InghamCounty Fair 4-H Animal Health Plan


  1. Animal Health Committee

The animal health committee develops a plan for dealing with animal health protocols and potential disease outbreaks. They develop and implement educational programs for exhibitors (youth and adult) that outline comprehensive animal health management that is specie specific. The plan should be a year round planning, organization and implementation cycle.

Primary committee members

  1. Fair staff
  2. Sandy Dargatz,Executive Director
  3. Support staff
  4. MSU Extension
  5. Betty Jo Nash, 4-H Extension Educator
  6. Don Lehman, MSU Extension District 8 Coordinator
  7. Support staff
  8. 4-H Livestock Superintendents
  9. Dan Dunsmore & Val Jackson—Beef
  10. Jeff Graf—Dairy Market/Feeder
  11. Tom Sterle—Sheep
  12. Jerry Schneider—Swine
  13. Laura & Stan Moser—Dairy
  14. Jennifer Mogyoros—Goats
  15. Hollie Dietz—Poultry
  16. Penny Jezuit—Rabbits, Pocket Pets
  17. Mike Yanz—Horse and pony
  18. Steve Opp—Dogs
  19. Jo Kinne--Cats
  20. Fair Veterinarian
  21. Dr. Katafrias Patterson Veterinary Hospital/Clinic

Secondary contacts

  1. 4-H Leaders
  2. County Emergency Management personnel—Sgt. Robert Ott
  3. Fair Insurance Agent—Bob Smith
  4. Local Government
  5. CountyAttorney
  6. County Health Department
  7. Media
  8. Michigan Department of Agriculture
  9. MSU Extension (campus)
  1. Rules, Guidelines, Policies

Chain of Command

The individuals that are responsible for implementing and enforcing the policies and plan. The “point person” will address questions and concerns by media personnel if a problem occurs. The chain of command should be shared with everyone involved and followed for any questions or problems that arise. Clear communication to everyone as it is made available should be dispersed through the chain of command to avoid rumors, misinformation, and panic.

See appendix 1: Chain of Command

Animal Check In

Exhibitors will abide by the most recent version of the “Health Requirements for Livestock Exhibited in Michigan” document published by the Michigan Department of Agriculture. Additionally, any guidelines or rules printed in the current year’s Ingham County Fair premium book will apply.

See appendix 2: Health Requirements for Livestock Exhibited in Michigan

At least one week prior to the animal check in date of fair each specie superintendent should contact the fair veterinarian to discuss the check in procedure for their species. They should discuss specific diseases to look for during check in, expectation of each other, and any concerns of either party related to check in. The fair veterinarian will relay information to any other veterinary staff that will be assisting with animal check in.

Livestock with clinical signs of infectious, contagious, or toxicological disease shall be removed from the fair premises immediately, or by permission of the director, shall be isolated on the premises. In the event that an animal is found to be in question during the check in procedure, it will be moved to a temporary holding pen near the check in area. The official fair veterinarian will inspect the animal in question and make a recommendation as to how to proceed. If it is recommended that the animal be removed from the fair premises, the official fair veterinarian, fair manager, species superintendent, MSU Extension, and exhibitor will convene to discuss the situation. The final decision for removal will be made by the fair manager.

All exhibitors requested to remove animals from the fairgrounds will be given recommendations by the veterinarian for treatment, isolation, or termination of the animal upon leaving the grounds or returning home.

An animal health statement detailing previous and ongoing treatment of exhibition animals to be signed by the exhibitor and parent will be required effective for the 2009 Ingham County Fair. The document will be strongly encouraged for the 2008 fair. Exhibitors are expected, and required by law, to adhere to all withdrawl periods for any medications or treatments administered to their project animal.

See appendix 3: Ingham County Fair Health Statement

Designated Check-in procedure per species

Species / Where / Who checks animals / When / Testing required
Dogs / Main Arena / Superintendent / Friday, 7-26-13 prior to 9:00 a.m. / Rabies
Horses / South end barns / Designated veterinarian for horse project / Saturday, 7-27-13
3:00-8:00 p.m. / Negative Coggins test
Goats / Goat barn / Superintendent / Sunday, 7-28-13
8:00 a.m.--noon / Official USDA scrapie identification
Dairy Market / Beef barn / Superintendent / Sunday, 7-28-13
Noon—5:00 p.m. / Official RFID tag
Dairy / Main Arena / Superintendent / Sunday, 7-28-13
prior to noon / Official RFID tag
Beef / Beef barn / Superintendent / Sunday, 7-28-13
Noon—5:00 p.m. / Official RFID tag
Swine / Main Arena / Superintendent / Sunday, 7-28-13
Prior to 2:00 p.m.
Sheep / Main Arena / Superintendent / Sunday, 7-28-13
Prior to noon / Official USDA scrapie identification
Rabbits / Rabbit barn / Superintendent / Sunday, 7-28-13
8:00 a.m.—noon
Poultry / Poultry barn / Superintendent / Sunday, 7-28-13
8:00 a.m.—noon / Salmonella pullorum-typhoid test
Pocket Pets / Rabbit barn / Superintendent / Sunday, 7-28-13
8:00 a.m.--noon

Animal Treatment

In the event that an animal being exhibited at the Ingham County Fair begins to display signs of illness after the animal has been checked in or through the duration of the fair, the biosecurity plan chain of command should be followed. As soon as an animal is identified as showing signs of illness the fair veterinarian and exhibitor should be notified. Together with the superintendent, the exhibitor and veterinarian should diagnose the animal and treat the animal if treatment is required. Treatments should be given to an exhibition animal ONLY by the fair veterinarian, exhibitor, or designated person (club leader, personal veterinarian, etc.) in the presence of the exhibitor. If an animal has been treated on the premises, the exhibitor must notify the superintendent. The fair manager, in consultation with the fair veterinarian, will make all decisions regarding animals leaving the premises.

If an animal is found to be ill the fair veterinarian will make recommendations to the superintendent and fair manager about disinfecting the affected area. The veterinarian may also make recommendations regarding safeguarding other animals from the spread of disease. A letter of release will be written by the veterinarian for any animal that must be sent home from the fair. The letter must be carbon copied to the species superintendent, fair manager, MSU Extension, exhibitor, and gate controller. All exhibitors requested to remove animals from the fairgrounds will be given recommendations by the veterinarian for treatment, isolation, or termination of the animal upon leaving the grounds or returning home.

  1. Contacts

See Appendix 4: Contact lists

MSU Extension & College of Veterinary Medicine specialists

Michigan Department of Agriculture


4-H Club contacts

Ingham County Fair contacts

Local government and departments



  1. Facilities

The premises and all associated equipment will be adequately prepared for the public prior to the fair according to guidelines of Michigan Department of Agriculture. In the event that there is an animal disease identified on the premises, proper cleaning and disinfecting guidelines as prescribed by the fair veterinarian will be followed. All manure and bedding is contracted to be shipped to an incineration facility.

If an animal on the premises is identified as ill by the fair veterinarian and is required to be isolated on the premises, the animal will be housed away from other animals in a livestock trailer. The quarantine trailer will be properly disinfected upon the release or termination of the animal in question.

Quarantine of specific specie, areas, barns, or facilities will be handled on a case by case basis in accordance with recommendations of the fair veterinarian. All individuals identified in the chain of command will be expected to cooperate to the fullest extent. If outside assistance is needed from public safety and sheriff posse in handling control of quarantine areas, the fair manager will make contacts.

The fair will make hand washing stations available when possible located near barns, food areas, petting zoos, and other such exhibits that could pose potential risk to fair patrons and exhibitors. Signage indicating potential risk will be posted near all animal barns and washing stations educating the public about the importance of washing hands and contamination potential by footwear.

  1. Communication and Media

To avoid misinformation, the chain of command will be used to disseminate all information. The fair manager will be the designated spokesperson for all communication. The spokesperson may request others within the chain of command that have technical knowledge of a topic to speak to media directly in instances where specific information is necessary. For example, the spokesperson may request the fair veterinarian to relate information about a specific animal disease or public safety to issue explicit directions for a circumstance. When applicable, written communication on specific diseases will be requested from MSU Extension or Michigan Department of Agriculture to be included in media releases. A list of media release sources can be located in the contact list.

See Appendix 4: Contact lists

Internal Communication

The chain of command will also be used to disseminate information from the fair manager to exhibitors. Regular updates will be provided to exhibitors, parents, and leaders in the event that there is an animal disease issue to ease tension and ensure that everyone has accurate information. Internal communication will be channeled through specie superintendents. In the event that an event will affect exhibitors in more than one specie area, a larger meeting area will be set up in the arena or grandstand.

In the event that quarantine is placed on market animals, the committee chairs of the large and small animal committees will be responsible for establishing communication with packers, processors, and truckers related to the incident. The committee chair may work with superintendents of affected species to complete this task.

  1. Education

Education about biosecurity and animal disease is essential to preventing and reducing the risks of an animal disease outbreak at the fair. Education around this topic should happen throughout the year and be a part of the 4-H learning experience. Educational information throughout the year will be dispersed by the MSU Extension office using the chain of command. Dispersed information will include: “Biosecurity for livestock exhibitors” (MSUE publication),

“Biosecurity for livestock and poultry exhibitions” (MSUE publication), and

“Vaccination recommendations for animals attending livestock exhibits” (MSU College of Veterinary Medicine publication).

Additional preventative recommendations and literature may also be dispersed through the chain of command as seen fit by the MSU Extension Educator.

Shortly before the beginning of the fair, the spokesperson will send a local media release reminding the public to be mindful of personal health and safety while visiting fairs and exhibitions. The release should outline precautions the public should take: hand washing, wearing clean footwear, and limiting exposure of animals at fair with animals at home. The media release should also communicate to the public the biosecurity plan and procedures being used by the fair to protect public and animal health.

  1. Quarantine

In the event that an animal is diagnosed with an infectious, contagious, or toxicological disease during the fair a meeting of the primary animal health plan (biosecurity) committee will be convened by the fair manager at the first possible occasion. The committee will decide under the recommendation of the fair veterinarian (and/or Michigan Department of Agriculture) if the incident is isolated and contained or if further action or quarantine is needed. The fair manager will have the final decision. The communication strategy will be determined at this meeting and will follow the chain of command.

If it is decided that the animal health issue warrants quarantine the fair manager with the committee will need to appoint leadership to the following issues. Communication to secondary contacts in the animal health plan committee will happen through the fair manager.

Security and traffic control

Animal care (who does it?)

Feeding—all animals will receive same ration



Volunteer management—recruitment, scheduling, assigning tasks

Supplies (where to get supplies; who is paying for supplies?)




Protective clothing


Fair schedule (remainder of week)

Clean up

Will this affect: camping, carnival, other species, fall activities at the fairgrounds

Who has ownership of the animal

Market animals

Death loss

Livestock Sale





Ingham County Fair

Animal Health Statement

I, ______, attest that the animal(s) identified below have been raised and cared for in an ethical and humane fashion to the best of my knowledge. I further declare that all animals are free of drug residue and all medication withdrawl periods have been properly followed.

List animals separately

Species / Fair Identification / Official USDA Identification

Exhibitor ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian ______

Contact information in case of emergency

Home address, city, state, zip ______

Home phone ______

Cell phone ______

How to be reached during fair ______

Veterinarians / Dr. Katafrias
MSU Extension & Veterinary Specialists
DiagnosticCenter for Population and Animal Health / 517-353-1683
MSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital--Large animal / 517-353-9710
MSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital--Small animal / 517-353-5420
Don Lehman / MSU Extension District Coordinator / / 269-671-2444
Tom Coon / MSU Extension Director's office / / 517-355-2308
Beth Stuever / MSU Extension Director's office--communications specialist / / 517-432-1555
Julie Chapin / Michigan 4-H State Leader / / 517-432-7608
Jake DeDecker / Michigan 4-H Program Leader--animals / / 517-432-7604
Katie VanderKolk / Michigan 4-H Educator—small animals / / 517-432-2118
Joe Domecq / Dairy youth specialist / / 517-353-7855
Ken Geuns / Livestock youth specialist / / 517-353-2924
Karen Waite / Equine youth specialist / / 517-353-1748
Debbie Hurst / MSU Office of Risk Management / / 517-355-5022

MSU College of Vet Med—Large animal clinical sciences

Ames, N. Kent / Food Animal Medicine / / 517.353.9710
Bartlett, Paul / Epidemiology / / 517.884.2016
Bidwell, Lori / Anesthesia / / 517-353-9710
Carleton, Carla / Theriogenology / / 517.353.9710
Caron, John / Equine Surgery / / 517.353.9710
Carr, Elizabeth / Equine Medicine / / 517.353.9710
Clayton, Hilary / Equine Sports Medicine / / 517.432.5630
Cook, Vanessa / Emergency Medicine / / 517.353.9710
Currey, Arthur / Food Animal Medicine / / 517.719.6001
Derksen, Frederik / Equine Internal Medicine / / 517.353.0645
Erskine, Ronald / Dairy Production Medicine / / 517.353.4637
Ewart, Susan / Equine Medicine / / 517.432.2388
Funk, Julie / Epidemiology/Food Safety / / 517.884.2081
Geor, Raymond / Chairperson / / 517.355.9593
Grooms, Daniel / Extension--Beef / / 517.432.1494
Herdt, Thomas / Nutrition / / 517.432.5899
Holcombe, Susan / Large Animal Surgery / / 517.719.4589
Kaneene, John / Epidemiology / / 517.355.2269
Kirkwood, Roy / Extension--Swine / / 517.432.5198
Kopcha, Michelle / Food Animal Medicine and Surgery / / 517.355.2491
Lloyd, James / Animal Heath Economics / / 517.355.9559
Mansfield, Linda / Parasitology / / 517.884.2027
Marteniuk, Judith / Extension - Equine Medicine / / 517.353.9710
Nelson, Nathan / Radiology / / 517.353.5420
Neuder, Louis / Large Herd Production Medicine / / 989.862.5751
Nickels, Frank / Equine Surgery / / 517.353.9710
Owen, Jen / Large Animal Clinical Sciences / / 517.355.1341
Pease, Anthony / Radiology / / 517.353.1302
Peters, Duncan / Equine /
Raphael, William / Bovine Medicine and Surgery / / 517.673.4800
Rashmir-Raven, Ann / Equine Research / / 517.355.1866
Robinson, N. Edward / Equine Airway Disease / / 517.353.5978
Saeed, A. Mahdi / Epidemiology/Food Safety / / 517.432.9517
Schott, Harold / Equine Medicine / / 517.355.3269
Sordillo, Lorraine / Immunology / / 517.432.8821
Sprecher, David / Bovine Theriogenology / / 517.432.7778
Stick, John / Equine Surgery / / 517.353.3182
Swanson, Janice / Animal Welfare / / 517.432.4134
Tsao, Jean / Fish and Wildlife Disease / / 517.353.1737
Wilson, Deborah / Anesthesiology / / 517.353.1786
Michigan Department of Agriculture
Brad Deacon / Emergency Management Coordinator / / 517-373-1104
Bonnie Moon / MDA---Laboratory Division / 517-337-5040
James Averill / MDA--Animal Industry Division / 517-373-1077
Jamie Clover / MDA--Executive office / (517) 373-1052
Karen Klug / Michigan Association of Fairs & Exhibitions / / 517.317.4544

4-H Clubs

Club/Org Name / First name / Last name / Primary Email / Primary phone / Mobile phone
4-H Council / Ginger / Kenney-Sweet / / (517) 204-1993
All 4 Aurelius / Hollie / Dietz / / (517) 699-3693
All 4 Aurelius / Jennifer / Mogyoros / / (517) 763-6951
Aurelius / Regina / Baker / / (517) 628-2132
Aurelius / Carol / Fanson / / (517) 628-2213 / (517) 449-5122
Aurelius / Barb / Showers / (517) 676-3828
Boots & Saddle / Valerie / Heintz / / (517) 213-9499 / (517) 213-9499
Boots & Saddle / Jean / Maiville / / (517) 628-2453 / (517) 285-7161
Boots & Saddle / Jami / Shepard / / (517) 543-6812
Country Friends / Rebecca / Zeitz - Epstein / / (517) 589-8149
Country Squires / Janice / Barnett / / (517) 589-9384
Critters & Company / Pamela / Mackinder / / (517) 206-9293 / (517) 206-9293
Dansville 4 Leaf Clovers / Phyllis / Konen / / (517) 623-1045
Dansville FFA / Mary / Holmer / / (517) 525-0023
Dansville FFA / Amanda / Sturm / / (517) 676-8762
Dansville Wranglers / Jenean / Battin / / (517) 676-2571
Dansville Wranglers / Chandra / Nielson-Berry / / (517) 648-1984 / (517) 648-1984
East Hamlin Horsemen / Sherry / Curtis / / (517) 569-3622 / (517) 581-1277
East Hamlin Horsemen / Jeanne / Mead / / (517) 569-8443 / (517) 812-9032
East Hamlin Wranglers / Michelle / Warner / / (517) 663-8451
Echoing Hoofbeats / Kathy / Golden / / (517) 694-4072
Equine Adventures / Rebecca / Chambers / / (517) 294-2923 / (517) 294-2923
FamilyCenter / Dan / Bator /
FamilyCenter / Rebecca / Trivax /
Fire Flyers / Sarah / Fowler / / (517) 242-6670
Firestone Farmers / Patti / Christmas / / (517) 441-9034 / (517) 256-1017
Fit To Show / Brenda / Griffin-Bradley / / (517) 589-5980
Flying Colors / Julie / Glair / / (517) 596-2673 / (517) 581-0333
Flying Colors / Jill / Riker / / (517) 589-3378
Freedom Riders / Christina / Horner / (517) 490-5273
Golden Stride Riders / Debbie / Bingham / / (517) 675-1253 / (517) 488-1340
Golden Stride Riders / Cheryl / Levine / / (517) 675-0345 / (517) 719-8762
Growing Together / Suzanne / Carter / / (517) 339-4258 / (517) 881-9777
Growing Together / Bonnie / Depue / / (517) 623-0144 / (517) 204-0974
Growing Together / Marsha / Edington / / (517) 202-9869
Happy Hustlers / Janice / Lasko / / (517) 596-2036 / (517) 392-5924
Happy Hustlers / Lynda / Minger / / (517) 851-4310 / (517) 404-3938
Happy Hustlers / Diane / Wilson / / (517) 488-7834 / (517) 488-7834
Horse Judging Team / Marci / Charest / / (517) 260-0456 / (517) 260-0456
Ingham Sharpshooters / Debra / Pinkel / / (517) 485-6391
Kids and Critters / Chad / Every / / (517) 795-0452 / (517) 795-0452
Little Chicks / Jessica / Stahl / / (517) 202-2198
Lopin Lariats / April / Kunkel / / (517) 507-2094 / (517) 589-9397
Lopin Lariats / Jean / Wixson / / (517) 392-8221
Mason City Slickers / Gladys / Welker / (517) 676-9498
Meridian / Vicki / Durr-Marinez / / (517) 256-8929 / (517) 256-8929
Northwest Leslie / Tracy / Nevins / / (517) 589-8529
Onondaga 4-H Club / Christine / Bean / / (517) 628-3422 / (517) 861-0766
Onondaga 4-H Club / Ann / O'Daniel / / (517) 628-3018 / (517) 980-3625
Red Cedar Kids 4-H Club / Harmony / Gmazel / / (517) 763-3591
Ribbons-N-Riders / Karla / Courter / / (517) 204-3102 / (517) 204-3102
Ribbons-N-Riders / Laura / McNeil / / (517) 569-2153 / (517) 795-7082
Ribbons-N-Riders / Patricia / Poli / / (517) 332-5652 / (517) 281-2574
Ribbons-N-Riders / Audra / Witgen / / (517) 331-0852
Saddlemates / Jennifer / Baker / / (517) 676-6833 / (517) 896-5265
Saddlemates / Virginia / Lang / / (517) 675-5337 / (517) 819-0504
Sandhill / Lana / McDowell / / (517) 930-5880
Sandhill / Karen / Townsend / / (517) 490-7192