Cyngor Sir CEREDIGION County Council
Person Specification
The Academic/professional/Technical/vocational qualifications (including qualification Level) required for the post / Minimum NVQ Level 2 in Health and Social Care & a commitment to undertake NVQ 3 in Health and Social Care within 2 years if not already achieved.
Note: all candidates must be able to demonstrate continuous professional development.
Linguistic skills level required for the post / English (ALTE Framework Levels):
Speaking/Listening: Level 5
Writing: Level 5
Reading: Level 5
Welsh (ALTE Framework Levels):
Speaking/Listening: Level 3
Writing: Level 2
Reading: Level 2
Note: the successful candidate will be required to learn the WelshLanguage to the required ALTElevels within 2 years of appointed if these are not met; support will be offered to enable successful candidates to reach the required ALTE Levels.
Practical/personal skills required for the post /
- Able to communicate effectively using written and verbal skills with service users, carers colleagues and other professionals.
- Knowledge and understanding of the differing needs and abilities of people with ASD
- Able to support service users and act as advocate to communicate their individuals needs
- Able to organise work effectively.
- A progressive/forward thinking attitude to change and service demands.
- Competency in IT skills.
- Committed to own personal professional development, attendance at training events and sharing good practice, knowledge and skills with colleagues.
- A flexible approach to working arrangements.
- An understanding and respect of confidentiality at all times.
- A commitment to equal opportunity and anti-oppressive practice
- An awareness of culture and linguistic issues pertinent in the Local Authority and within the West Wales Region
- Ability to travel in order to ensure the efficient performance of the duties of the post as stated in the job description.
Experience required for the post /
- 2 years minimum experience of working in a health, educational or social care setting
- Experience of working with families and carers
- Experience of working independently and as part of a Team
Training/education required to be undertaken for the post/worked towards /
- To be able to undertake all compulsory training in line with County Council Policy e.g. Safeguarding Training
- QCF Level 4 in IAAG to be completed in 2 yearsif not already achieved
- NVQ 3 in Health and Social Care to completed in 2 years if not already achieved
- De-escalation and breakaway training
Any additional desirable skills/qualifications. /
- Knowledge of relevant policies and procedures and current legislation relevant to the post.
- Knowledge of the Code of Professional Practice for Social Care.