5:30-6:30 & 7:30-8:30 - PRE-PREGISTERED participants may pick up their conference packets outside the Silver City Ballroom Area at the hotel
Session Number 001 6:00 - 8:00: Clinton Presidential Center (Library)
Please join us for the opening reception of the Arkansas Art Educators annual conference. Conference attendees are invited to a reception and presentation in the Great Hall followed by an after-hours tour of the museum and the special temporary exhibit,Art of Africa: One Continent, Limitless Vision. The exhibit will feature a dynamic presentation of textiles, paintings, sculpture, jewelry and clothing given as gifts to President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. From intricately designed kente and batik textiles to traditional sculptures and carvings,Art of Africa: One Continent, Limitless Visionbrings rare artifacts from Africa to Arkansas.
There are limited, experience (hands-on) workshops available. Participation in these workshops is reserved when pre-registering. If additional seating is available tickets will be available at the registration table.
All sessions are one hour unless stated otherwise
SC- Silver City (sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), BD-Blue Dog, D-Decantillion,
RW- Razorback West, RE-Razorback East, H- Hospitality Suite 1005
AT-Arkansas Traveler (upstairs)
HS- High School, MS- Middle School, E- Elementary, A- All Levels
Exhibits are open in Silver City 7 from 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM & Friday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Educator Art Lab & Maker Space in Silver City 6 from 10:00 AM-5:00 PM & Friday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Teachers will experience hands-on learning by participating in various stations that will include ideas for STEAM and maker education. Come explore ideas for gaming, robotics, coding, animation and more as it ties to the visual art, design thinking, and studio habits. After participating enter for a chance to win some of the hands-on tools used.
002 8:30 AM SC 1,2,3,4 Keynote Speaker: Eric Scott
“Confronting the ‘One and Done’ Mentality”
Discover how to shift from teacher-directed, “one and done” projects to a more student-direct curriculum. Learn to open your teaching practice to allow for more choice and give your students a more authentic art making experience where their passions and their voice drive the artistic inquiry. Whether you’re looking for subtle tweaks in your projects or looking to shift your whole curriculum, a variety of concepts, strategies, and approaches will be addressed. Walk away with insight into how you can hone your curriculum to honor student choice and personal goals, yet still covers content and standards.
Unlimited A
Art Outfitters invites you to come by anytime Thursday or Friday 9-5. Sales and special discounts for conference attendees! They are located on 7th Street next to Vino’s on the corner of 7th and Chester Streets.
003 10:00 AM SC 1 Melt My Chihuly/ Jennifer Cates
Get to know a little bit more about Dale Chihuly while experimenting with plastic and heat guns.
Unlimited E
004 10:00 AM SC 2 Virtual Gallery Talk; giving voice to student artists using augmented reality/ Ginger Miller
Participants will learn how use the augmented reality software Aurasma to give viewers a glimpse into the art making processes and the motivation of young artists. Learn how to record artist statements that can be linked to displayed artworks. Once scanned by the free Aurasma app, audio or video is triggered to share more details about the artwork and the artist. This novel approach allows students to contribute their voice to the exhibition of their work Unlimited E, M
005 10:00 AM SC 3 an Intro to the Visual Journal/ Eric Scott
Come explore the possibilities of a Visual Journal. A Visual Journal is a personal record, a tool for self-exploration and reflection, and an art form for expression. In this mixed-media, hands-on workshop, participants will explore the creative possibilities of the Visual Journal. Various activities will be provided to experiment with media, technique, and concepts. Bring a neglected or under-utilized sketchbook, scissors, glue stick, and any personal ephemera that will inspire your journal pages.
Unlimited A
006 10:00 AM SC4 Take Home Kits for High School Engagement (AAE GRANT FUNDED)/LaDawna Dillman
I will discuss the use of take home kits at Northside High School provided by the AAE Grant. The kits will provide art supply access to students who would otherwise have no access to these materials. This workshop is the culmination of that grant and will explore successes and challenges as well as how to implement into your own community.
Unlimited HS
007 10:00 AM SC5 ATC Collage / MiChelle Moore
An overview of ATC (Artist Trading Cards) and creating mini magazine collage works on them.
Unlimited MS, HS
008T 10:00 BD Sun in Splendor/Angela Rosencrantz
Final project covering Heraldry and portraits using facial features, proportion, exaggeration, and color with choice of media.
Ticketed M, HS 100 minutes
Thursday, Nov 9
009T 10:00 AM D Art Pow Wow / Becky Thornton, Sally Allinder and Leslie Collier
Fill your quiver with the art and culture of Arkansas Native Americans, with the inclusion of North and South Dakota tribes. Enjoy Native Arkansas history, arts and crafts. You will enjoy hands on activities and get lesson plans for grades K - 8...maybe more! You will make art!
See you at the Pow Wow!
Ticketed E, M 100 minutes
010T 10:00 AM AT Raising Awareness Through the Arts: Mask Making for a Cause/Allison Cole
This session is focused on using visual art to inspire positive change. Here we will look into the issue of the growing number of endangered animals in our world through discussions on conservation and activism while simultaneously learning to create a plaster bird mask. We will fully discuss all components of this change making unit including research, oral presentation and display.
Ticketed A 1oo minutes
011T 10:00 AM RE Weaving in the Round / ZaAnna Dyer-Johnson
Experiment with line, color and texture using a ring to create a weaving with a standard loom. Will learn to prepare the ring (loom) to attach the warp to the ring and finish a project in the round. Participants may bring some small twigs, feathers, etc. to add an extra dimension to the weaving. Will receive a detailed lesson plan during class session.
Ticketed A 1oo minutes
012T 10:00 AM RW Geometric and Organic Shapes/Jeri Newberry
This lesson was originally created for 1st graders, but can easily be adapted for any level. This was a multi week lesson used to teach the difference between organic and geometric shapes. Join me to see how students used paint and Sharpies to create this multi-layered artwork!
Ticketed A 100 minutes
013 11:15 AM SC1 Monochromatic Index Card Self-Portraits /Debbie Shelman
Students create a self-portrait using sharpie outline and monochromatic colored pencils. Presentation is done by grouping portraits by color creating a visually pleasing display.
Unlimited A
014 11:15 AM SC2 Choice/TAB for High School/ Joy Schultz
We welcome educators who are in the Choice Spectrum from Modified all the way to TAB. Come and meet the other AR teachers to discuss upcoming NAEA Special Interest issues and how we can help support each other in Arkansas with our practice. Come prepared to share successes and challenges.
Unlimited HS, A
015 11:15 AM SC3 Art with Words/Misty Kew
Students love to write and draw, when you can combine these with music, books, or movie themes they love it even more. I have three lessons where my students create art around their personal interest, writing, illustration, and portraits. I will discuss these lessons, resources, and show examples. Lessons are around Typography Portraits, Quote Illustrations, and Character Quote Portraits.
Unlimited M, HS
Thursday, Nov 9
016 11:15 AM SC4 Green Screen Puppet Shows on an Ipad/Susan Whiteland
Combine technology, art history and puppet making using Do-Ink, a green screen Ipad application. During this presentation attendees will see how ipads were used to record puppet shows with a museum artwork as a background. The process has been used for a variety of ages from elementary students to university students.
Unlimited A
017 11:15 AM SC5 Putting the ‘A’ in STEM/Troy DeBill
What is STEAM? Why is it important? Is this something I can do in my classroom? Participants will learn how to turn STEM into STEAM! Learn ways to integrate art into what your students are learning in Science, Technology, and Math! Create hands-on lessons (even if you teach from a cart!) to engage students in engineering/design and problem solving at every grade level!
Unlimited A
12:30-1:30 PM Students/ New to the Profession Lunch- Hospitality Suite 1005
Students and new teachers join us for lunch in the hospitality room and an open discussion on what it’s really like to teach in an art classroom. Tips, tricks and challenges will all be exchanged.
018 12:30 PM SC1 Ditch the Deadline: Creating Flexible Timelines through Choice and Digital Media / Randi Curtis
In this session, we will discuss ways to ease the pressure that deadlines can put on teachers and students alike. Digital methods of keeping track of student progress, such as Google Classroom, will be introduced and explored, including ways to procure digital media in classrooms that do not have ready access to technology. Real world examples from my own classroom, including student perspectives, lesson plans, and reference images, will be included.
Unlimited HS
019 12:30PM SC2 Choice/TAB for Elementary /Sarah Burns
Come learn and discuss about the Choice Spectrum (From Modified to Full TAB) with other elementary level AR teachers. Find out ways to support each other in Arkansas, NAEA, and in our daily practice. Come prepared to share your own successes.
Unlimited E
020 12:30PM SC3 Junior Duck Stamp: Connecting to the Natural World through Art /Tisa Bomar
The Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program is a dynamic art- and science- based curriculum that teaches wetland and waterfowl conservation to students in kindergarten through high school. Come learn about this program that incorporates scientific and wildlife management principles into a visual art curriculum and art contest.
Unlimited A
021 12:30 PM SC4 Artroom Space and Time /Lynn Smith
This presentation will take a look at successful artroom arrangements/designs as well as time-saving management strategies for art classes. Thirty-seven years of teaching high school in 13 different artrooms has given the presenter many opportunities to develop successful approaches forArtroom Space and Time.
Unlimited A
Thursday, Nov 9
022 12:30 PM SC5 Engineering and Art Collaboration/Rachelle Tracy
A STEM and Art Collaboration: From building popsicle towers, designing functional cardboard chairs, to using 3D printers, have a look at the project based lessons I’ve collaborated with my school’s Robotics/engineering teacher.
Unlimited M, HS
023T 12:30 PM BD 3Doodler Pen (Where Technology Meets Art)/Barbara + Preston Haynie
Are you a long time Doodler Ready for the next level? Then this 3Doodler class is for you!
Come join us as we take 2d to 3d in this new technology art medium. Best suited for upper Elementary - High School.
Ticketed M, HS, HE
024T 12:30 PM D Paper clay Bobble heads! /James Kunzelmann + Matthew Parker
What is paper clay, how is it made, and why the extra trouble is worth it! Learn the answers to these questions by making your own paper clay bobble head that you can take with you to fire on your own.
Ticketed M, HS 100 minutes
025T 12:30 PM AT Fabulous Fibers/Joan Anderson + Sharon Boyd-Struthers
A hands-on session, exploring the wonders of fiber: from braiding and weaving to yarn painting and God’s eyes. There’s something for everyone.
Ticketed A 100 minutes
026T 12:30PM RE Join the Flock/Julie Davis (Blick)
There are billions of types of birds on this planet, comprising a rainbow of colors, variety of beaks, and differing sizes. Celebrate their unique qualities in this workshop with Blick Art Materials. Participants will create whimsical bird sculptures using an assortment of gathered supplies, including wire, fabric, and feathers.
Ticketed A 1oo minutes
027T 12:30PM RW Self-Esteem and Art: Ways to Engage Students and Create Pathways/Jennifer Jacoby Phillips
This session explores how creating art can boost a student’s self-esteem by giving them a voice to their struggles, ideas and helping them to overcome the fear of “non-perfection.” Discover ways to encourage students to learn to use their own ideas and to not “not try” in the face of fear of failing.
Ticketed M, HS 100 minutes
028 1:45 PM SC1 Failing Forward: Lessons Learned from a Pre-Service Teacher on Student Engagement /Madeline Lowe + Angela LaPorte
We will explore contemporary curriculum strategies, including enduring ideas and interdisciplinary connections to promote discussion and student engagement, why they are important, and how these approaches can encourage high school students to produce meaningful work.
Unlimited HS, HE
Thursday, Nov 9
029 1:45 PM SC2 Choice/TAB for Middle/Nikki Kalcevic
Come learn and discuss about the Choice Spectrum (From Modified to Full TAB) with other middle level AR teachers. Find out ways to support each other in Arkansas, NAEA, and in our daily practice. Come prepared to share your own successes
Unlimited M
030 1:45 PM SC3 Effectively Advocating for Arts Education Programs and Funding /Joy Pennington
ARftA (Arkansans for the Arts) will discuss ways that we are advocating for increased federal and state funding for school and community based arts programs; providing collaborative teacher trainings in partnership with AR DOE and AR Arts Council; and advocacy efforts to increase arts programming through the AR DOE implementation of ESSA.
Unlimited A
031 1:45 PM SC4 Blue Dog and Other Adventures in Art History/Jennifer West
Blue Dog vacation has become one of my Jr high students’ favorite assignments to do, and I’m happy to share it and other ways to add engaging Art History into middle or jr high school classes. There will be a handout available with lesson plans and examples of multiple Art History inclusive projects for these age groups. It is also adaptable to all ages
Unlimited A
032 1:45 PM SC5 ASDe’Via / Kimberli Alston
Come take a look at the De’Via art movement. This art movement was started by a group of deaf artists who wanted to be “heard”. They create beautiful works of art incorporating ASL, hand, and deaf culture. In this session you will learn about De’Via, see some of my students’ artworks from the Arkansas School for the Deaf, and learn a more about meeting the needs of special students.