NPEC ADCOM Meeting Agenda
Wednesday July 18, 2017
Buffallo, NY
Meeting Time: 12:15 PM- 4:00 PM
Meeting Fee:$30(Working Lunch)
1.Call to OrderT. Koshy
2.Introductions, Changes to ADCOM AgendaT. Koshy
2.1Approval of Agenda and Chairman’s Remarks
3.Secretary’s ReportJ. White
3.1Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
3.2Status of Action Items
4.Vice Chairman’s ReportD. Harmon
4.1Meeting Schedule
4.2Honors & AwardsM. Bowman
5.Planning & ManagementT. Koshy
5.1Review of Agenda N17-02 Meeting
6.Nuclear Standards ActivitiesP. Yanosy
6.1Status of Balloting/ Standards Schedule
7.Unfinished/Old/Other Business:T. Koshy
8.New Business: T. Koshy
8.1 Protocol for External Correspondence from NPECT. Koshy
9.Recap of Action ItemsJ. White
10.AdjournmentT. Koshy
ADCOM Open Action Items (from Meeting A17-01)
To / Description / Due / Status
A-13-2-3 / J. White,
K. Bush,
G. Hostetter / SC 2,4 & 6 Chairs to investigate outcome of subcommittee investigation/position concerning Class 1E requirements of IEEE Std. 603 on auxiliary DGs. / ASAP / Open
A-14-2-1 / J. White / Provide the list of action items to ADCOM members in a separate email to focus more attention on it. / Routinely / Open
A-15-2-3 / ADCOM / Terminology task force recommendation: When ADCOM reviews PARs ask if terminology is going to be added or changed and if so provide guidance. / Ongoing / Open
A-15-2-4 / ADCOM / Terminology task force recommendation: Determine long term path for NPEC terminology and harmonization with other organizations / Ongoing / Open
A-15-2-8 / S. Fleger
G. Ballassi / Develop a letter to be used by subcommittee chairs in thanking companies for standards development support and requesting their continued support. / 1/16 / Open
A-16-2-1 / M. Zaman / Provide IEEE guidance on public website content restrictions and privileges. / 1/2017 / Open
A-16-2-6 / SC Chairs / Include both subcommittee and NPEC members list for future standards or revisions. / Ongoing / Open.
A-17-1-1 / T. Koshy / Develop list of NPEC terms and definitions. / Open.
A-17-1-2 / K. Bush / Incorporate list into Website / Open.
A-17-1-3 / T. Koshy / Will consider input from the Terminology Task Force / Open.
A-17-1-4 / T. Koshy / Determine need for Definition Group / Open.
A-17-1-5 / WG Chairs / Poll the working groups to determine if training is desired and requested topics. We should here response by March. / Open.
A-17-1-6 / J. Dissasway / Provide a proposed new P&P Template. / Open.
A-17-1-7 / J. White / Include time for IEEE 1819 presentation in 17-02 / Open.
A-17-1-8 / K. Bush / P&P will be moved from the website / Open.
A-17-1-9 / Bush/Zaman / add latest version of standards of NPEC standards on password protected part of Website. Update the password or place in another password protected site. / Open.
NPEC SC Officers Effective 16-01
NPEC Subcommittee / Position / NamesSC-2 / Chair / Edward Mohtashemi
Vice-Chair / Jonathan Cornelius
Alt. Secretary / ---
SC-3 / Chair / Yvonne Williams
Vice-Chair / Tom Crawford
Alt. Secretary / ------
SC-4 / Chair / Mark Bowman
Vice-Chair / Ken Miller
Secretary / Paul Colaianni
Alt. Secretary
SC-5 / Chair / David Desaulniers
Vice-Chair / -----
Secretary / -----
Alt. Secretary
SC-6 / Chair / Royce Beacom
Vice-Chair / Wolfgang Koenig
Alt. Secretary / ---
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