12.17.12 BOS Reg. Mtg.
Town of Milton
Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting
Monday December 17, 2012
MiltonTown Hall
6:00 P.M.
Meeting Minutes
Members in attendance: Chairman Bob Srnec, Tom Gray and Bob Bridges.
Also in attendance: Joe Ryan-Town Administrator, Wendy Keane Recording Clerk.
Public in attendance: Robbie Parsons.
Public Comments: Robbie Parsons stated that his comment may border on the non public. He is disturbed by the recent comments of Mr. Mettee that they have an engineer, landscape engineer, and others. He is aware that there are two grants and asked what the parameters are of the grants. He commented that those professionals alone are worth $1,000 an hr and does not include Mr. Mettee’s fees. Mr. Parsons has a conceptual plan for the exit 17 area that was done several years ago done by Diamond Heart. His concern is that it appears that Mettee and Coogan are employees of the town. Mr. Parsons further stated that any headway made with the State of NH Department of Transportation has been accomplished by his efforts and those of the Board of Selectmen. His concern is that the town has the information available to them in files and does not see the reasoning for the work to be done by outside people. Mr. Parsons further pointed out that he has talked to Mark Sanborn from NH DOT who has not seen the letter including regarding the curb cuts on exits 17 & 18 nor the letter from 1975 to Mrs. Perkins saying she would be allowed curb cuts. He inquired when the advisory committee would be set up. Bob Bridges stated that Jack Mettee has these people as consultants; these are only consultants to get the conceptions done. Bob Bridges further stated that the grant is being administered by Jack Mettee and Jerry Coogan. Robbie Parsons inquired if this was with the ok of the BOS. Tom Gray stated that it is.
Bob Srnec stated that there is a list of interested people for the economic development committee. He agrees that there does need to be a committee to get control and a better understanding of this. Robbie Parson stated that if McDonalds decides to go in they have a boiler plate design and do not need a conceptual plan. To him, that money needs to be spent in a reasonable fashion with more oversight from the town.
Joe Ryan stated that there is a letter from Mr. Coogan that may address some of these issues. He talks about the three things the Board was provided; scheduling, surrounding abutters and lastly asked he asks the board for permission to contact the property owners.
Discussion was held on some of the redundancy that it is happening in regards to work being done on developing exits 17 & 18, what the grant money is specifically being used for and what the parameters of the grants are. Tom Gray said that the minutes of previous meetings will be reviewed for information regarding the approval of the grant(s). Robbie Parsons requested a copy of the letter that went to the state regarding curb cuts.
Discussion was held on persons interested in being on the Economic Development Committee. Wendy Keane was directed to contact these people to see if they are still interested and ask them to attend the December 21, 2012 meeting to be appointed.
Discussion was held on splitting the contract of the Planner and Economic Development person between two budgets.
Police Chief Mark McGowan made the Board aware that he has received another grant for a portable that needs to be signed by the Chairman of the Board. He also stated that he will need the ok of the Board for Saturation speed and DWI saturation patrols.
Chief McGowan also notified the Board that he recently applied to a non profit in PA for a grant to equipment new holsters, lights, sights and two holographic sites and they were approved and need the blessing of the BOS to sign for $2847. The grant is the Freas Foundation grant. All Selectmen were in agreement to accept the grant.
MOTION: Tom Gray moved to approve Dec 3rd, 2012 meeting minutes. Seconded by Bob Srnec. Motion carried 3-0.
Acceptance of Manifest:
MOTION: Tom Gray moved to accept the manifest. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0.
MOTION: Tom Gray moved to allow the signing of the purchase order for the mower for the Highway Department. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0.
Discussion was held in regards to the Recreation Commission and vacancies on the commission. Since the resignation of Lue Snyder, they are down a member as well as have a member that does not attend meeting regularly. Bob Bridges stated that there have been meetings when they have not had a quorum and it is becoming problematic. It was discussed amongst the Board that there is a person who the Commission has recommended as well as another person interested. The Board decided to table this topic until a policy was in effect regarding social media sites.
Professional Services Agreement for Coppola and Associates. Joe Ryan opined that it is in the best interest of the Town to hire an accounting person and in the interim continue with Coppola and Assoc. heir accounting service as it will take some time to find someone to fill the need. He has spoken to Joanne and the key note is the term of agreement is: that they “remain in force until Nov 30 2013, unless terminated by the town or them without any cause or penalty”.
MOTION: Bob Srnec moved to accept the contract from Coppola. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0.
Bob Bridges stated that there are discrepancies with the amount of funds due to the Conservation Commission (Con Com) and that it had previously been voted by the towns’ people to give half of the monies from the land use change penalties the Con Com.
Tom Gray suggested that we ask Town Counsel how to legally settle this issue with the Con Com once and for all.
It was noted that Cynthia Wyatt, Chairman of the Con Com, has contacted town counsel and needs to be reminded that no one can contact town counsel without approval from Joe Ryan.
Presidents ordered the flags at half staff and the flag at the beach has been left up. Wendy Keane stated that the flag has been taken down. Bob Bridges stated that if the flag is not going to be respected then the flag should not be there at all. There is no requirement to have the flag on town property at all.
Fire hydrant testing has to be done twice a year, and it has not been done and the hydrants are not working properly. It was suggested that the Chairman of the Water Department be called as there has been no response form the contact the BOS has been using. Hydrants are owned by the Water District so do they need the permission of the Water Dept. Tom Gray stated that his issues with this is that if the Town tests them and something breaks then the Water Dept will have the Town replacing their lines. Robbie Parsons stated that the State has said they do not have any authority over the Milton Water Commission because they are a private entity. It was the general consensus that if the Town is paying for the service of the hydrants then they should be in working order.
Free Library, Mike Beaulieu stated that the season has gone past where they can dig to put in new footings and that the ramp should be fine until spring and suggested holding off as there will not be good backfill on the footings. The Library will be directed to contact Pat Smith in regards to railings. It was suggested that the money that was to be used this year for the rear egress be used to outfit the building with fire alarms instead. Tom Gray asked of there were bids on the fire alarms? He suggested getting three bids on an alarm system for the library and to contact Pat Smith to do so.
Joe Ryan asked the Board members to think about a firm direction on how to proceed with choosing a Town Administrator.
MOTION: Bob Bridges moved to adjourn. Seconded by Bob S. Motion carried 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy L. Keane
Chairman Bob SrnecTom GrayBob Bridges