Great Lakes Region Height Modernization Consortium
Semi-Annual meeting and workshop
State Updates
IL – Sheena Beaverson, Illinois State Geological Survey
Through collaboration between the State Geolocial Survey and the Department of Transportation, Illlinois continues to update the vertical network of bench marks across the state with leveling surveys, thanks to Federal Highway State Planning and Research funding. Updated heights provide control for collection of Lidar data statewide. The program also supports education and outreach events including surveying, engineering, and Lidar conferences, and attendance at meetings to discuss issues like survey standards and water management in agriculture.
Minnesota, Dave Zenk, NGS
Minnesota is interested, at some point in time, in doing a readjustment of the leveling in the state to update NAVD 88. Renee added several states have a similar need/interest.
Wisconsin, Diane Arendt, WiDOT
New York, Steve Roden, NYDOT
New York DOT has announced plans to shut down their RTN this Sunday (November 4, 2012) in order to switch the network to the NAD 83(2011) epoch 2010.00. They continue their efforts to level to all their HARN monuments and CORS. GEOID12A included 253 GPS bench marks, and all evidence is that it is working very well in NY. They will be looking at gaps in the state where OPUS DB might be used to provide data for the next model. The NY RTN is GPS only, but they have plans to upgrade to GNSS over the next 2-3 years, depending on budget.
Indiana, Boudwijn Van Gelder
Indiana received SPR funds and is moving forward with a 3-part height mod implementation plan. Indiana will also provide information to NGS to update the Indiana Height mod web page.
Ohio, Dave Conner, NGS
Ohio State University is working on two research projects, and coordinated with NGS to see what areas would best serve their priorities. OPUS Projects validation, and updating NGS 58 and 59 Guidelines were identified. Renee added that NGS hopes to provide funds in the future for research grants or contracts to support areas like this where resources within NGS are insufficient to accomplish the job alone.
Michigan – Dave Rigney, NGS
Provided an overview of program and projects Michigan has completed, as well as upcoming projects. Thanked Wisconsin for extending their leveling network into Michigan, providing a tie to newly adjusted values in the Upper Peninsula.