Primary PE and Sport Premium Headteacher Newsletter

5thMay 2017

Primary School PE, Physical Activity and Sport

Primary PE and School Sport Premium - Impact Reports: The 4th April deadline has passed, so please ensure that your school's impact report for 2016-17 is available on-line now. The Government requires it to show: the full allocation for 2016-17; a clear breakdown of uses for the funding; impact on participation; impact on attainment; and, how the school intends the uses to be sustainable in the future. For further support or advice, please contact .

DfE announcement on Government's Healthy Pupils Capital Programme - £415 million to help pupils benefit from healthier, more active lifestyles: In February the Education Secretary announced that schools are to receive £415 million to help pupils benefit from healthier, more active lifestyles. Primary, secondary and sixth form colleges will be able to use the funding to pay for facilities to support PE, after school activities, healthy eating, improved facilities for children with physical conditions and to support young people struggling with mental health issues. Click here for further information.

New Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy – The Government headlines are:

  • Department of Transport's £1.2bn plan to increase the number people who undergo cycling and walking 'stages' to school/work
  • It will require a partnership approach to understand and overcome barriers, to inform and deliver new interventions
  • It aims to increase the percentage of children aged 5-10years that usually walk to school
  • The ambition is to transform local areas
  • It will require sustained investment infrastructure
  • It will invest £50bn into Bikeability and *Bikeability Plus - *this is a new range of training designed to tackle specific barriers to cycling
  • £1m funding will be invested into the Walk to School project – Living Streets. Aims to increase the number of children walking to school. A further £160 million £160k for Living Streets to develop School Travel Tracker data collection tool which will be used to inform the impact of Walk to School outcomes.

Inclusive Health Check - Complete your Inclusive Health Check today to find outhow inclusive your School Games provision really is! A great tool for schools, School Games Organisers (SGO's) and PE Leaders with a new and improved set of resources available to those who complete their health check in 2016/17. Click here for further information.

Sport England commissions 'Importance of Physical Education, School Sport & Physical Activity Resources' - The Association for Physical Education (afPE) has produced resources which are to be posted out to EVERY school in England by the end of January 2017. Click HERE to download this new poster, and HERE to download the accompanying parents/carers flyer.

Dorset PE and School Sport Conference 2017 - Please save the date for the next PE and School Sport Conference, the theme this year will be Behaviour Change for a Healthy and Productive Lifestyle.

The conference will take place from 9-4pm on Friday 29th September at Queen Elizabeth School, Wimborne. Workshop information and bookings will soon be available for the 2017 programme. Headteachers, School Governors and PE Leaders are warmly welcomed. Bookings can be made through the Active Dorset website from 1st June.

New Health Education Programme - Get Set to Eat Fresh: This is a health education programme that aims to build pupils' appreciation of eating fresh, healthy food. The programme offers free Team GB-inspired, curriculum-linked resources to promote the benefits of healthy eating as well as providing unique insight into athlete nutrition. For further information and free resources, please click here.

The Healthy Active Schools System (HASS) – Shaping the future of how children's activity levels are measured in school.

This is a free tool devised and delivered by the UK's leading children's activity provider Fit For Sport - is an online activity measurement tool which allows schools to track, monitor and evaluate children's activity levels and report on this quickly and easily.

HASS is a platform which can be used easily by teachers, to track how active their kids are. Fit For Sport research shows that 92 of parents would like to know the activity levels of their kids in school. It's impossible to pick up a newspaper or go on a news website without seeing a report about the benefits of exercise in children (and adults!) and how active children thrive both inside and outside of school. Click here for further information.

Premier Education's Golden Mile Offer to Dorset Schools - Access to Free Softwear to Monitor Children's Activity Levels: Premier Education aims to reinforce the message from the Department of Health that children should engage in regular daily physical activity habits across the week, every week all year round.

For this to happen, the Premier Education group is offering Dorset schools free access to their Golden Mile softwear. What is the Golden Mile? It is a safe, simple and measurable health & physical activity initiative accessible to all pupils regardless of age or ability. Pupils can walk, jog or run to convert laps into miles, and measure their progress over time. Click here for further information.

Annie Hargreaves

Schools Officer, Active Dorset


T: 07769 555076