Welton Memorial Club
100 Club Lottery Rules
For a payment of £5 each month, you will be entered into a draw with a maximum of 100 fellow members of Welton Memorial Club. Each monthly draw will have the following approximate prizes (see note 11):
First prize of £150, 2 prize of £50 and 3 prize of £25 except in December when the first prize will be £500!
The Lottery will be strictly limited to 100 members. For the modest contribution of £5 a month you will not only be supporting the Club, but also giving yourself the chance of winning the Christmas top prize of £500.
All you have to do is complete the attached application form authorising payment by standing order each month.
The Rules of the Lottery are as follows:
- The “100 Club” will be operated under The Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976, Section 4, Private Lotteries. The promoter will be the Chief Executive, Fife Society for the Blind.
- The Club reserves the right to amend the rules of the “100 Club” from time to time, as may be necessary. A copy of the current rules will be available from our website
- All profits made by the “100 Club” will be used to develop and or promote entertainment in the club
- The Lottery will be limited to 100 members of Welton Melton and Wauldby Club over the age of 16.
- The subscription will be £5 per month, payable by standing order on the 1st of the month (or annually in a single payment of £60, to be made before the 5th working day in October each year). On receipt of a single annual payment or a standing order form the applicant will be allocated a Draw Number. For each additional £5 paid per month an additional Draw Number will be allocated.
- A draw will take place every month for cash prizes. Winners of prizes will be notified by the committee, and the results of the draws will be available for inspection at the Club, and on our web site.
- 50% of the total annual subscriptions will be paid out in the form of cash prizes; for this purpose, the Club “year” will run from 1st November to 31st October.
- The draws will be conducted by 3 people, one of whom will be a Chair of the Club.
- No “100 Club” participant will be included in the draw if the appropriate subscription has not been received by the 5th working day of the month in which the draw is taking place. The Promoter reserves the right to reallocate any number where payment has not been received on time.
- Prizes will be paid by cheque, only addressed to the person holding the winning number.
- In the event of there being less than 100 participants, prizes shall be awarded on a pro rata basis of the actual number of members at the time of the draw 50% of funds received in that month will be paid out in cash prizes. In order to ensure an equitable distribution of prize money in the event of there being less than 100 Club members paying throughout the year, 5.9% of the subscriptions received each month will be set aside to fund the December bonus prize.
- Participants can cancel their entry in the Lottery at any time by giving one month’s written notice to the Promoter (and if paying by Standing Order, they should also advise their bank). Any decision by the Club to wind up the 100 draw will also be by one month’s written notice. Under no circumstances can any payments be refunded.
Promoter: The Club Chairman
Scrutinisers: Secretary and Communications Officer
C:\Documents and Settings\Lee\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKD\200_Club_Lottery_Rules.doc