) and be posted on the district website for use by all stakeholders.
C2. By October 2008 district curriculum and content teams will have been designed for all other core content areas.
C3. By October 2008, Harrison County Schools will have utilized district Core Content Curriculum Committees complete additional revision of the district curriculum maps.
C4. In June of 2006, curriculum alignment will be reviewed in contrast to Achievement Gap Goals and NCLB data thru district curriculum map & assessment work with all schools participating.
D1. In August 2007, ELL Tutors, ELL Test Coordinator, Instructional Supervisor, Migrant Coordinator and/or Migrant Advocates will meet with LEP students on a regular basis to examine motivation issues and needs in order to aid in raising language proficiency and ACCESS Spring scores one level per middle and high school student and the second year instruction group.
D2. August-September 2008, Research based Grammar programs will be further implemented to aid in raising W-APT writing scores one level for all LEP students.
Action Component: Student Learning Draft X Final
District Name Harrison County Component Manager Jenny Lynn Varner Hatter & Cindy Hill
Date Updated October, 2007 Public_ X__ Private/Non-Profit _____
Objective Label / Strategy/Activity / Expected Impact in Terms of Progress and Success / Responsible Person / Start Date / End Date / Estimated Resources and Costs / Fund SourceC1. / District Curriculum Teams will be utilized to help form common assessments. School and District Wellness Policies will be integrated into PL/VS and Health/PE Courses. / Will ensure that assessments/classroom work are usable and teacher driven. Fitness Gram computer program will serve as a direct measure of policy integration through student wellness. / Principals, Supervisors of Instruction, Facilitators of Core Content Groups, Content Experts, Food Service Director / May
2008 / June
2009 / $11, 700
($1,000 – Fitness Gram Expenses) / PD
Board General Funds
C2. / Teacher representatives from each course will meet and collaborate to form with common assessments that are tied to CATS and NCLB standards. / Will insure that all core content is assessed (along with student learning) and local data will be better able to target what students have learned. *Release time for some programs/teachers, for this process, will be provided. / Principals, common assessment teams, Supervisor of Instruction, Technical Education Instructors / Spring
2008 / June 2009 / $5,000 / PD, Perkins Fund
C3. / New Teachers will receive orientation and training on the idea of common assessments and the Core Content v.4.1. / Professional Learning Community culture is expanded to new faculty and staff. / Assistant Superintendent, Supervisor of Instruction, Family Resource and Youth Services / August
2006 / August 2008 / $2,000 / Board General Funds
C4. / Professional Development sessions (early release & summer) will be held for our professional learning communities on utilizing the new Clarified Core Content with classroom instruction and assessments. / To teach all stakeholders how to successfully utilize local data and examine current practices to close the achievement gap in Harrison County. / Instructional Supervisor, All Administrators and ultimately all stakeholders / Fall
2006 / Spring 2008 / $900.00 / District PD, Board General Funds
D1 / Parent Awareness & Student Motivation Workshops / To remind students and parents of the process behind Program Service Plans (PSP’s) each year as well as update plans with PSP Committees and parents, which in turn helps students to better understand the rationale behind the ACCESS test and ultimately becoming better English Language Learners. / Instructional Supervisor, ELL Tutor, Migrant Advocates / August 2007 / August 2008 & On going / $600.00 / Title III
D2 / Additional Professional Development for Teachers and tutors of ELL students in the area of reading and grammar skills. / Will improve ACCESS writing and reading scores by at least one level. / Southside Principal, Instructional Supervisor, Migrant Coordinator, LEP Tutors / July 2007 / Fall 2008 / 10,000.00 / Title III, Immigration Funds, ESS DTW, ELLA Academy
*For specific examples of how the Carl Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act and related programs are utilized in this component, please click on: http://www.harrison.k12.ky.us/district/comprehensiveimprovement/hchscip05.doc for further details.