Campbell County Joint Powers Fire

Board of Directors

Business Meeting Minutes

July 12, 2017



June 7, 2017

ATTENDANCE: Chuck Davis, Lisa Finkey, Damon Hart, Ryan Gross, Ron Holmes, and Cory Bryngelson.

STAFF and GUESTS: Chief William Shank, Donna Lhotak-Crippen, and County Liaison Commissioner Clark Kissack.


Board Chairman, Cory Bryngelson called the meeting to order at 1800 hours at the Campbell County Fire Department Station 9 in Wright, Wyoming.


Chairman Bryngelson introduced the attendees who are listed above under the heading “Staff and Guests.”


Lisa Finkey requested that item 7.2.4 (1) New apparatus be moved from the regular agenda to executive session for purposes of potential litigation.


❧ Motion Lisa Finkey moved, seconded by Ron Holmes to move 7.2.4 (1) New Apparatus from regular meeting to executive.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.

❧ Motion Damon Hart moved, seconded by Lisa Finkey, to approve the meeting agenda as presented.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.



On the regular meeting Minutes 8.1 motion had April and it should have been June

❧ Motion Lisa Finkey moved, seconded by Ryan Gross to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.


❧ Motion Ryan Gross moved, seconded by Chuck Davis, to approve payment of the Manual Checks totaling $88,681.04.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.


Donna Crippen stated that it is going to be very close to stay within our budget. We should have around $213,490 after paying this month’s expenditures. The department had until this Friday to get in all invoices for the year. Once we have all invoices in we will have a better idea of where we stand.

Donna Crippen also stated that we will have to formally request funds from the funding entities for are balance due to State and BLM on the 2016 Wildland Fires.


Chief Shank stated that he took the policy the department already had and combined it with other departments on the necessary components to this policy. This policy is easier to understand than the original version. Chief Shank stated that this policy will be followed up by training.


Chief Fox stated that this policy will be the process for all investigators to follow on training and certifications.


Chief Fox stated that this policy outlines the process for Fire Investigations and other resources that we can use. We send out and got feedback from our current investigators and they made a few changes. This policy and the Training are brand new policies.


Chief Shank went through the summary on each fire. Chief Shank stated that the members of the department did a tremendous job on all fires we responded to last year. We had 139 wildland fires last year and out of that only 4 had cost shares on them, which included State Forestry and BLM. On these fires, we joined in a unified command with both of them. BLM absorbed most of the aviation on those fires. We will be asking our funding entities for the money owed in to total amount of $255,315.62.

We are working on areas to better track all cost that goes into each fire. We are working with all members to train in the importance of tracking everything.

Ryan Gross asked the Chief on how we attack fire if it is in the best financial way. Chief Shank stated that all fires are different but we always consider Safety, Life, and Property loss on each fire we go to.

Chief Shank also stated that two of the fires that we had were in areas we could not get into. We had to get hand crews down in there and that’s when the aviation works best to keep these fires down and sometime the only alternative.


Chief Shank stated that the only notable call was a storage building on Union Chapel. This building was a complete loss that started early in the morning and was fully engulfed by the time we arrived. The fire started by a Golf Cart that was plugged in for charging.


·  The Training Cadre met on the 6th, not a huge success since not many members could attend.

·  CCFD is holding joint training with CCH EMS for the upcoming airport drill on June 8th. They will be a motorhome fire and later will have 55 injured people.

·  Chief Izatt attended training in Colorado on firefighter safety and survival. Dale said this was a very good training.

·  Chief Shank, Fox, Firefighter Clikeman and Donna attended Data Analysis Training in Colorado. This was a very beneficial training and help learn more on using our data.

·  The 2017 Recruit Academy is in its 18th week. There are currently 9 recruits remaining, one recruit was released from the academy due to medical issues

·  CCFD will be held a joint tabletop exercise with Black Hills Energy for powerplant emergencies

·  The annual Wildland Field Day will be conducted on June 10th. CCFD and BLM personnel with be conducting the training. This training is provided to the CCFD seasonal personnel and recruits. This will be a full day event.

·  We will be conducting training on the new records management system (Emergency Reporting System “ERS”) on June 7th, 8th and 9th.

·  We will be conducting our annual Fire Dispatch training in preparation for the upcoming wildland fire season.

·  Chief Shank, Chief Fox and Captain Eischeid will be attending the International Hazardous Materials Response Teams Conference in Baltimore.

·  CCFD provided fire extinguisher training again to a few companies total around 70 employees.

·  Classes/Hours: January 1, 2017 thru May 31st, 2017 a total of 351 training sessions have been conducted for a total of 5527 man hours.


Chief Shank stated that Firefighter Bill Sims will give a tour of Station 9 when the meeting is over. Chief Shank stated that the contractor re-drilled and did more soil testing on the movement of the station. The building in still moving, seeing more cracks in walls. When drilling the contractor damaged the floor drain pipes; this is not a high priority but will need to be fixed.

Pinetree Junction Storage building is set to break ground on June 21st. Chief Shank stated that they picked lighter colors, since they don’t show hail damage as bad.

Station three will be having warranty work done on the floors in the bays. The station will be shut down for 5 days until it is completed.


2. Chief Shank brought forward a couple proposal of the Wildland Discretionary Compensation plan. He stated that the first proposal has been changed to more attainable levels. The second proposal is using more of a framework on time spent using six categories. These proposals are a guideline for the board, the Chief will make the final decisions and bring to the board for their approval. The Fire board will review the proposals and give feedback to the Chief at the next board meeting.

3. The Division Chief of Operation process. Chief Shank stated that we have received three internal applicants. This will be a full day interview process on June 20th. Chief Shank stated that he has contacted outside evaluators and would like a board member to be part of the interview panel.

4. Joint Powers Board’s Budget Request. Chief Shank stated that Paul Foster from Cam-plex contacted him regarding the proposed budget request. After reading in the paper that the County had only took a 3.5% cut, but the Joint Power’s board had to take a 7% cut. Chief Shank wanted to discuss this with the board. The board stated that if we have a good justification and the need is great, then we will go back to the funding entities.


The Meeting times on the Calendar are incorrect, the board agreed two months ago the starting time is 5:30 not 6:00 pm.


❧ Motion Chuck Davis moved, seconded by Lisa Finkey to amend the Fire Board Meeting schedule from July 2017 through December 2017.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.


❧ Motion Ryan Gross moved, seconded by Lisa Finley to recess meeting at 1928 hours.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.

❧ Motion Ryan Gross moved, seconded by Damon Hart to reconvene meeting at 1958 hours.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.


❧ Motion Ron Holmes moved, seconded by Ryan Gross to move into executive session at 1959 hours for Personnel matters and potential litigation.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.

❧ Motion Lisa Finkey moved, seconded by Damon Hart to come out of executive session at 2052 hours.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.

❧ Motion Ryan Gross moved, seconded by Chuck Davis to reconvene meeting at 2052 hours.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.


❧ Motion Lisa Finkey moved, seconded by Chuck Davis to approve May 10, 2017 Executive Minutes.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / abstain
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / abstain

The motion carried

Chief Shank Stated that although he admired the Fire Boards decision last month to give him a raise. He stated the in light of everything with Budget cuts and none of the department will see raises he would like to decline their decision on the raise.

Ryan Gross stated that the Chief is deserving of the raise and he admires and commended his care for this department in light of that and his request, Ryan would support the Chief’s request.

❧ Motion Ryan Gross moved, seconded by Damon Hart to approve that the board approve his request to return to his previous salary.

Chairman Bryngelson stated that the Chief has done so much for the department he would hate to see the Chief decline the raise. Damon Hart stated that looking at the big picture he does not agree but will respect the Chief’s request. Ron Holmes also stated that he would hate for the Chief not to take the raise but will also honor his request.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / no / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / no / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried

Ryan Gross stated that in light of the wildland compensation in 2016 to the Division Chiefs was at a level 1 and the Fire Chief did not receive any compensation he would like the Chief to receive the same bonus.

Damon Hart stated that he believed the Board should discuss the bonus with the funding entities before making any decision regarding a bonus.

❧ Motion Ryan Gross moved, seconded by Ron Holmes to approve a $5000 bonus to Chief Shank payable in July.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / no
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried


❧ Motion Lisa Finkey moved seconded by Chuck Davis to adjourn meeting at 2104 hours.

Cory Bryngelson / yes / Damon Hart / yes
Chuck Davis / yes / Ron Holmes / yes
Lisa Finkey / yes / Mike Shober / absent
Ryan Gross / yes

The motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

______Chairman Cory Bryngelson Attest: Donna Lhotak-Crippen