Class notes on 8/22/2015 for Saturday 7am class:

Kernel – Part I / chapter 2

Linux kernel is at the heart of every Linux system.You can’t manage the kernel process in quite the way you can manage other processes, short of rebooting the computer, you can learn about it:

How: using the “uname” command, which takes several options to display information

OPTIONS Listed Below:

NodeName The -nor--nodenameoptiondisplaysthesystem'snode name- that is,itsnetworkhostname.

Example: uname -n

Kernel Name The-sor--kerne1-nameoptiondisplaysthekernel name,whichisLinux onaLinuxsystem.

Example: uname -s

KernelVersion Youcanfind thekernel version with the-vor--kernel-versionoption. Ordinarily,thisholdsthekernel builddate and time,notanactualversion number.

Example: uname -v

Kernel Release Theactual kernel versionnumbercan befoundvia the-ror


Example: uname -r

Machine The -mor--machineoption returnsinformationabout yourmachine.Thisis likelyto beaCPUcode,such asi686orx86_64.

Example: uname -m

Processor Usingthe-por--processoroption may returninformationaboutyourCPU, such asthemanufacturer,model,and clock speed;inpractice,itreturnsunknownonmany systems.

Example: uname –p

HardwarePlatform Hardwareplatforminformationistheoreticallyreturned bythe-ior

--hardware-platformoption, butthisoptionoften returnsunknown.

Example: uname -i

OSName The -oor--operating-systemoption returnstheOS name- normallyGNU/Linux foraLinuxsystem.

Example: uname -o

Print AllInformation The -aor--alloption returnsallavailableinformation.

Example: uname -a

In practice, you’re most likely to use the “uname –a” option to learn some the basics about your kernel and system. The option options are most useful in multi-platform scripts, which can use these options to quickly obtain critical information to help them adjust their actions for the system on which they’re running

The Linux Directory/File Tree– Part I / Chapter 1

Many Linux distributions partially follow the “Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). This is primarily intended to be a reference and is not a tutorial on how to manage a Linux filesystem or directory hierarchy.

There are some differences in the filesystems between Linux distributions. .For help about your machine, enter “man hier” to find information about the file system hierarchy. . .this manual will explain the directory structure on your computer.

Explaination of “The Linux Directory/File Tree”:

1. / – Root

  • The top-level file system in the FHS and contains many high
  • Only root user has write privilege under this directory.
  • Please note that /root is root user’s home directory, which is not same as /.
  • Example: ls /