Competence-Based Assessment and Certification of HR Professionals
Assoc. prof. Elmira Bancheva, PhD
Bulgarian Human Resource Management & Development Association
School of Management – New BulgarianUniversity
The use of competence based assessment against broadly recognized occupational standards has become a cornerstone of HRD.
In 2003 TheBulgarian Human Resource Management & Development Association (BHRMDA) started a major research study to find out whether it is possible to define an HR professional in the country, to set a common core of competencies for human resource management, and to try to encapsulate the learning and development necessary to achieve and maintain the standards.
Led by a steering group drawn from BHRMDA, the project was coordinated by the British Council in Bulgaria, working with School of Management – New Bulgarian University (NBU).
Taking account of work on this subject that had already been carried out in various countries, based mainly on the study of WFPMA association and CIPD (UK), the study examined different routes into the human resource field; education, training and career paths; and definitions of standards and accreditation. Particularly, the project had addressed:
• How BHRMDA define the standards for what constitutes an HR professional; and the competencies they need to be able to apply at the various levels of professional activity - from the operational to the strategic;
• How BHRMDA could certify the attainment of professional standards; and the learning and development routes that can be pursued to keep those competencies up to date;
• Whether there are generic standards of professionalism in human resource management common to the standards in other countries; and, if so, what professional standards might be appropriate to certify the attainment of those competencies.
- A systematic review of national and international best practice in HRM/HRD
- A survey of public and private VET providers of HRM/HRD practices
- Interviews with key HR Professionals and VET practitioners
- Case studies – through interview and observations of HR professionals and VET providers to establish current learning and development practices
- Document analyses
- Dialogue with different networks (industries, professional associations, etc).
On the basis of this study BHRMDA, in partnership with The School of Management, NBU, introduced for the first time in Bulgaria occupational standards for HR professionals corresponding closely to the internationally recognized standards of CIPD (UK).Furthermore BHRMDA established an Institute of Certified HR Professionals as an awarding body and an AssessmentCenter at the School of Management, NBU.
But the need of an appropriate methodology and environment for assessment against these standards became urgent. So, these activities continued in a new project directed to development and piloting of a new, WEB-based system that will improve the process and procedures used to assess the competence of HR professionals in Bulgaria.
Competence based assessment
The Competence basedassessment mainly consists in establishing relationships among four keyelements:
- What you are (self-assessment);
- What you can do (personal and professional attitudes);
- What you may be able to do (potential);
- What you wish to do (aims).
Once you have drawn up a “map” of yourself, the next step consists incomparing your personal characteristics with the labour market and particularlythe sector of your interest, in order to define a detailed professional plan,possibly combined with a training plan.
The Competence based assessment is therefore a professional check-up, andis the starting point for further progress. To be aware of one’s ownpotential is a prerequisite for any possible change, both within and outside afirm.
This assessment activity must be considered useful not only as vocationalguidance, but also in view of further lifelong training activities. In fact it is wellknown that in the current knowledge age learning and training have becomenecessary along the entire human lifetime.
Already the White Paper “Teaching and Learning – Towards a LearningSociety” published by the European Commission in 1995 underlined how thechanges occurring in our society, while increasing opportunities for everyoneto access information and knowledge, at the same time have modified thecompetencies required to access the work system, and as a consequence ourposition in the world will be more and more the result of the knowledge andskills we possess.
The greater flexibility in acquiring knowledge therefore must invite us to findout new ways to have our competencies recognized.
The Bulgarian professional network (BHRMDA, SM – NBU, some enterprises, etc.) haspaid particular attention to these issues, and is participating in the HR-COMPASSproject, funded within the Leonardo da Vinci EuropeanProgramme.
Project aims
1.To develop and pilot a system and appropriate environment for valuing formal, non-formal or informal learning of Human Resources Professional (HRP) through reliable identification, assessment and recognition of their competence.
2. To support preparation of a base for transfer and mutual recognition of formal certificates and diplomas awarded to HRP, satisfying the requirements of competency-based trans-national standards.
3. To develop a system capable for use in competency-based assessment of other categories of professionals, e.g. managers, when appropriate occupational standards are available.
Current methods of assessment involve preparation and presentation of a portfolio, containing large volumes of vocationally based evidence. The project will develop and extend current approaches to assessment and recognition of learning in a key group of HRP. Adoption of a competence-based approach is consistent with best practice in the UK and will contribute to the further successful development of work-based learning in all other partner countries.
Project objectives
- To develop and pilot new sustainable and transferable approaches and system for valuing work-based lifelong learning for acquisition of skills and competence in field of management and development of HR.
- To create environment, supporting and reinforcing the contribution of vocational training and assessment to mastering the new roles of HRP and adding value to the competitiveness of their organizations.
- To build a reliable and transparent process for competence assessing, easy to access, fair and supportive, with effective quality assurance system – a base for national and international certification.
- To create an international network, supporting the exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices in the field of identification, assessment and recognition of informal and non-formal learning in the field of HRM.
Project target and activities
The choice of HRP as a target group will give further perspective for implementation of occupational standards and concepts of lifelong learning in Bulgaria, as well as in the other partner countries. The HR profession changes considerably and is at the stage of becoming vital for enterprise development and change. The new system will use web-based assessment against a set of required by standards competencies using 360 or lower degree appraisal done by persons, best placed to offer assessment of the individual in his workplace.
The use of a precisely determined, common database of competencies and web-based methods of administering the assessment will mean rapid and favorable uptake, ease of tracking and progressing individuals, and eventually offer data mining opportunities that will release valuable strategic information for use by policy makers.
The project will extend and enhance the evaluation of learning and has the potential to act as a point of access to parallel assessment systems dealing with the objective assessment of employee performance. It has the potential to contribute to professionally certificated competence-based learning, assessment and certification.