9th Annual BFE Meeting & Workshops

Hasselt, Belgium

Invitation To Submit Proposals For

Symposia, Lectures, Papers, Posters & Short Courses

The Biofeedback Foundation of Europe invites you to attend and submit proposals for symposia, lectures, paper sessions, posters and short courses for the 9th Annual Meeting and Workshops in Hasselt, Belgium.

  • The 9th Annual Meeting of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe will take place in Hasselt (Belgium), February 22-26, 2005.
  • The scientific program starts on the evening of Wednesday, February 23h, with a welcome reception and short presentations. It continues all day on Thursday, February 24h, and will feature symposia, lectures, papers, posters & short courses. The scientific program ends with an invited address on the morning of Friday, February 25h. There are opportunities for short courses and evening panels on selected topics on Wednesday and Friday.
  • The program includes 4-days of workshops, 2-days on February 22-23 and another 2 days on February 25-26. Workshop presenters are well-known biofeedback clinicians, who will demonstrate the latest techniques and technology. Please refer to our website for the latest details at

All presenters whose submissions are accepted will receive a 15% reduction of the BFE conference fee. The Scientific Program Committee will notify the authors of acceptance or non-acceptance of their submissions on January 11th, 2005.

Proposals have to be submitted using the “submission cover sheet” and will be evaluated by a Scientific Program Committee. See attached guidelines for submission. Submission deadlines are:

July 1, 2004 / Recommendations to program committee for workshop topics/presenters and keynote speakers
October 1, 2004 / Deadline for submitting symposia, lectures, short courses and evening panels
November 10, 2004 / Deadline for submitting oral paper and/or poster presentations
January 11, 2005 / Deadline for submitting rapid transmission poster

Symposia information (Submission Deadline October 1, 2004):

Symposia are in-depth examinations of a particular topic or issue that incorporates several different viewpoints, aspects or methodologies. The symposium generally includes a moderator, three panelists and a discussant. Symposia are one and a half hours in length.

Symposia Submission Guidelines:

  1. Title of Symposium
  2. A short statement of the problem, goals or purpose of the symposium (150 words)
  3. List of three keywords at the bottom of the symposium statement
  4. Moderator’s name
  5. Submission cover sheet
  6. A 100 word abstract of each presenter’s presentation
  7. List of three keywords at the bottom of each abstract

Lectures information (Submission Deadline October 1, 2004):

Lectures are oral presentations given by a single speaker supported with audiovisuals. Lectures are 1 hour in length, 45-minutes for the lecture and 15-minutes for questions.

Lectures Submission Guidelines:

  1. Title of Lecture
  2. A short abstract which contains a summary of the lecture including problem, subjects, method, results and discussion if appropriate (200 words)
  3. List of three keywords at the bottom of abstract
  4. Submission cover sheet

Short Course information (Submission deadline: October 1, 2004):

Short courses are didactic presentations and practical, hands-on demonstrations by one of more presenters covering detailed information on a specific topic. Short courses are from 1 ½ to 4 hours in length.

Short Course Submission Guidelines:

  1. Title of Short Course
  2. A short abstract which contains a summary of the short course, subjects, method, results and discussion (100 words)
  3. List of three keywords at the bottom of abstract
  4. Submission cover sheet

Evening Panel information (Submission deadline: October 1, 2004):

Evening Panels offer groups of presenters a way to discuss their work and answer questions from members of the audience. Panels can be from 1 to 2-hours in length.

Evening Panel Submission Guidelines:

  1. Title of Panel
  2. A short abstract which contains a summary of the topic (200 words)
  3. List of three keywords at the bottom of abstract
  4. Submission cover sheet

Paper Sessions information (Submission deadline: November 10, 2004):

Paper Sessions are oral presentations and demonstrations by one of more presenters covering detailed information on a specific topic. Paper sessions are 30-minutes in length.

Paper Sessions Submission Guidelines:

  1. Title of Paper Session
  2. A short abstract which contains a summary of the problem, subjects, method, results and discussion (200 words)
  3. List of three keywords at the bottom of abstract
  4. Submission cover sheet

Poster information (Submission deadline: November 10, 2004):

Poster presenters share their work using a combination of written and graphic materials presented on a display board approximately 1 meter by 2 meters (4 feet by 8 feet). Posters must be set up by 9 a.m. for the day that they are assigned.

Poster Submission Guidelines:

  1. Title of Poster
  2. A short abstract which contains a summary of the problem, subjects, method, results and discussion (200 words)
  3. List of three keywords at the bottom of abstract
  4. Submission cover sheet

Rapid transmission poster information (Submission deadline: January 11, 2005):

Please submit your submission by completing this document and attach it

to an e-mail to the Scientific Program Committee at .




2 cm Top margin

2 cm Left margin2 cm Right margin

Title of the presentation

Skip 1 line


Name, title, clinic, country


Skip 2 lines

Summary of the presentation (max. 50 words)

Skip 1 line

Short abstract (max. 200 words, not to exceed 1 page)

Skip 1 line

Communication should be addressed to:Keywords:

Name presenterKeyword 1

Full addressKeyword 2

Phone, Fax, EmailKeyword 3



2 cm Top margin

2 cm Left margin2 cm Right margin

Title of symposium

Skip 1 line


Name, title, clinic, country, institutional affiliation

Skip 2 lines

Summary statement of the problem addressed by the symposium

and the approaches represented by the panelists

(max. 150 words, not to exceed 1 page)

Skip 1 line

Paper 1: title, name presenter, abstract

(max. 100 words, not to exceed 1 page)

Skip 1 line

Paper 2: title, name presenter, abstract

(max. 100 words, not to exceed 1 page)

Skip 1 line

Paper 3: title, name presenter, abstract

(max. 100 words, not to exceed 1 page)

Skip 1 line


Name, title, clinic, country, institutional affiliation

Skip 1 line

Name, address and affiliation for each presenter

9th Annual BFE Meeting - Submissions FormPage 1 of 6


  1. Type of submission (please indicate an X in the appropriate box)

Symposium / Short Course / Poster presentation
Lecture / Paper Session / Evening Panel

B. Title of submission

Please send your abstract as an attachment, see Submission Format Guide.

  1. First author/presenter

Last Name / First Name / Degree
Institutional Affiliation:
Mailing address:
  1. Co-author/co-presenter

Last Name / First Name / Degree
Institutional Affiliation:
Mailing address:

Attach the information for additional authors/presenters on separate page

  1. Audio visual requirements (please indicate an X in the appropriate box)

Slide projector / Overhead projector / Computer projector

Submit cover sheet and abstract to the Scientific Program Committee at,

Date received / Confirmation mailed / Submission acceptance/rejection mailed

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