United States History Since 1865


Deneen Howard

The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world. This is the year we will implement the new Common Core Standards. The new standards are designed to make Social Studies “thinking intensive”. That means we teachers peel back the layers of our own reading and thinking processes to show how we reason through texts, use thoughtful questions, and read with a critical eye and skeptical stance. Active literacy practices can foster deeper learning in history, and engage students in becoming “literate” in these disciplines.

Goals for US History Since 1865

  1. Complete the course with an overall understanding of modern American History and its role in your life.
  2. Engage in the study of United States History through primary and secondary sources, activities, research and projects.
  3. Hone learning skills such as note-taking, organization, time management, problem solving, research, communication skills and clear and coherent writing skills.
  4. Increase awareness of current event and understand the causes and impact through historical connections.
  5. Think about the course content beyond memorization through experience, research and higher level thinking.
  6. Preparation for the US History EOI test in the spring.

Supplies Needed Everyday in Class:

  1. Notebook that is totally dedicated to US History class.
  2. Writing utensil, blue or black pen or a pencil. (no red or colored pencils)
  3. Textbook - everyone must bring their own book to class each day.

Expectations and Procedures

  1. Learn! This is an academic classroom and every action should reflect that.
  2. The golden rule: Treat others how you want to be treated - respect everyone - teacher, students, guest speakers.
  3. Be prepared to and participate in all class discussions and activities. (BRING YOUR BOOK)
  4. No talking during instruction and maintain eye contact when communicating with others.
  5. Be in your desk when the bell rings.
  6. Work during class time - no excuses.
  7. Do your homework - the course builds on each lesson. Don't procrastinate,
  8. Show up on Time - if you miss class or are late you are responsible to figure it out.
  9. Stay in your seat until the bell rings.
  10. Make use of any extra class time you have by doing the weekly reading or doing a Timeout activity.
  11. Clean your area and push in your chair at the end of the class.
  12. Check the website for make-up work and Parent's Online for grades. All assignments & handouts can be found on the classroom website.
  13. You may bring in water with a screw on top and chew gum if you do not crack it or blow bubbles.
  14. This is an academic class so expect to work and learn everyday - that is why we are here!

Types of Assessments:

  1. Notebook - in-class activities, notes, and practice. (20%)
  2. Homework & Participation - Reviews, simulations and discussions (30%)
  3. Projects - Experiencing History, Research and Oral History (20%)
  4. Quizzes and Tests - 2-3 quizzes each unit and 1 unit test each unit (30%)

Grading Scale: A = 90% - 100%, B = 80% - 89%, C = 70% - 79%, D = 60% - 69%, F = 0% - 59%, 0.5% and above will round up


  • Unit I: Foundations, weeks 1, chapters 1 & 2
  • Unit II: Civil War and Reconstruction, weeks 3-4, chapter 3 & 4
  • Unit III: Domestic Issues (1877-1920), weeks 5-8, chapter 5 & 6
  • Unit IV: Foreign Issues (1877-1920), weeks 9 - 12, chapters 7 & 8
  • Unit V: The 1920s, weeks 13-15, chapters 9 & 10
  • Unit VI: The Great Depression, weeks 16-20, chapters 11 & 12
  • Unit VII: World War II, weeks 21-25, chapters 13 & 14
  • Unit VIII: The Cold War, weeks 25-27, chapters 15-17
  • Unit IV: Vietnam and Beyond, weeks 27-30 - , chapters 18-20
  • Review for EOI

Weekly Readings: Students are responsible for the content in the reading each week. Students do not have to take notes over the reading unless they would like to earn make-up credit for the notes. Some readings might be used in class or activities but those will be announced on chapter opening. The student's grasp of the assigned weekly reading will be checked each week through reading quizzes.

Unit I: Foundations Summary of US history to 1865

Week #1 - August 9-10 - Why History?
Readings: Why Study History? By Peter N. Sterns, Textbook pages xxvi-xxxi (Reading Like a Historian under References on the On-line textbook)Topics: Online textbook, historical inquiry, primary sources, perspective, historical skills.

Unit II -The Civil War

Week #2 – August 13 -19 A Country Divided
Readings: pages 92-112, 117- 121
Topics: Manifest Destiny, gold rush, Mexican-American War, Bleeding Kansas, Compromise of 1850, Fugitive Slave Act, popular sovereignty, Dred Scott, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Abraham Lincoln, Election of 1860 Document One –Gettysburg Address Evaluate and Analyze the events for the writing and the results of the document.

Week #3 - August 20-25 - Healing the Wounds
Readings: pages 124, 127,-129, 132- 138
Topics: Border States, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, Battle of Gettysburg,
Reconstruction, Lincoln's plan, Andrew Johnson, Ku Klux Klan, Black Codes, 13 , 14 , 15 Amendments, sharecropping, tenant farming, Election of 1876. Document Two- Analyze the reason for and the impact of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.

Benchmark One

Unit III: Domestic Issues (1877-1920)

Week #4 - August 27-31 Heading West
Readings: pages 142-148, Frontier Myths Reading
Topics: Native American culture, reservations, Indian Wars, Battle of the Little Bighorn, Sitting Bull, Wounded Knee, Ghost Dance, Dawes Act, Economics of the West, Homestead Act, Morrill Land Grant Act, Oklahoma Land Rush, Turner's Thesis. Document Three- Chief Joseph “I Will Fight No More Forever”. Critique and explain

Week # 5 – September 1-7 Progressives and the Second Industrial Revolution

-Readings: pages 150-155
Topics: Railroads, the rise of big business, Laissez-fare, Social Darwinism, Gilded Age, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Sherman Anti-Trust Act, labor unions, Great Railroad Strike, Haymarket Riot, Homestead Strike, socialism, Thomas Edison, trolley, subways, cars, airplanes, telegraph, telephone, electricity.

Discussion Topic 1-Did Oil Fuel the Second Industrial Revolution

Week #6 – September 10-14 - Life in the Gilded Age
Readings: pages 156-161, 170-176
Topics: Immigrations factors, nativists, prejudice, Angel Island, Ellis Island, social hierarchy, tenement housing, settlement housing, political machines, Pendleton Service Act, presidents 19-25, Populist Party, Sherman Silver Purchase Act. Document Four- compare and contrast theories of Social Darwinism.

Week #7 – September 17 -21 - Reform Sweeps In the Progressives
Readings: pages 170 - 176, 179-182, 183-188 -Big Reading Week!
Topics: Progressivism, muckrakers, Upton Sinclair, labor reforms, Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire, IWW, government reform, Seventeenth Amendment, initiative, referendum, recall, Prohibition, Eighteenth Amendment, Suffrage Movement, Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal, trust busting, Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act, conservation, National Parks.

Media resource 1 –Watch Iron Jawed Angels and discuss the need for striking during WWI, Hunger Strikes, and government negligence in the women’s rights movement.

Unit IV: International Issues (1877-1920)

Week #8 – September 24-28 - Entering the World Stage with the "Splendid Little" War
Readings: page 200-205 and 206-212
Topics: Imperialism, isolationism, causes of expansionism, Hawaii, annexation, China, Japan, Causes of the Spanish-American War, yellow journalism, William R. Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer, President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Commodore George Dewey, Rough Riders, results of the Spanish American War.

Document: 5 Muckrakers. Compare and Contrast opposing theories about exposing societies evils

Week #9 - October 1- 5 -Big Brother comes to Latin America
Readings: pages 213-217, and 221-223
Topics: Panama Canal, protectorate, Puerto Rico, Roosevelt Corollary, dollar diplomacy, dollar diplomacy, Pancho villa, Mexican revolution, John J. Pershing, Outcome for Mexico

Discussion Topic 2-The Bully Pulpit Good or Bad

Week #10 – October 8 –18- The US is drawn into World War I
Readings: pages 231, 236-237, 238-241, 246-249, 251-252 and 255-259. (17 pages)
Topics: Causes of War, Central Powers, Allied Powers, trench warfare, new weapons, Lusitanian, Zimmerman Notes, Selective Service Act, Bolshevik Revolution, Women and the war, Liberty Bonds, propaganda, Home Front Economy, Espionage Act, Woodrow Wilson, Fourteen Points, League of Nations, Treaty of Versailles Interactive exercise in communication - Music during WWI : The feel, the lyrics, the message. Read Flanders’s Field.

HAPPY Fall Break

Week #12 –October 22- October 26 - Post War Tensions
Readings: pages 250, 270-275
Topics: Influenza, Red Scare, communism, Palmer Raids, Labor disputes, economic downturn, Sacco and Vanzetti trial, nativism

Unit V: The Roaring 1920's

Week #13 – October 29-November 2 - Economic Boomtimes
Readings: pages 276-281 and 283-286
Topics: assembly line, Henry Ford, welfare capitalism, suburbs, new products, consumerism, advertising, installment buying or credit buying, weakness of the 20s economy, Harding Presidency, Coolidge, Tea Pot Dome Scandal, War Debt,

Week #14 –November 5-9 - 1920s Cultural Changes Readings: pages 294-313
Topics: The New Woman, urbanization, value conflicts, Scopes Trial, fundamentalism, prohibition bootleggers, Great Migration, Harlem Renaissance, NAACP, jazz, impact of radio, national culture, movies, Charles Lindberg, Amelia Earhart, Negro League Baseball, Gershwin, Hemingway, Fitzgerald.

Scopes Monkey Trial Court Transcripts.

Week #15 –November 12-16 - 1920s Cultural Changes Readings: pages 294-313
Topics: The New Woman, urbanization, value conflicts, Scopes Trial, fundamentalism, prohibition bootleggers, Great Migration, Harlem Renaissance, NAACP, jazz, imp-ct of radio, national culture, movies, Charles Lindberg, Amelia Earhart, Negro League Baseball, Gershwin, Hemingway, Fitzgerald. Stories about Jackie Robinson, Charles Lindberg America’s first Movement Harlem Renaissance Materials

Benchmark Five

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Week#17 – November 26-30- Study of Presidents Lincoln-Taft. Compare and contrast ideas, actions, and effect upon society. Great Quotes and reasons for their reactions to US and World events.

Week #18 -December 2-16 Catch Up, Review and Mid-term.


Unit VI: The Great Depression and New Deal

Week #19 – January 2 – January 11- The Boom Times are Over

Readings: pages 320-327

Topics: Causes of the Great Depression; Speculations, Stock Market Expansion, Wealth Distribution, Credit and Buying on Margin, role of the Federal Reserve System, Stock Market Crash, Black Tuesday, Herbert Hoover, Charles Mitchell, world trade. Woody Guthrie songs, Stories by Hobo’s

Week #20 – January 14-January 18- Devastation of the Great Depression

Readings: pages 328-339 and 367-368

Topics: Hoboes, Bank closings, Dust Bowl, foreclosure, Hoovervilles, Okies, Grapes of Wrath, Dorthea Lange, Bonus Army, Herbert Hoover, associative state, Hoover Dam, Hoover’s cooperative plan, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. The Invisible Story about discrimination during the New Deal

Week #21 –January 21-February 25 – Roosevelt saves the day!

Readings: pages 346-355

Topics: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1932 Election, public works, fireside chats, Eleanor Roosevelt, bank holiday, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Hundred Days, New Deal, subsidy, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Civilian Conservation Corps, National Industrial Recovery Act, Public Works Administration, Federal Securities Act, Tennessee Valley Authority, Civil Works administration, Indian Reorganization Act, critics of the New Deal. New Deal Critics. Evaluate different opinions

Week #22 – January 28-February 1 – The Second New Deal

Readings: pages 356-366 and 372-375

Topics: Second New Deal, Works Progress Administration, Social Security, unionized labor, sit-down strike, Rural Electrification Administration, ALF LANDON and the election of 1936, Farm Tenancy Act, Court packing, deficit spending, John Maynard Keynes, Frances Perkins, Mary McLeod Bethune, race relations in the 1930s, Fair Labor Standards Act. Eleanor Roosevelt- how she changed the first lady’s role.

Benchmark Six

Unit VII: World War II

Week #23 – February 4-February 8 – Cause of War on Foreign Shores

Readings: pages 386-398

Topics: Jesse Owens, Problems with WWI peace agreements, Rise of Hitler, Mussolini and fascism, Stalin’s Russia, Spanish Civil War, Imperial Japan, appeasement, Winston Churchill, German Aggression, blitzkrieg, Axis Powers

.Compare and Contrast Mussolini and Hitler, Churchill and Chamberlin, Stalin and Roosevelt and Truman

Week #24 – February 11- February 15 – Isolationist vs Alliances, A Tedious Balance.

Readings: pages 399-405

Topics: Neutrality, pacifists, quarantine, cash and carry, Lend-Lease Act, Atlantic Charter, Pearl Harbor. What do we mean by “America’s Greatest Generation Goes to War”

Readings: pages 406-411 and 441-447

Topics: Mobilization, End of the Great Depression, Women’s Role, Oveta Culp Hobby, Rosie the Riveter, minorities during the War, the Home Front, rationing, propaganda posters, Office of War Information, Barnett ruling, Japanese internment, new role of government.

Week #25 – February 18 – February 22 – War in the Pacific

Readings: pages 433-440

Topics: Bataan Death March, Douglas MacArthur, Doolittle’s Raid, Battles of Coral Sea, Midway and Guadalcanal, code talkers, kamikaze, Iwo Jima and Okinawa, firebombing Tokyo. Compare and contrast the bombing of Pearl Harbor and September 11.

Week #26 – February 25 – March1 – War in Europe

Readings: pages 418 – 431 and 450-452

Topics: U-boat attacks, convoy system, Operation Torch, Tuskegee Airmen, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, the Holocaust, Yalta Conference, Berlin, V-E Day. The Holocaust: Anne Frank and the Attic

SPRING BREAK!!!! Be safe!

Week #27 – March 4-March 8 - End of the War

Readings: 452 – 455

Topics: Atomic Bomb, Manhattan Project, Harry Truman, Potsdam Conference, United Nations. Discussion: Will the United Nations Work?

Benchmark Seven

Unit VIII: The Cold War

Week #28 - March 11-March 15 - The Iron Curtain Falls
Readings: pages 464-470, 475-476 and 478

Topics: Potsdam, Atomic Bomb, Communism, Iron Curtain, satellite nations, Containment, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, NATO, World Bank, Human Rights, United Nations, Mao Zedong. What did McCarthy start? Evaluate the Red Scare America’s Most Hated Senator

SPRING BREAK!!!! Be safe!

Week #29 – March 25 – March 29 - Post WWII America

Readings: pages 471-475, 479-482, 513-515 and 557-558

Topics: Veterans, GI Bill, baby boom, Consumer goods, racism, segregation, Fair Deal, HUAC, Hollywood Ten, McCarthyism, NAACP, integration. How Eisenhower dealt with the cold war. Which way would he go?

Week #30 - April 1-April 5– No Solid Peace

Readings: pages 483-489 and 497- 50

Topics: Yalta, Kim Il Sung, Syngman Rhea, 38th Parallel, police action, MacArthur, scope, armistice, DMZ, brinkmanship, Warsaw Pact, Vietnam, Israel, Palestine, Suez Canal, Eisenhower Doctrine, hydrogen bomb, Arms Race, Sputnik, NASA, FCDA, Bomb Scare. Discuss the Korean War. What would we accomplish?

Week #31 – April 8-April 12- Civil Rights Beyond Brown

Readings: pages 562-585
Topics: Rosa Parks, Bus Boycott, SLCC, Thurgood Marshall, non-violence protest, CORE, Martin Luther King, Freedom Riders, James Meredith, Medgar Evers, Civil Rights Acts, Freedom Summer, 24th Amendments, Selma, de facto segregation, Black Power, Malcolm X, Nation of Islam. Evaluate Letters from Birmingham by Martin Luther King

Week #32 – April 15 – 19th - Kennedy's Cold War

Readings: pages 526-534

Topics: Election of Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Bay of Pigs, Nikita Khrushchev, Berlin Wall, Cuban Missile Crisis, Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Peace Corp, Alliance for Progress, flexible response. Topics: The Kennedy Family, Space Program, Earl Warren, Kennedy's Assassination, Lyndon Johnson, War on Poverty, Job Corps, Great Society, Medicaid, Medicare, Voting Rights Lyndon Johnson documentary:

How he saved the Civil rights Act. How close did America Really come to Nuclear War?

Week #34 – April 22 –26 - Domestic Democrats and Vietnam

Readings: pages 594-627 and 650-655

Topics: Colonial Vietnam, Indochina, domino theory, Geneva Conference, Tet Offensive, Robert McNamara, Election of 1968,Vietnamization, Cambodia, My Lai Massacre, Anti-war Movement, Kent State Shootings, 26th Amendment, Khmer Rouge, War Powers Act

Week #35 – April 29 – May 3 – Nixon, Watergate, Ford, Carter and Iran, Reagan

Readings: 664-720, Nixon, Bobby Kennedy, Watergate, Nixon’s resignation, ford, Pardoning Nixon, Carter Hostage crisis in Iran, Reagan and the fall of the Iron Curtain. The Iran-Contra Affair. Read Reagan’s speech and write it in your own words.

Week #36 – May 6-10 – The Clinton Years, George W. Bush’s election, The bombing of the Twin Towers September 11, 2001

Readings pg. 726-750: The Clinton’s, The impeachment proceedings, Balancing the budget. Bush and Gore’s election controversy, the attack on the World Trade Center.