Section 25 of the Firecrackers-AZ, Inc Business Operations Manual

  1. Transfers to other organizations

From time to time players may decide to transfer to other softball organizations. When they do, parents should know we will not provide a refund of any fees paid and all Firecracker-AZ, Inc. equipment assigned to a player for use during the season shall be returned to the Head Coach.

Also, from time to time Head Coaches may wish to withdraw from coaching in the Firecrackers-AZ, Inc. organization and move to another softball organization. When they do, Head Coaches shall relinquish control of the team to the President. If players wish to follow the Head Coach to another organization they may do as they wish. However, be it known by all, the checking account, funds contained within, equipment purchased with Firecracker-AZ, Inc. funds shall remain the property of the Firecrackers-AZ, Inc. The Head Coach or other members of the team staff shall not issue refund checks to parents, or transfer funds from the team account to other accounts or to any other softball organization. Head Coaches, Team Managers, Team Book Keepers shall also know; Funds collected by a Firecrackers-AZ, Inc. team in the normal coarse of doing business are the property of the Firecrackers-AZ, Inc. Any unauthorized disbursement of funds shall be reported as a theft to the local authorities and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

In the event a Firecracker-AZ team dissolves (fragments and does not move to another organization as a complete or partial team) the Directors may elect to transfer remaining funds in the dissolved team’s account, on a pro-rated basis, to other Firecracker-AZ, Inc teams to whom a player from the dissolved team relocates. In addition, in the event an effected player from a dissolved team attempts to relocate to another Firecracker-AZ, Inc team but is unsuccessful, the Directors may, upon written request from the effected player’s parents/guardian, transfer a prorated amount to the organization to which the effected player relocates, provided the organization to which the effected player relocates also enjoys an IRS 501(c)(3) designation and possess a mission statement consistent with the mission statement of the Firecrackers-AZ, inc. Any other funds, not subject to this provision, shall remain the property of the Firecrackers-AZ, Inc.

This section adopted by the Directors at the October 2, 2017 Directors Meeting effectively immediately.