What have the children learnt at school this week? / What can you do at home to support this learning?
- We have revised the phonemes s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k
- We have learnt the phonemes ck, e, u, r
- The children have continued to blend simple words to read and we have started to write them too such as tin, pin, din, sit, pit, mad, man, cot, tag, kit, sock, deck, mud, rat, etc
- Play phoneme corners-play music, when it stops shout out a phoneme, child runs to the correct phoneme.
- Practise chalking each grapheme in the garden or writing them in different things using fingers such as glitter, shaving foam or baked beans!
- Ask the children to write some of the simple words we have been learning. Can they make up their own simple sentence?
- This week we found some dragon eggs and have been reading the story of Zog. We have looked at the rhyming couplets within the story and made up our own rhyming strings.
- We have also been on an Autumn Walk and collected lots of things such as leaves, conkers, conker shells, etc. We have been writing lists of the things we found.
- Can the children continue a rhyming string? E.g. car, star, far
- Make up silly rhymes for things around the house. E.g It’s time for bed Ned, come and have a shower flower, etc
- Go on your own Autumn walk. What Autumn things can you find?
- We have been learning about numbers by playing lots of fun games! Counting, recognising and ordering to 20. We have also started to learn aboout one more and one less by talking about adding one more or taking one away
- Can children recognise numbers around the environment? Encourage children to count objects around the house. Can they write the number?
- Use numbers up to 20. Can you create a huge numberline on the floor? Take pictures and upload them to tapestry or email us at
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