Guardianship of a Child using automated documents online
Guardianship of a Child - Questionnaire
To help gather information needed to fill out the automated documents program
County where you are filing the petition for guardianship:
Name of any other person you are asking to be a co-guardian
Child’s Full legal name: (first, middle, last) _____________________________________________________
Birth date: (day, month, year) _____/_____/______
Social security number ______-_______-_______
Member of an Indian tribe? Name of tribe _____________________________________________________
Current address of child (City, State) _____________________________________________________
City, State of child for/in the past 5 years _____________________________________________________
Names of people the child has lived during the past 5 years (if any):
Other court proceedings involving each child (Court (district or juvenile), County, Case number), if any
Mother of Child 1-full legal name ____________________________________________________
Address, if possible ____________________________________________________
Father of Child 1-full legal name full legal name ____________________________________________________
Address, if possible __________________________________________________________
Revised 7/29/2014