Joe McCormack

Twitter: @projectmathbook

Points of Light

  1. Behave ruthlessly in relation to your time
  2. Write down a vision for your life
  3. Take a step above it all and have a closer look at what you are doing
  4. WIIFM – Once in a while, do something nice for other people. People appreciate those who are generous with their time
  5. Set Goals, even if you don’t meet them, you are still moving in the right direction
  6. Sometimes let people make their own mistakes, all you can do is advise them.
  7. Get yourself a Role Model for time management
  8. E-mail, the internet and mobile phones should be used appropriately
  9. If you have a particular problem, talk to someone who has been there in that situation
  10. Be careful who you share your goals with
  11. Ask yourself “Am I going in the right direction?”
  12. Record on a sheet all the good things in your life and ignore the negative. Record on a sheet all the things you are doing right in life – Focus on the positives.
  13. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. If you keep doing the same thing, nothing will change
  14. Write a to-do list so that when things are done you can cross them out and feel like you are achieving something
  15. If you are arranging to meet someone, select a particular date and time
  16. During activities, ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time at this given moment?”
  17. While studying/working, turn off the mobile phone and close down your E-mail
  18. Think you can do it, know you can do it, do it and be persistent.
  19. Eat your frog – Do the hardest thing first
  20. Keep a clean desk and a clean bedroom where possible

40 Ways to Cope with Stress

  1. Prepare for the Morning the night before
  2. Don’t rely on your memory, write it down
  3. Say “No” more often
  4. Make duplicate keys
  5. Avoid negative People
  6. Always make copies/backup of important documents
  7. Look at problems as challenges
  8. Smile
  9. Be prepared for Rain
  10. Pet a friendly Dog/Cat
  11. Say something nice to Someone
  12. Believe in yourself
  13. Visualize yourself winning
  14. Develop your sense of Humour
  15. Read a Poem
  16. Learn to Breathe slowly
  17. Stop a bad Habit
  18. Do it today
  19. Work at being Cheerful and Optimistic
  20. Do everything in Moderation
  21. Strive for excellence not perfection
  22. Do something that challenges you every day
  23. Feed the birds
  24. Stand up and Stretchand Exercise every day
  25. Always have a Plan B
  26. Memorise a Joke
  27. Become a better listener
  28. Get to work early
  29. Clean out your bedroom
  30. Watch a movie and eat popcorn
  31. Write a written letter to a far away friend
  32. Go to a match and Scream your head off
  33. Recognise the importance of Unconditional love
  34. Keep a Diary
  35. Remember you always have options
  36. Stop trying to fix other people
  37. Get enough sleep
  38. Praise people more
  39. Do something nice for someone as often as you can