6.3 Essential Components for Instruction
Directions: With a support provider discuss and record the information below to ensure all essential components are included in your instructional series.
Participating Teacher: / Support Provider
Subject matter focus:
Grade/Period: / Beginning Date:
Ending Date:
Anticipated number of lessons in series?
Content Standard(s) being addressed: (Use student friendly language)
What are the learning goals?
How will the learning goals be communicated to the students? Families?


Instructional Elements / Record Your Responses Here:
Describe the entry level assessment you will use to measure the understanding of the content standard. Be sure to consider EL/SEL, students with special needs, and those with diverse learning styles.
What method/criteria will you use to interpret the results? (i.e. scoring guide, rubrics, etc.)
Describe the summative assessment you will use to measure the understanding of the content standard.
What method/criteria will you use to interpret the results? (i.e. scoring guide, rubrics, etc.)
What progress monitoring assessments will you use during this lesson series?
What vocabulary is needed to allow students to access the content of this lesson series?
What strategies will you use for vocabulary development?

Application of Research

Instructional Elements / Record Your Responses Here:
How might you apply the insights and knowledge gained from the IIP Action Plan to the Unit of Study? (IIP, Cells 5-8)


Instructional Elements / Record Your Responses Here:
Considering the ELD/language proficiency levels in your class, how do youplan instruction so that all students gain mastery of curricular standards?
What specific accommodations or modifications are required during this lesson series for your students:
  • with an IEP?
  • with a 504 Plan, SST, at risk, etc.
  • who are ‘in the middle’?—they don’t qualify for a special program but need targeted support in order to succeed
  • who need enrichment/ advanced instruction?

Referring back to the information you have gathered which of your students fall into each of these categories for the instructional unit you are about to begin?
  • Core
  • Strategic
  • Intensive
What specific strategies and assessments are you going to use for each of these targeted groups?
How will you document your strategies and the results attained for each student?
What strategies are you utilizing to ensure that you are providing culturally relevant and responsive educational opportunities during this unit?
What strategies (graphic organizers, cooperative learning groups, etc.) will you use to help students learn this essential information
Do I have students who have been referred to the Student Success Team? If so, what recommendations have they made that should be integrated into this lesson series?

Learning Environment

Instructional Elements / Record Your Responses Here:
What classroom environment/design do you need to consider for these lessons to ensure engagement of all students?
How will you help students make real life applications?
Within this lesson series, what classroom environment issues or instructional strategies must be consideredto foster students’ physical, cognitive, emotional and social well being? to promote respect and help students value differences?

Materials and Resources

Instructional Elements / Record Your Responses Here:
What materials will be needed for this lesson series?
How do these materials support your EL students in learning the curriculum and content standards?
How will you utilize technology to assess, plan, and deliver instruction so that all students can learn the content of your lesson series?
What technology will the students use during the series? How will this enhance student learning?
What support do I need to assist my students (EL/SEL, Special Populations, and diverse student population) in learning the curriculum and content standards? (resource personnel, assistive technology, etc.)
How do the materials I am using support culturally relevant and responsive learning opportunities?

Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education

Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / 2008-09
Inquiry – C-2 Lesson Series Planning Tool6.3 - 1