OST 275—Course #37042
Telephone: (270) 824-8615
M, W 11-12
T, R 9:30-11:30
Fridays By Appointment
Management principals and techniques and their applications to the modern business office are included. Emphasis is on information systems and the role of managerial personnel.
- Define the functional elements of a modern business office and the trends of administrative office management and organization.
- Describe the elements involved in the development and management of an information system for an office employing effective management practices, current equipment, and techniques.
- Identify components of good human relations within an office environment.
- Define factors to be considered in the selection, orientation, and evaluation of office personnel.
- Define the supervisory functions of an office administrator.
- Apply sound practices of office management to the solution of everyday office problems such as space management, the selection of furnishings and equipment, purchasing, and service contracts.
- Demonstrate an understanding of quality movement concepts that impact the office.
- Principles of Administrative Office Management
- Solving Problems in Administrative Office Management
- Selecting and Orienting the Office Staff
- Supervising the Office Staff
- Training, Appraising, and Promoting Office Personnel
- Office Job Analysis
- Office Salary Administration
- Labor Management Relations in the Office
- Office Personnel Problems and Practices
- Space Management for Administrative Services
- Ergonomics in the Office
- Telecommunications in Administration
- Analyzing Administrative Office Systems
- Improving Office Productivity
- Budgetary Control
- Deming’s Quality Theory
- Quality Tools
- TQM Implementation
Required Text: Quible, Zane A., Administrative Office Management An Introduction, 8th edition,Pearson Prentice Hall., 2005, ISBN 0-13-124510-4
Computer with Internet capabilities, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint or a PowerPoint reader.
Exams...... 50%
Quizzes...... 35%
Group Discussion Forums...... 15%
1.Late Work Policy: Late homework will receive a 10-point penalty. I will only accept work one week past the due date. At this point, you will not be given access to the drop boxes to submit your homework.
2.Incomplete Grade Policy: The grade of I will not be given. A student may request the grade only in cases of a serious prolonged illness.
3.Be sure to follow the class schedule on this syllabus and read the announcement sheet to keep up with your assignments for this course.
4. Cheating and plagiarism policy: Cheating is not tolerated in this course. You will receive a zero in the category
The following general education competencies will be taught across the curriculum and in this course. Following the description of the competency is at least one manner in which it will be implemented in this class.
General Education Competencies:
I. Communicate Effectively
1. Read with comprehension.
2.Write clearly using Standard English.
3. Interact cooperatively with others using verbal means.
4. Demonstrate information processing through basic computer skills.
The above will be accomplished through reading the course material and answering questions using proper grammar and punctuation. Students will participate in discussion forums related to course material. Interacting in Blackboard will serve as a demonstration of computer literacy.
"All faculty are expected to call attention to and penalize for errors in English usage and require the rewriting of papers which do not meet acceptable standards." (CCS Rules, Section V, 2.32)
II. Think Critically
1. Make connections in learning across the disciplines and draw logical conclusions.
2. Demonstrate problem solving through interpreting, analyzing, summarizing, and/or integrating a variety of materials.
The above will be accomplished through completing the quizzes and exams.
III. Learn Independently
1. Use appropriate search strategies and resources to find, evaluate, and use information.
2. Make choices based upon awareness of ethics and differing perspectives/ideas.
3. Apply learning in academic, personal, and public situations.
4. Think creatively to develop new ideas, processes, or products.
The above will be addressed by reading the chapters and working the course content.
IV. Examine Relationships in Diverse and Complex Environments
1. Recognize the relationship of the individual to human heritage and culture.
2. Develop an awareness of self as an individual member of a multicultural global community.
The above will be studied throughout the course and implemented in discussion forums.
If you have a documented disability and need any type of accommodation, you are required to register with the Disability Resource Coordinator. Contact Valerie Wolfe, Disability Resource Coordinator, Room 139A JHG, 270-824-1708.
“Students with documented disabilities that require individualized accommodations should do two things: contact the Disability Resource Coordinator at their Home College and inform their instructors. Once the student has contacted the Disability Resource Coordinator at the Home College, that Coordinator will communicate with the student's instructors and/or the Disability Resource Coordinator at the Delivering College in order to coordinate and/or provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations to the student.
Important Web Sites- The website for the course Click on the Blackboard link.
- You may view the KCTCS Student Code of Conduct at
- To get to your KCTCS email account go to
- If you are having logon problems or have any technical questions call 877-740-4357. Help desk information is at
- Library services: Link to Madisonville Community College Library on MCC Homepage. Use the same KCTCS email link above.
- Online Course Schedule (Systemwide classes) -
- KCTCS KYVU Web Session Calendar: -- be certain that students are aware of the web session calendar as it may vary from their Home College calendar for on-campus classes. This course lasts from August 18 through December 12, 2008.
- Student Tutorial and Orientation:
- Bookstore: -- KCTCS colleges are operated by Barnes and Noble and will have online ordering capability.
- Student Login Instructions: -- please provide to students who inquire about login. The login instructions are emailed through student KCTCS email accounts.
- Student Email Account information:
- Online Program Advising Guides:
OST 275
Spring 2009
Week of / ChapterAugust 16 / Chapter 3
Letter to Instructor
Discussion Board Intro
August 23 / Chapter1
August 30 / Chapter 2
September 6 / Exam I—Chapters 1-3
Chapter 7
September 13 / Chapter 8
September 20 / Chapter 9
September 27 / Chapters 11 and 12
October 4 / Chapter 14
October 11 / Exam II Chapters 7-9, 11-12, 14
Chapter 4
October 18 / Chapter 5
October 25 / Chapter 6
November 1 / Chapter 19
November 8 / Exam III Chapters 4-6, 19
Chapter 16
November 15 / Chapter 17
November 22 / Chapter 24
November 29 / Chapter 25
December 6-9 / Final Exam Chapters 16-17, 24-25
This course is divided into four units. Unit 1 includes chapters 1-3; Unit 2 includes chapters 7-9, 11-12, and 14; Unit 3 includes chapters 4-6 and 19; Unit 4 includes Chapters 16-17 and 24-25. Each unit is housed within a folder. Each unit folder contains the listed chapters. Each chapter folder contains the activities for that chapter. There is an activity folder for each chapter.
You will be expected to do the following for each assigned chapter:
- Read the chapter completely and thoroughly.
- Print out the PowerPoint for the chapter and take notes on it.
- Work through all of the activities in the chapter activity folder. This will include some quizzes which will count as part of your course grade.
- Participate in the discussion question posted by your fellow students for each chapter. You will be assigned a discussion question and will be expected to post in a timely manner. If you fail to post a discussion question during your assigned week, you will receive a lower letter grade in the discussion category.
- Take a chapter quiz to see if you know the material and are ready to move forward to the next chapter. You will not be graded on these chapter quizzes.
- Take unit exams as scheduled.
I will post announcements at the end of each week that will let you know what you will need to do the following week. Please read and keep up with the announcements.
Please contact me regarding this course through the course message system rather than my e-mail account. I can help you quicker and easier this way. I will check my course messages at least twice daily except for the weekends.
Student Safety Information
Madisonville Community College is concerned with the safety of the students attending classes at any of the four campuses. The following points are for your benefit as a student.
- In case any life threatening event, call 911. The local emergency responders are better equipped to take care of these situations.
- To sign up for the Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP) go to the MCC webpage and click on the SNAP section. After completing this, you will receive notifications on school closings, inclement weather, and other safety notifications.
- To report a safety concern call the MCC Tip Line at 824-1900 to report safety concerns or suspicious behavior. This line is monitored once a day Monday through Friday.
- There is a Maintenance #836-5330 for students on the North campus for use after the switchboard closes at 4:30. This is a cell phone that is answered by one of the Maintenance & Operations personnel.
- The MCC emergency number is answered by selected personnel during the day and by a cell phone when these are not available. 824-1911