Cap-Net UNDP Template for outcome evaluation reportupdated in March, 2016

Online reporting template

Outcomes and impact monitoring

Note: Outcome evaluation is effective when it is done after 6 -12 month of the activity. Sample questionnaires and forms are given in the MELP Tool 3.

Name of the Network:

Prepared by, Name:


Key purpose of the outcome monitoring exercise is to understand whether the course has been contributed to make an impact on-the-ground. In order to compile findings under specific themes, this report is required to submit under each and every courses separately after the outcome monitoring is carried out.

  1. Course title:
  2. Date and place conducted :
  3. Month of the outcome monitoring conducted :
  4. Main thematic area/areas of capacity development activity covered by the course and mentioned if the activity is related to any specific project which is conducted or on-going:


1.1 Methods of approaching participants:

☐ Online survey using survey monkey

☐ Online survey using emails

☐ Face to face interviews

☐ Telephone interviews

1.2 Tools used: Tool 3 Form A

Briefly describe the process of conducting survey and what actions has been taken by the network to improve the response rate, and justify your method of approaching participants


  1. Number of participants reached/ consulted:
  1. Number of respondents: Male FemaleTotal
  1. Response percentage from the consulted participants:
  1. Number of respondents based on type of institutions

Type of institution / Number of respondents
Private Sector
Government Sector
River basin organization
Non-profit organization
Other (please specify)
  1. Number of respondents based on geographical representation

Country / Number of respondents

2.1Outcomes of the activity

Question 1a:Have you used the knowledge from the course to improve your working performance?

Answer / Number of respondents / Percentagefrom the total respondents
Total / 100%

Question 1b:If YES, please explain how you have used the knowledge. If NO, please mention the limitations.

Answer / Number of responses / Response rate from the total respondents
Apply knowledge in routine work as a water sector employee
Raising awareness in water management
Enhancing skills in water management
Educational academic orresearch purposes
Formulating water policy/ regulation/ strategy
Supporting water related projects
New technology innovation, adaptation or use
No comments mentioned
Any other (please list)…………..

Limitations, please write a summary from the answers:


Summary of outcomes: Please describe the answers for question 1,indicating specific highlights/ quotes/findings


Question 2 a: Have you shared or spread the knowledge gained from the course within or beyond of your organization?

Answer / Number of respondent / Percentagefrom the total respondents
Total / 100%

Question 2 b: If YES, please explain how you have shared/spread and to whom you have shared/spread the knowledge.

Knowledge was shared with,

Extent / Target group / Number of responses / Percentage
Within your organization / Colleagues
Other (please specify)
beyond your organization / Government officials
Academics and researchers
Non- profit/ non- government organizations
Other (please specify)

Methods or actions used for sharing /spreading the knowledge gained

Answer / Number of responses / Percentage
Formal conversations or meetings
Informal conversations
Conducting speeches or presentations in conferences or meetings
Organizing and facilitating capacity building activities (training programme or workshop)
Educational or academic programmes
Document sharing
Involvingincollaborative projects/ programmes
Working with stakeholders/ communities in water management
Any other please mention ……

Please summarize thelimitations that participants have faced to spread the knowledge.

Discuss the results of Question 2with any specific highlights.

Question 3

Have you identified positive actions taken by water stakeholders or any specific changes in water resource management that contributed by the knowledge you gainedandshared from the course? What action/change was that?

List out the actions or changes reported including the quotes from participants

Action/ Observation of changes / People and organization involved / Country or location / How the action or changes may contribute to sustainable water management

2.2Short stories for long-term outcome and impact of capacity development activities

Short stories provide more information regarding how the water management has changed because of the capacity building activities of the network as a whole.

Generally, the information obtained from question 3 is used as the basic information to identify the short stories. The respondent who provided valuable information have to be contacted via telephone or skype interviewor emails to ask for more information regarding how she/he has contributed to water resource management.

The network is suggested to share the short stories by including below elements:

  • Name of the person and organization, country etc.
  • What action has he/she done to make a change or improve in WRM and service provision?
  • Which organizations collaborated for this action?
  • How has the mode of WRM and service delivery changed/ improved through this action?

Please attach your short stories as a pdf or word document


This section presents the lesson learnt from thewhole outcome monitoring and reporting exercise

Are you satisfied with the observed outcomes/ impact of your network activities? Are you achieving the expected outcomes; and what did you learn; how can you improve the capacity development works by your network to contribute more impact on the ground. Please discuss.


Please write the concluding remark at this section.